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試譯 杜甫 前出塞九首·其六
2023/06/12 16:35:24瀏覽467|回應0|推薦11

挽弓當挽強,Pull the strongest bow strings.

用箭當用長。and shoot the longest arrows.

射人先射馬,Aim at the horses first;

擒賊先擒王。seize the ringleader before minions.

殺人亦有限, No need for excessive killings

列國自有疆。 Every country has its boundaries.

茍能制侵陵, Keep the emeny at bay.

豈在多殺傷。 But why the unnecessary killing?

As one of Chinas best poets, Mr. Du Fu is a humanitarian with political and strategic viewpoints. One day, the poem may serve as the primary directive for the PLA when Mainland China is compelled to start a conflict across the strait.

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