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試譯 杜甫 夢李白二首·其二
2024/09/25 10:08:48瀏覽177|回應0|推薦6

浮云終日行,Clouds float all the time;

游子久不至。the wanderer yet to come.

三夜頻夢君, Three nights in a row,

情親見君意。Youve come into my dreams. 

告歸常局促, Hastened to say your leave-taking,

苦道來不易。and lament our precious meeting.

江湖多風波, A journey on troubled waters

舟楫恐失墜。and the boat might overturn.

出門搔白首, Scratching gray hair door ajar,

若負平生志。feeling frustrated about your career.

冠蓋滿京華, In the capital, nobles gather.

斯人獨憔悴。 Only you are lonesome there.

孰云網恢恢, Who says justice is everywhere?

將老身反累。why unfairly treated when old?

千秋萬歲名, Your posthumous fame endures longer

寂寞身后事。than the hardship suffering now. 

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