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2012/12/12 23:40:19瀏覽680|回應0|推薦0

原音重現, 並附上歌詞新譯, 我把受格改成了”她”.

The lyrics, in neo-poem form, was written in 1920, shortly after the end of World War One, when Professor Liu, then an overseas student studying in England, beheld a cohort of Chinese indentured labors, actually coolies, working slavishly at some seaport of Europe, and hence he thought of his Motherland which was likewise in tribulation—-China. So the song was not oringinally a romantic one; however, Professor Liu, along with Professor Chao, later coined a new word “她” for the song which had been thus much more popularized. (According to a survey, people deemed that very Chinese character “她” had been the most influrential neologism ever created during twentieth century.)

Professor Liu was renowned by virtue of this “love” song, and people would have regarded him as a handsome man, being full of affection; he was not indeed, not even close. It was told that a college girl sighed, “Oh my God, how can I think of him, again!” when she saw him in person.

Link to powerpoint: 教我如何不想她

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