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2012/12/13 09:28:32瀏覽271|回應0|推薦2 | |
我們告別式見 See you in the funeral.
你給別人多少時間與關心,別人才會給你多少 You give your love and time to others, and they will give you theirs in return.
志明的一個事業有成退休了的扶輪社社友生病了,志明去探望他~ Zhi-ming came to visit a co-member of the Rotary Club, who was a successful entrepreneur but was now retired and hospitalized.
到了醫院,那個長輩身邊沒有半個親人相伴,只有一個女看護看著電視。 In the ward, Zhi-ming found the senior had no any next-of-kin there to accompany him, only a nurse watching the TV.
那個前輩惺忪的睜開雙眼,看著志明緊緊握住他的手,輕喚他,心裡頭一陣溫暖。 With his eye not fully open, the senior felt a fit of warmth when he saw Zhi-ming, holding his hands, and whispering his name.
跟志明聊天的過程當中,頗有感觸,流下眼淚。 During the conversation with Zhi-ming, the senior got emotional and tears.
前輩告訴志明: He told Zhi-ming,
『我年輕的時候,總以為自己為了家人在打拼,努力工作賺錢,也曾經以工作當成藉口,花天酒地。 "When I was young, I always thought that for my family I must work hard, making as much money as I could; sometimes I used working as the excuse of my debauchery.
等到我老了回頭想,其實那時候,都是為了自己!為了面子、為了尊嚴、為了享受、為了爽! Now in retrospect, what Id done was all for myself--- for my vanity, my dignity, and for my unrestrained pleasures!
小孩子的學校活動,我沒參加過;反而帶著酒店小姐去環遊世界~他們的寒暑假、假日多半都是他們的母親去安排。 I never attended the parent-teacher activities for my kids; instead Id rather travel around the world with some courtesan. It was almost always my wife who arranged the summer/winter schedules for the kids.
小孩子來找我聊天問問題,我心裡頭嫌煩多半只是應付應付~久了他們也不來煩我。 When my kids chatted with me and asked me some questions, I would respond to them impatiently and perfunctorily. Later on, they didnt want to bother me any more.
過去,我很開心;如今,我很想有人陪我講話,但他們都各有自己的事情在忙,就像我過去敷衍他們的方式回應我。 In the past, it was a good riddance not bothering me; now I wanted someone to talk with me, but they are all tied up with their own businesses, and deal with me the way I used to treat them.
我隔壁床的老人前兩天死在病床上,我回頭想想我的一生,說真的有點不甘願! Two days ago, the old fellow next to me died on the bed. Honestly, if I were to start it all over again, I wouldnt have led the life like I did before!
我的老婆在年輕貌美的時候,沒有珍惜她、陪伴她,跟她到處去玩,這兩年她比我先走,我才明白自己有多愛她。 I didnt cherish my wife, not accompanying her on the trips to everywhere when she was young and pretty. Until now I outlived her at least two years, finally I realized how much I loved her!
我玩遍台灣的大酒家,內心還是很空虛。 Although Id patronized all ritzy nightclubs in Taiwan, still my heart was filled with nothing but ennui.
我家裡頭一堆古董字畫,現在不知道那些東西能幹嘛? Antiques, paintings and pieces of calligraphy are everywhere in my house, but I dont know what I can do with those stuff?
我的牆上掛滿了跟大老闆的合照,如今呢?還是橋歸橋路歸路。 And how about the photos on the walls, those tycoons and me? The figures on the photos are mere acquaintances, nobody else.
還有一張我跟兩百多斤旗魚的合照,我多希望那張是全家福! There is also a photo, a two-hundred-kilos spearfish and I. How I wish it were the photograph of my whole family!
我的父母親在我奮鬥的時候走了! My parents died while I was striving for my career!
我的老婆在我想要享受人生的時候走了! My wife died when I started enjoying my life!
我的小孩在我生病的時候,幫我請了看護,偶爾來看我~ My kids hired nurses to tend their ailing father. They came to see me once in a while.
我看到你,實在覺得很溫暖! Its very nice to see you, and I feel so heartwarming!
我記得我退休的時候,跟一個鬥了一輩子敵對派系的對手說: 我們告別式見! I remembered when I retired, I provoked a lifetime rival of the opposite camp and cursed him, "See you in the funeral" meaning that I wished he would die earlier.
我現在多麼希望當時是跟他說:有空來泡茶! But now how I wished that I should have said to him, "Come and have a tea with me sometime!"
志明,你才五十出頭,還年輕,趁還可以的時候,多付出一點! Zhi-ming, youre only fifty odd, still young. Give off more when you still can!
你給別人多少時間,未來人家才可能會給你多少時間! You give your time to others, and others will give you in return proportionally!
你對人付出多少關心,未來才有人會給你多少關心! You give your loving-cares to others, and others will give you in return proportionally!
不要像我今天,看起來很風光,住明水路,開賓士,一切不僅無法重頭來過,我心愛的人都已經遠去、不在身邊!』 Dont be like me of today. Living in wealthy district and driving a Mercedes make me look like a person of great reputation. But I cant start it all over again; the people I love all have left me, Im alone!"
志明想起自己的小孩整天要自己一起去寫生、爬山,老婆整天要自己陪著回娘家走走看看,原來那些覺得無奈又累的事情,竟是扶輪社前輩所求不得的珍寶! It reminded Zhi-ming of his kids pleading him to go drawing outdoor or mountain climbing with them, and his wife asking him to accompany her to pay visits to her mothers home. Those seemingly tedious and grueling things to him turn out to be the most precious that the senior can only dream of!
志明只能安慰著前輩,多聊幾句,囑咐他好好休息 The best Zhi-ming can do for the senior is to spend some more time with him and urge him to take care.
也許前輩說的【我們告別式見】是一句玩笑話, Maybe the "See you in the funeral" is just some kind of a joke.
但多少人現實中不正是只有【告別式】才會團聚或碰面嗎? But in reality, arent people seeing each other, or getting together only in some ones funeral?
心中泛起無限感慨! Wont you sigh a sigh of mixed emotions?
看到?有!不只是家人哦還有朋友~~多跟我保持聯絡吧!至少會有好文章省 思。 See? Care not only about your family but also your friends! Keep in touch with me; at least you will receive some inspiring articles! |
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