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納蘭性德 浣溪沙·一半殘陽下小樓
2025/01/09 08:09:49瀏覽320|回應0|推薦11

一半殘陽下小樓, The remaining sunset lingers on the attic.

朱簾斜控軟金鉤。 The jade curtain hangs on the hook.

倚闌無緒不能愁。 Leaning on the baluster of gloomy mood.

有個盈盈騎馬過, A gorgeous lassie rides a horse by.

薄妝淺黛亦風流。  Being attractive regardless of her light makeup.

見人羞澀卻回頭。  She glances back at me timidly shy.

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