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2021/06/12 13:03:11瀏覽1280|回應9|推薦42 | |
距離她生日只有幾天,想起當初老大老二製作婚宴上的回顧錄影都至少得花費幾個月的時間,我說今年就送禮物,明年再送歌吧! 沒想到姐姐隨手抛出的夢想,弟弟們可沒當玩笑,兩個大男生認認真真地開始進行創作歌曲的工程。 一星期后,生日歌出籠了, 他們采用姐姐最愛的一部電影:Les Miserables裏的主題曲 “One Day More” ,把曲名改成 “One Year More”, 哥弟兩人合寫的歌詞把姐姐的婚後生活,家庭事業以及和原生家庭的互動全寫進歌詞裏。要不是三人相知甚深,感情甚篤,是寫不出這樣貼切動人的歌詞的,這份手足之情真是令我動容! 接下來,老二負責告訴我我需要唱的部分,老三負責告訴在台灣的老爸他需要唱的部分。疫情之下,大家各自錄製自己的部分,然後交給老三,由他後製合成。 收到老三寄來的製成品,我不禁驚嘆年輕人的創意,真是太偉大了! 老三伊妹兒給姐姐,但叫她不可以開啓,直等到5月28日晚全家在Zoom上到齊,才讓她打開,因爲我們都想親眼看到她驚喜的表情!!全長3分44秒的歌曲,女兒從頭到尾感動萬分,我依稀看到她頻頻拭淚,雖然她不承認掉淚,但事後她發表的動人感想,讓每個人都覺得不枉費辛苦合作這首歌曲! 這個難得錄影真是傳家寶!值得傳給我們的後代子孫欣賞,呵呵!
送給SR的生日歌 S: One year more Another year, another memory Google Photos is how we can see All the things that she has done With Rex and Forest, looks like fun One year more ―――A: We made this song for your birthday ―――Don’t ask us when we finally started One year more Mom & A: The COVID took you far away ――Can’t wait til we’re no longer parted Dad: One more year you have grown old Mom & A: Will those wrinkles disappear? Few more years until you’re forty You’ll be soon over the hill My how quickly time has flown Hope to see all of you soon But you fly just once a year――――――― C:: One more year in SFO A:We miss you here in Chicago C: Scott will graduate in 2 years A: Shall you join your brothers here? C: But I guess you all have warmth A: Mountains, beaches, and the hills C: We’ll just stay in touch through Switch C & A & S: The time is now For overcooked! S: One year more that she has grown up Still so much of life to see She’s a Googler and a new mom Maybe add one more baby? ―――Mom: Watch em read a book Dad: Watch em ride a bike C & A: Social distance picnic And then goin’ for a hike Dad: Here a little laugh ――――Mom: There a little dance C & A: Hope we see her soon There might be a chance All: One year to another birthday C, A, S: (what 12 months may have in store) All: We don’t know what it will bring C, A, S: (We don’t know what it will bring) All: Though we may not all be broadway C, A, S: (Some are better than the rest) All: Do you hear us people sing? A: T’was not easy This was for you ***** S: One year more A: We will celebrate your birthday We will make a birthday song Don’t expect this to be routine This may never happen again Mom: Wiser by the day Dad: Turning thirty-six C & A: Make your veggie foods Oh they look so delish A: We’ll be ready for your birthday C: (Today we are so far away) S and A: Today we will still celebrate All: Today we’ll say a bit late Happy belated birthday to Soo-Rae **** One more year One more time One year more |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |