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2016/02/05 01:09:25瀏覽275|回應0|推薦3 | |
Retiredbum notes: In my previous writing "2016西湖第一場暴雪,美哭了整個中國", I mentioned that Id also translated Su Shis famous poem "飲湖上初晴後雨" at https://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/22130633 . Thanks to Mr. Reaizuguo*, he reminded me that there is two parts of the poem. and what I did is on the more popular second part. Now here comes the first one; again, Ijust give my rederings on what the author was trying to convey,rather than a piece of English poem . 朝曦迎客豔重岡, Morning sunlight embellished the hills as I was to greet my guest 晚雨留人入醉鄉。 Evening showers sparkled the lake when he became intoxicated and fell into slumber 此意自佳君不會, A raining Xihu would not wait for him to have such a fascinating serendipity 一杯當屬水仙王。 Only the lake guardian King Narcissus and I could toast to its ineffable beauty
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