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【書摘】在斯萬家那邊—巴爾貝克 (Balbec) 3 …ç’avait été un grand charme pour moi de les voir tout d’un coup entrés dans la série des siècles, ayant connu l’époque romane, et de savoir que le trèfle gothique était venu nervurer aussi ces rochers sauvages à l’heure voulue, comme ces plantes frêles mais vivaces qui, quand c’est le printemps, étoilent çà et là la neige des pôles. Et si le gothique apportait à ces lieux et à ces hommes une détermination qui leur manquait, eux aussi lui en conféraient une en retour. J’essayais de me représenter comment ces pêcheurs avaient vécu, le timide et insoupçonné essai de rapports sociaux qu’ils avaient tenté là, pendant le moyen âge, ramassés sur un point des côtes d’Enfer, aux pieds des falaises de la mort ; et le gothique me semblait plus vivant maintenant que, séparé des villes où je l’avais toujours imaginé jusque-là, je pouvais voir comment, dans un cas particulier, sur des rochers sauvages, il avait germé et fleuri en un fin clocher. (Éditions Gallimard, 1987) 現在真像是喜從天降,忽然發現這個地區也走進了世紀的序列,經歷過羅曼時代,忽然得知哥特式的三葉草也曾在一定的時刻來裝點過這裡蠻荒的石塊,正如那雖然細小然而生命力旺盛的花草在春季來臨時穿透終年不化的積雪,星星點點地散布在極地一樣。哥特式藝術幫助我們確定這些地方和這些人的年代,同樣這些地方和這些人也幫助我們確定哥特式藝術的年代。我試著在腦子裡想像這些漁民的生活,他們在中世紀聚居在這地獄海岸的一角,在死亡的懸崖腳下,又是怎樣小心翼翼地、出乎意料地嘗試著建立起人與人之間的關係;我原來一直以為,哥特式藝術只有在城市中才有,現在它離開了城市,在我心目中就更是一個有生命的東西了,我可以看它怎樣在特殊的條件下,在蠻荒的岩石上,萌芽生長,開出一朵尖尖的鐘樓之花。 (p.417 追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992) 這會兒看到他們竟然經歷過羅馬式時期,於是一下子把他們納入了時代的序列,我又知道了哥特式的三葉飾亦曾及時地鎸刻在那些原始石塊上,猶如春天來臨時那些柔弱而生命頑強的花草星星點點綴滿極地的雪原一般,真是欣喜異常。哥特式建築,為這些地區和這些人提供了測定年代的依據,反過來這些地區和這些人也為它給出了一個依據。我想像著這些漁民怯生生、戰兢兢地嘗試著建立起群居的關係以後,在漫長的中世紀裡,聚居在這死亡之崖的腳邊,地獄之岸的一隅,他們究竟是怎樣生活的;哥特式建築在我眼裡變得更充滿生氣了,因為我可以看到,除了我常想到它們存在的那些城市以外,它是怎樣在一種特定的場合,在一些原始的石塊上綻芽、開花並變成一座可愛的鐘樓的。 (p.427 追尋逝去的時光 I 去斯萬家那邊 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004) …it had been a great joy to me to see it suddenly take its place in the order of the centuries, with a stored consciousness of the romanesque epoch, and to know that the gothic trefoil had come to diversify those wild rocks also, at the appointed hour, like those frail but hardy plants which, in the Polar regions, when the spring returns, scatter their stars about the eternal snows. And if gothic art brought to those places and people a classification which, otherwise, they lacked, they too conferred one upon it in return. I tried to form a picture in my mind of how those fishermen had lived, the timid and unsuspected essay towards social intercourse which they had attempted there, clustered upon a promontory of the shores of Hell, at the foot of the cliffs of death; and gothic art seemed to me a more living thing now that, detaching it from the towns in which, until then, I had always imagined it, I could see how, in a particular instance, upon a reef of savage rocks, it had taken root and grown until it flowered in a tapering spire. (Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff ) …it had been a great delight for me to see it suddenly take its place in the sequence of the centuries, now that it had experienced the Romanesque period, and to know that the Gothic trefoil had come at the proper time to pattern those wild rocks too, like the frail but hardy plants which, when spring comes, spangle here and there the polar snow. And if the Gothic brought to those places and to those men a definition which they lacked, they too conferred one upon it in return. I tried to picture how those fishermen had lived, the timid and unsuspected attempt at social relations which they had made there, during the Middle Ages, clustered on a point along the shores of hell, at the foot of the cliffs of death; and the Gothic seemed to me more alive now that, having separated it from the towns in which until then I had always imagined it, I could see how, in one particular case, on those wild rocks, it had germinated and flowered into a delicate steeple. (Translated by Lydia Davis) |
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |