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試譯 晏殊 無題·油壁香車不再逢
2025/01/23 19:36:35瀏覽241|回應0|推薦14

油壁香車不再逢, Not see your aromatic lacquered cart again

峽雲無跡任西東。Like wayward clouds drifting by their own 

梨花院落溶溶月, In pear yard beneath the watery moon

柳絮池塘淡淡風。 Beside willow pond amid the light wind

幾日寂寥傷酒後, Now only left a lonesome drunken me

一番蕭索禁菸中。 missing you in this Cold Meal Day

魚書欲寄何由達, I Wanna convey my thoughts via mail.

水遠山長處處同。 The winding mountains and rivers fail me.

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