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2013/05/17 23:28:36瀏覽422|回應0|推薦2 | |
飄零的落花 A drifting fallen flower 想當日梢頭獨佔一枝春 嫩綠嫣紅何等媚人 Time was when you stood still on a twig, how charming were you as a shocking pink flower with fresh green leaves? 不幸攀折慘遭無情手 未隨流水轉墮風塵 Woefully, a ruthless hand pulled you down and broke you off the twig; there you went not into the river but the mundane world. 莫懷薄倖惹傷心 落花無主任飄零 Do not harbor the feeling of being mistreated that brought you sorrow. Let yourself drift aimlessly like a stray wild goose. 可憐鴻魚望斷無蹤影 向誰去嗚咽訴不平 But even the miserable goose could not see where was the end of this boundless world, so how could you sob out your grief to anyone else? 乍辭枝頭別恨新 和風和淚舞盈盈 The wrench of sudden departing from home was still lingering, gone lightly with the breeze, and tears mingled. 堪嘆世人未解儂辛苦 反笑紅雨落紛紛 The lament was that people did not empathize with your suffering; instead, they felt delighted to see your petals falling like reddish raindrops. 願逐洪流葬此身 天涯何處是歸程 Where would be your final destination of this odyssey? You would rather choose the flowing river as your grave. 讓玉消香逝無蹤影 也不求世間予同情 Rather let yourself disappear in nowhere than seek any pity or sympathy from this cruel world. |
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