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試譯 晏殊 采桑子·時光只解催人老
2024/03/01 11:00:28瀏覽269|回應0|推薦14

時光只解催人老,不信多情,Time only pushes men growing old, not believing that men are sentimental.

長恨離亭,淚滴春衫酒易醒。Leave-takings at the pavillion are my griefs; being sober after a drink, my garment is always tear-stained. 

梧桐昨夜西風急,淡月朧明,In this autumn of sycamores, last night the blustery west wind blew, and the light moonbeams were bright.

好夢頻驚,何處高樓雁一聲? I awoke from a dream several times, then I heard a wild goose honk come out of nowhere.

BTW, I will skip my postings for a couple of days, for I will take a tour to Xiamen, Quanzhou, and Mt. Wuyi this afternoon. See you later!

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