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試譯 杜甫 詠懷古跡·其三
2023/09/26 12:53:19瀏覽160|回應0|推薦11

群山萬壑赴荊門,Crossing mountains and gorges to Jingmen, I went.

生長明妃尚有村。The place Zhaojun was brought up had been just a relic.

一去紫台連朔漠,She was selected to marry the Hun king in the yonder desert.

獨留青塚向黃昏, The only thing she left was her grave, facing every eventide.

畫圖省識春風面, The emperor missed the belle in the incorrect painting.

環珮空歸月夜魂。  Now, only her spirit could return every moonlit night.

千載琵琶作胡語,  The legendary lute songs she left were sung in Hun tone.

分明怨恨曲中論。   which undoubtably delivers her endless woe and grievance.

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