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難怪人家會從十三億人口中出類拔萃的做到這個位子。 No wonder this man has been able to reach the very top of rung of political ladder in China among a population of 1.3 billion. 胡錦濤對兒子胡海峰的告誡 To His Son Hu Haifeng, A Parental Caveatn from President Hu Jintao. 1.說話要用腦子,做事慎言,話多無益。講話不要只顧一時痛快。 信口開河,以為人家給你笑臉就是欣賞,沒完沒了的把掏心窩子的話 都講出來,結果讓人家徹底摸清了家底,還偷笑你。 Think twice before speaking; mind your P’s and Q’s. It is no use talking too much, and don’t pluck up your words out of the air. Mistaking someone else’s polite smile for appreciating what you’ve said and pouring out everything from the bottom of your heart will only let other people thoroughly discern you with scorn. 2.遇事不要急於下結論,即便有了答案也要等等,也許有更好的解 決方式,站在不同的角度就有不同答案,要學會換位思維。 Don’t jump to conclusion hastily. Stay put even you have had answers in your mind; there may be some better solutions. From different angles comes out different answers, so try to look at another facet of the problem. 3.對小人一定要忍讓,退一步海闊天空,實在不行把屬於自己的空 間也丟給他們,讓他們如鶯燕舞般陶醉吧.大人大度量.惹著小人就 等於惹了麻煩,所以要敬而遠之. You must maintain a very tolerant attitude towards wicked persons as possible as you can, for you still have elbowroom. Give up your own space to them when you have to and let them intoxicate themselves in there like joyful birds. As being a man of magnanimity, don’t bicker over anything with them. A wicked person means a piece of trouble, stay away from it. . 4.這世道沒有無緣無故的愛,也沒有無緣無故的恨,不要參與評論 任何人,做到心中有數就可以了。 誰也沒有理論依據來界定好人與壞蛋,其實就是利益關係的問題. In mundane world, there is no love without a reason; there is no hatred, either. Don’t criticize other’s judgments; keep a tacit awareness in your heart would be enough. In theory, no one has the right to tell who good guys are and who are not; actually, it is a matter of interest correlation. 5.做事情一定要事先設立道德底線,小偷也清楚有些東西是絕對不 能偷的。所以說事情萬萬不可做絕,落井下石的事絕對不要幹,給人 方便給已方便. Set a lowest ethical standard on anything you are going to do. There is honor among thieves; therefore, don’t drive others into a corner and never hit a person when he is down. Leave some rooms for others means leave a plenty of scope for you. 6.對於那些經常找你麻煩甚至欺負你的人,能忍則忍,沒必要時刻 與莽夫過不去。但一定要給他攢著,新仇舊怨積累起來,正義和真理 就屬於你了,! 那麼瞅准機會一定要徹底教訓他一次,在法律賦予的許可權以內,往 死裡揍,讓小子永遠記住:除了你爹,沒人會慣你這些臭毛病. For those who are often finding faults with you or even bullying on you, put up with them as possible as you can, and don’t make head-to-head clash against them unless extremely necessary. But you have to hoard up all his misdeeds in your mind, amassing your entire rancor, then the justice and righteousness will be on your side. When time comes, snatch the opportunity of revenge, wherever law permits, give that son-of-bitch an indelible lesson, run roughshod over him, just once. Let him always remember: Nobody will tolerate your evil deeds, except your old man. 7.明槍易躲,暗箭難防,背後算計你的小人永遠不會消失,這是中 國特色。小人不可得罪,同樣小人也不可饒恕,這是萬世不變的真理 。說到底小人也有心小的一面,對待這種人要穩准狠,你可以裝做什 麼也沒發生,天下太平,萬事大吉,然後來個明修棧道,暗渡陳倉, 以毒攻毒。讓小子知道:小人也不是誰都可以做的,做好人要有水準 ,做小人同樣有難度. It is easy to dodge an open attack but difficult to escape from a clandestine one. The wicked persons who deliberately calculate to hurt you behind your back would always be there, that is characteristic China. You are not to offend those wicked, but not to forgive them either; these are the eternal truths. After all, wicked persons have their own weakness. Tackle them with consistency, accuracy and no mercy. You could pretend that nothing has happened, nothing is wrong, and everything is fine; and fight fire with fire towards them on the sly. Let them understand that even being a wicked person should have qualifications: There are requisites to be a good guy; likewise, there are difficulties to be a bad one, too. 8,對待愛你的人一定要尊重。愛你是有原因的,不要問為什麼。 接受的同時要用加倍的關愛回報。但是千萬不要欺騙人家的感情。 愛是最珍貴的財富,這是你用錢買不來的財富。 不要讓事業上的不順影響家人,更不要讓家庭的糾紛影響事業。 那樣做很不划算,家人和事業都受影響,甚至損失。男人要善於扛事 ,要把眼淚咽下去。記住:輕視人家付出的情感就等於蔑視自己; 玩物喪志,玩人喪德,愛人是一種美德。 Treat the ones who love you with great respect. There must be reasons that you are loved, but don’t ask why. Reciprocate someone’s love with your double loving-care, but never, ever fool others out of their passion and kindness. Love is the most precious treasure, and you can’t buy it with money. Don’t let your unpropitious career affect your family life, or even worse, vice versa. In so doing, there would have adverse effect, or even losses, on both your career and family, being not worthwhile. A real man should be apt to undertake a task without shedding a tear. Remember, look down on other’s devotion to you means to despise yourself. While fooling around on a hobby saps your will to make progress, fooling around with others degenerates your ethics; so loving others is a valuable virtue. 9.背後誇獎你的人,知道了要珍藏在心裡,這裡面很少有水分。 當面誇獎你那叫奉承,再難聽些叫獻媚,你可以一笑而過,就當什麼 也沒發生。也許不久就有求於你,對於那種當眾誇獎你的人,就疏忽 不得了。也許你轉過身去,就用指頭戳你。掌握一條原則:逢人多貶 自己,少誇別人,選先評優的時候除外。 When you know that someone extols you behind your back, cherish the praise and don’t you forget his or her kindness, which is most likely earnest. When someone does the same in front of you, what he or she has said is flattering, or even worse, sycophancy. Smile a knowing smile then, and pay no attention to the words, as they have never been told. Chances are the flatterer, or the sycophant would ask some favors from you not before long. But you should be alert to those people extolling you in public, lest they point a hostile finger at you when you turn yourself around. Stick to one rule: except when cherry-picking eligible candidates, belittle yourself more often than praise others. 10.有些人習慣了占你小便宜,小人小肚腸,大人大度量,有機會 坑他一把大的,出一次大血。同樣讓他記住:天下根本就沒什麼免費 的午餐,哪有白揀的便宜讓你賺。小恩小惠攢多了就是一個大窟窿, 只要接受就一定要找機會回報。行下春風望夏雨,付出就是為了收穫 ,其實就是一個簡單的種子與果實的關係。千萬別讓天真給害了。 記住:人生如戲,都在尋找利益的平衡,只有平衡的遊戲才有可能玩 下去. Some people are used to take a little advantage from you; let them profit at small expense of yours once a while, and you wait for the big ones. When the opportunity comes, let them hemorrhage once for all, and let them keep in their mind that there is no free lunch, and no advantage without any expense, either. Small favors received from others will end up a big burden to you, so return your favors whenever you can. That is a simple cause and effect, or the relation between seed and fruit, just like the fact that the reason we are looking forward to Spring wind and summer shower is for the harvest in Autumn. Don’t let naivety hurt you. Remember, life is often likened to a drama in which everybody is looking for balance of interests; only a game of equilibrium continues. 11.患有心理疾病的人是不負法律責任的,可以沒有理由的咬你一 口。所以對待瘋狗級的人物要敬而遠之,保持不來往,不交流。 退一步,海闊天空, 相信瘋狂也是一種人格,雖不值得尊重,但自有其存在的道理,生物 鏈少不了這一環. A person of unsound mind could bite you with impunity. Therefore, stay away from the man like a mad dog, keep him back, and hold him at bay. You have plenty of spaces to roam freely without accessing him. Despite being not respectable, insanity is still a kind of character, an indispensable chain in biodiversity, having its reason of existence. 12,做一個人生的觀光客吧,說到底只要與人為善,以德服人,離 是非遠點,靠家人近點, 便有了心安,有了愜意。樂觀的心態來自寬容,來自大度,來自善解 人意,來自與世無爭。壞心情是失眠時折磨出來的,其實現實並沒有 你想的那樣糟糕,生命有高峰也有低谷,根本沒有一帆風順的人生, 鄧小平怎麼樣?三起三落,最後還不是凡事他說了算. Everybody is but a tourist visiting a place called “life”. After all, should you be benevolent with others, be virtuous to gain respect from others, be far away from disputes, and be closer to your family, you will gain yourself sense of happiness and peace of mind. The sanguine mindset derives from tolerance, magnanimity, understanding and self-effacement. Bad mood comes only from the torture of insomnia, and reality is not as bad as what you think. There are ups and downs of life, and no life is like always having favorable wins in your sails. How about Deng Xiaoping? After three times from zenith to nadir, and the other way round; eventually he got the final call on everything. 13.所謂的緣分無非只有善惡兩種。珍惜善的,也不要絕對排斥惡 的。相信擦肩而過也是緣吧,全世界近60億人口,碰上誰也不容易 ,所以遇到惡緣,也要試著寬容,給對方一次機會,不可以上來就全 盤否定。 The people you meet by lot can only be classified into two categories: the good ones and the bad ones. Cherish the good, whereas don’t repel the bad at all. Try to believe that some stranger flits across you on the street may be deemed as serendipity to you. This world is populated with six billion, so it is not easy to any one of them. Therefore, when you come across bad ones, treat them with forbearance, giving them a chance instead of a prima facie denial. 14.待人接物要擺正自己的位置,不可以老把自己當人物,老拿自 己當領導,老把自己當富翁,老以為自己是情聖,老是自我感覺良好 ,即便真是小有作愚。其實人的最終結局都是一樣的,只是你把自己 看複雜了,說句俗話:千萬別把自己當回事. Be sure you are standing in the right position when to behave in public. Do not always think you are a VIP, a leader, a rich man and a lovey-dovey boy; even you’ve obtained some achievements, don’t intoxicate yourself. In fact, all men are bound to be at the same destination; problem is, you probably think you are different. As the saying goes, “Never hold yourself in high regard as something else.” |
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