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紅豆詞 (詞, 曲, 及英譯)
2024/09/27 02:07:17瀏覽309|回應0|推薦11

Someone sent me this famous song, as attached below, adapted from one of the many eminent poems of A Dream Of Red Mansions. 

🌏 童麗 《 紅豆詞 • 紅樓夢 》詞:曹雪芹 \ 曲:劉雪庵1943 年創作 - 滴不盡相思血淚拋紅豆 ...♥ ♪♫*• (youtube.com)

I also quote the translation of the poem below from the bilingual edition of this great novel I am now reading. (Please do not get me wrong. It is given by the co-translators: the legendary couple, Mr. Yang Xianyi and Mrs. Gladys Yang, not me.)

Like drops of blood fall endless tears of longing

By painted pavilion grow willows and flowers untold

Sleepless at night when wind and rain lash gauze windows

cant forget the sorrows new and old

Choking on rice like jade and wine like gold

turns from the wan reflection in the glass

Nothing can smooth away the frown

It seems that the long night will never pass

Like the shadow of peaks we can always see

Like the green stream it flows for ever on       


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