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試譯 (南宋)朱敦儒 西江月
2021/11/06 10:27:41瀏覽570|回應0|推薦13

世事短如春夢,Life is as short as a transient Spring dream.

人情薄似秋雲。Affinity is as sheer as a fleeting Autumn cloud.

不须計較苦勞心,No need to care if your efforts has been paid off,

萬事原來有命。 cuz all things are predestined as they should be.  

幸遇三杯酒好, Cherish the three cups of good wine you have

况逢一朵花新。 and a new blossom you see today.

片时歡笑且相親,Treasure a moments pleasure of togetherness; 

明日陰晴未定.     Never mind whatever tomorrow shall bring.  

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