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2014/04/15 05:49:54瀏覽265|回應0|推薦12 | |
【書摘】在斯萬家那邊—巴爾貝克 (Balbec) 4 J’aurais voulu prendre dès le lendemain le beau train généreux d’une heure vingt-deux dont je ne pouvais jamais sans que mon coeur palpitât lire, dans les réclames des compagnies de chemin de fer, dans les annonces de voyages circulaires, l’heure de départ : elle me semblait inciser à un point précis de l’après-midi une savoureuse entaille, une marque mystérieuse à partir de laquelle les heures déviées conduisaient bien encore au soir, au matin du lendemain, mais qu’on verrait, au lieu de Paris, dans l’une de ces villes par où le train passe et entre lesquelles il nous permettait de choisir ; car il s’arrêtait à Bayeux, à Coutances, à Vitré, à Questambert, à Pontorson, à Balbec, à Lannion, à Lamballe, à Benodet, à Pont-Aven, à Quimperlé, et s’avançait magnifiquement surchargé de noms qu’il m’offrait et entre lesquels je ne savais lequel j’aurais préféré, par impossibilité d’en sacrifier aucun. Mais sans même l’attendre, j’aurais pu en m’habillant à la hâte partir le soir même, si mes parents me l’avaient permis, et arriver à Balbec quand le petit jour se lèverait sur la mer furieuse, contre les écumes envolées de laquelle j’irais me réfugier dans l’église de style persan. (Éditions Gallimard, 1987) 我真想第二天就乘上一點二十二分那班其妙無比的火車;這班車的開行時刻,無論是在鐵路公司的公告牌上還是在巡迴旅行的廣告上讀到時,我的心總不禁怦怦直跳:我彷彿覺得它在下午的某一個確定的點上開了一道美妙的槽,畫下了一個神秘的標誌,自這裡起,鐘點改了方向,儘管也還通向夜晚,通向明晨,然而已經不是在巴黎看到的夜晚或明晨,而是在列車通過而你可以自行選擇的若干城市中之一所看到的:列車在貝葉、古當斯、維特萊、蓋斯當貝、邦多松、巴爾貝克、朗尼翁、 (p.417~418 追憶似水年華 I 在斯萬家那邊 聯經版 1992) 我巴不得第二天就跳上一點二十二分的那班特別夠意思的列車,這班列車的發車時刻,我每回在鐵路公司的時刻表,在環程旅行的廣告牌上看到的當口,都禁不住會怦然心動;它就像在下午一個確定的點上,切一道絕妙的槽口,作為一個神秘的標記,從這點往前,岔了道的時間雖說照樣流逝,過了夜晚,就是翌日的早晨,但是你已經不是在巴黎,而是在列車沿途聽由我選擇的某個城市;列車沿途靠站的城市有貝葉,庫唐斯,維特雷,凱斯唐貝爾,蓬托爾松,巴爾貝克,拉尼翁,朗巴爾,貝諾代,蓬達韋納,坎佩萊,它滿載這許多地名揚長而去,我卻在這些地名中間哪一個也不捨得丟掉,以致都弄不清自己究竟最喜歡哪一個。但是,倘若父母親答應的話,我會毫不耽擱地立即穿上衣服,當天晚上就動身去巴爾貝克,當第一道曙光從波濤洶湧的海面升起的時候,我已經可以到達巴爾貝克,渾身濺滿海水,躲進那座波斯風格的教堂了。 (p.428 追尋逝去的時光 I 去斯萬家那邊 上海譯文版 周克希譯 2004) I should have liked to take, the very next day, the good, the generous train at one twenty-two, of which never without a palpitating heart could I read, in the railway company’s bills or in advertisements of circular tours, the hour of departure: it seemed to me to cut, at a precise point in every afternoon, a most fascinating groove, a mysterious mark, from which the diverted hours still led one on, of course, towards evening, towards to-morrow morning, but to an evening and morning which one would behold, not in Paris but in one of those towns through which the train passed and among which it allowed one to choose; for it stopped at Bayeux, at Coutances, at Vitré, at Questambert, at Pontorson, at Balbec, at Lannion, at Lamballe, at Benodet, at Pont-Aven, at Quimperle, and progressed magnificently surcharged with names which it offered me, so that, among them all, I did not know which to choose, so impossible was it to sacrifice any. But even without waiting for the train next day, I could, by rising and dressing myself with all speed, leave Paris that very evening, should my parents permit, and arrive at Balbec as dawn spread westward over the raging sea, from whose driven foam I would seek shelter in that church in the Persian manner. (Translated by C. K. Scott Moncrieff ) I would have liked to leave the very next day on the handsome, generous 1:22 train whose hour of departure I could never read without a palpitating heart, in the railway company’s advertisements or in announcements for circular tours: it seemed to me to incise at a precise point in the afternoon a delectable notch, a mysterious mark from which the diverted hours, though they still led to the evening, to the next morning, led to an evening and morning which One would see, not in Paris, but in one of those towns through which the train passes and among which it permitted us to choose; for it Stopped at Baycux, at Coutances, at Vitré, at Questambert, at Pontorson, at Balbec, at Lannion, at Lamballe, at Benodet, at Pont-Aven, at Quimperlé, and moved on magnificently overloaded with proffered names so that, among them all, I did not know which one I would have preferred, so impossible was it to sacrifice any of them. But without even waiting for it, I could have, by dressing quickly, left that very evening, if my parents had allowed me, and arrived at Balbec when the morning twilight was rising over the furious sea, from whose volleys of foam I would take refuge in the Persian-style church. (Translated by Lydia Davis) |
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |