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試譯 杜甫 羌村 (其二)
2023/06/25 20:19:35瀏覽210|回應0|推薦13

晚歲迫偷生,As I am getting older, I feel more like squandering my time,

還家少歡趣。and feel less joyful at home.

嬌兒不離膝:My kids surruound me all day long, 

畏我復卻去。lest I should leave them again.

憶昔好追涼,In the chilly wind, I recall when I was serving the country.

故繞池邊樹。Now I can only stroll along the pond of leafy trees.

蕭蕭北風勁,The north wind is moaning,

撫事煎百慮。the my angst-ridden mind is lingering on everything.

賴知禾黍收,Though it is not harvest time yet,

已覺糟床注。 It seems the bouquet of mine mine is out of brewing.

如今足斟酌, The wine should be sufficient for me to enjoy;

且用慰遲暮。 just let it intoxcate me in my late days.  

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