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2012/12/14 23:27:01瀏覽799|回應0|推薦1



英譯: Retiredbum

心上的人兒 有笑的臉龎

My love has a smiling face


that brings me warmth in late autumn.

心上的人兒 有多少寶藏

my love has a magic wand


that waves me sunshine during the dark.


I will never allow anyone to steal the only warmth away from my heart,


nor the only sunshine from my bosom.

心上的人兒 你不要悲傷

Don’t be sad, my love,


for I wish you’d smile forever like so. 

P.S.  One day I learnt from Asia Weekly that the lyrist and the composer of the song, Mr. Chen Gexin, had created another popular song "玫瑰玫瑰我愛你", and he sold the song to an U.S. label and got paid a sum of royalty: 50,000 dollars( a lot of money then).  Mr. Chen donated all of the money to the government for the cause of "purchse aircraft to save our country" movement which was raised before the Sino-Japenese war broke out.  Another source said the donation was made during the Korean War in early 1950s in response to "resist America, reinforce Korea."  Anyway, the song had been later adapted for an American pop music: "Rose, Rose I love you.", the first American song ever adapted from Chinese origin. 


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