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試譯 毛澤東 觀潮
2024/09/07 06:23:21瀏覽208|回應0|推薦8

千里波濤滾滾來, Overwhelming waves roll over from far distance,

雪花飛向釣魚臺。 as snowflakes break on the fishing terrace.

人山紛贊陣容闊, People admire the magnificent spectacle in accord,

鐵馬從容殺敵回。 as watching triumphal chariots return with ease.

PS. Recently, I noticed that several fellow bloggers contributed their writings about the tide of Zhejiang, and that reminded me of my previous translation of a famous poem by Su Shi at 試譯 蘇軾 "觀潮" - kkuo0810的部落格 - udn部落格, in which Mr. Reaizuguo* introduced the namesake poem of Chairman Mao. Thanks, Reaizuguo*.

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