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2012/12/14 02:04:05瀏覽205|回應0|推薦2 | |
戒老錄 每天看兩遍, 絕對有益 !!! Some do’s and don’ts for the elderly. Read the article twice a day, everyday; it will certainly do you good! 1.不要認為別人替你做是理所當然。 因為“老”並非等於有權利要求別人“替你做事” Don’t take other people’s services to you for granted,。 for “Old” doesn’t equal the privilege of asking favors from others. 2.老人不是“頭銜”也不是“資格”。 Senior is not a title, nor a qualification. 3.對親人不要隨便說話,需要保持儀態。 ”Familiarity breeds contempt.” So watch your language and manners. 4.不要閒著沒事做就好管閒事,或論斷別人。 Don’t be meddlesome or judgmental because you have nothing else to do. 5.要建立自己的生活方式,少論斷別人的行為或想改變他人。 Do live your own way; don’t try to criticize or change other people’s behavior. 6.埋怨非但沒有一點好處,反而使自己更自怨自艾。 Stop complaining or you’ll find yourself in remorse. 7.要顯得明朗,即使心中並非如此。 Make yourself look sanguine, even you think otherwise. 8.老人的自卑顯得庸俗,要盡力克服它。 Avoid or overcome the sense of inferiority because it makes an old person appear especially low. 9.做不到的事要放棄,不要勉強。 Don’t compel yourself to do what you can’t. 10.能做的事要自己做,不時的鍛鍊自己。 Do it yourself the things you can in order to keep practicing. 11.要保重身體,但不必太寵。 Take good care of your body, but don’t take it with too much indulgence. 12.對下一代的將來,要保持某種程度的冷漠。 Maintain a lukewarm attitude to some extent towards the future of your offspring’s. 13.切記,年青人一定比我們忙。 年青人不像老人那麼空,銘記此點與他們接觸會較順利。 Keep it in mind, the persons junior to us must be busier and not less occupied like us. Remember this, the interaction with them will be easier. 14.生活上的寂寞感是無法排解的。 或許有人會幫你忙,但基本上只有自己才能解決。 You just can’t dispel the sense of loneliness. Maybe someone would help; basically, you have to be on your own. 15.不要羡慕“年青”要尊重年青人。 Don’t envy the “Youth”, but do respect the younger generation. 16.兒女不需要你擔心,只要默默關心。兒女使你擔心,那就要感謝。 Don’t worry about your children; just show you care silently. You would be grateful in case they made you feel apprehensive of them. 17.常與同年齡的老人來往,使自己的生活充實。 Often join the social activities with your contemporaries so as to make you daily life more joyful. 18.要得到快樂,多少總要花錢。 不用體力、不費心、不花錢是不能得到快樂的。 More or less, you have to “buy” you joy sometime, somehow. Joy is not attainable without giving it your strength, concern and money. 19.要習慣一個人玩(過日子)。 Accustom yourself to the days you have to live by alone. 20.要照顧孫兒,但別想回報。 Tend to your grandchildren, but don’t expect anything in return. 21.兒女並非養老的保險。 如有這種想法要趕快放棄,以免成為功利的討厭的父母。 Your children are not the insurance for the rest of your life. Give up the silly notion like that, lest you should become a nasty, snobbish parent. 22.守住自己的範圍,避免干涉別人的工作、交際。 Keep yourself in your own sphere; avoid interfering other’s work and social life. 23.不要將自己與親戚朋友來往的成規加諸於年青一輩。 Don’t impose the ethics that you socialize with other upon the people of younger generation. 24.需要幫忙時,還是找專職的,不要利用別人的好意。 Seek a professional for assistance if need be; don’t take advantage of someone else’s good will too much. 25.要別人幫忙時,只要看結果,不要在乎過程。 If you do need help from others, just focus on the final result, and pay no heed to the process. 26.不要固執。固執使人老化。 Don’t be obstinate; obstinacy makes one ossified. 27.對自己的健忘、身體的機能失靈不要找藉口。 Don’t find any excuses for your absent-mindedness and physical malfunction. 28.突然有性格上的改變,可能起因于疾病,要仔細檢查。 The sudden change in your disposition might be derived from some illness, so take a thorough check-up. 29.努力學習用新機器。 Strive to learn novel gadgets. 30.勿在交通,人擁擠時出門。出門時手不要拿東西。 Don’t go out at rush hour, and do leave yourself empty-handed. 31.用餐時要注重禮節。無禮的老人會討人厭。 Watch your table manners, rude old guys are unwelcome. 32.視力、聽力有問題及早就醫。不要以為“老人不會好”就放棄。 See your doctor for visual and hearing problems, the sooner the better. Don’t give it up simply because you think it’s no cure for the aged. 33.小心口臭、體臭。老人有獨特的體味,善于利用香水。 Be wary of the bad breath and body odor of yours. Use perfume to abate the odor particularly emitted from older people. 34.上廁所要關門及上鎖。坐在椅子上,雙腳要靠緊。 Lock the restroom whenever you are in there. Make your two legs close to each other when you are sitting in chairs. 35.要捨得丟。廢紙、紙箱等老人有收著捨不得丟的傾向。 Be willing to discard any stuff not in need. The elderly are prone to keep waste papers, boxes etc., reluctant to throw them away. 36.不要什麼都要。(將不需要的東西都收集,是老化的徵候) Don’t keep everything. (To glean all kinds of stuff not in need signifies that you are getting old.) 37.只種植、照顧植物使腦退化。 If horticulture is your only hobby, your intelligence will degenerate. 多讀書、用功與人溝通,能激盪腦、防止退化。 Reading more books and try harder to communicate with others could vibrate your brain, and keep it from degenerating. 38.不要誇耀自己的體力、氣力。能幫比自己衰弱的友人,是幸運。 Don’t boast of your strength and energy. It’s a blessing that you could help a friend feebler than you are. 39.”想當年”這種話題適可而止。 Use the topic starting with ”Time was when I—“ as sparingly as you can. 40.不慌、不忙、不急。 Don’t panic, don’t hurry and don’t hasten. 41.運動是很必要的。老人都很空,每天要做適當的運動。 Exercises are essential. The old people have plenty of time, so do suitable exercise everyday. 42.如果會妨礙年青人,不要與他們同行。 If you could be a hindrance to the young people, don’t go with them. 43.多旅行。沒有羈絆,要享受自由。 Travel a lot without restraints. Enjoy the freedom you’ve deserved. 唉呀!原來老人有這麼多的積習? Gee, I don’t know there are so many habits and tendencies ingrained in the most of older guys! |
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