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試譯 毛澤東 浪淘沙 · 北戴河
2024/12/26 00:45:41瀏覽404|回應0|推薦17

大雨落幽燕,白浪滔天,秦皇島外打魚船 Heavy rain kept falling in You and Yen; outside Ginhuang Island, the white waves were roaring. 

一片汪洋都不見,知向誰邊?All the fishing boats were out of sight on the immense sea; where had they gone?

往事越千年,魏武揮鞭,東臨碣石有遺篇 Over a thousand years elapsed, back then Cao Cao marched easterly here, waving his whip, chanting his poem before the stele.

蕭瑟秋風今又是,換了人間。The bleak autumnal wind blew as usual, but a new world has come. 

FYI, today, December 26, is the 131st birthday of Chairman Mao.

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