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2024/02/02 11:15:23瀏覽236|回應0|推薦8 | |
莫笑農家臘酒渾,Dont laugh at famers cloudy December wine. 豐年留客足雞豚。They could provide enough meat for harvest. 山重水復疑無路,The sinuous paths around mountains and brooks 柳暗花明又一村 outside willows and flowers, another village appears. 簫鼓追隨春社近,Spring deities approch in flutes and drums. 衣冠簡樸古風存。People are simply following their old folklore. 從今若許閑乘月,Someday I come again in moonlit nights, 拄杖無時夜叩門。knocking on your door with my stick. |
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