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2012/09/18 03:18:33瀏覽6089|回應0|推薦1 | |
正面花語 High ideals. ALthough much appears to be wrong, there is ability to see good grwoing within. Desire to be more tolerant, lenient and understanding towards others. Dr. Bachs view of a perfect example of tolerance was Jesus Christ being crucified. He had no harsh though and even pleaded for his malefactors.
高度理想性 即使表現的方式錯誤了, 其實妳能辨別對方內心的優點 想要更寬容,仁慈,更理解別人
她在十字架上也不顯得嚴厲, 且為罪人懇求原諒 New bach Flower Therapies這本書的作者Dietmar Karmer,是運用巴哈花精在德國治療師,這系列文章是要跟大家分享Karmer臨床經驗上怎麼從你說的話找到選花精的關鍵,當然也推薦去讀Dr. Bach對花精描述的原文(文末提供連結),下個段落則是製造巴哈花精公司Healing Herbs的Julian的書中,了解植物特性與花精內涵,這幾本書翻譯與比較,提供給各位了解與研究花精參考。 花精植物特性 中文翻譯: 山毛櫸 Healing Herbs花精製造者Julian 在他書中Bach flower remedies- the essence within講到櫸木生長特色,櫸木是完美的樹,樹皮光滑無節,葉片柔軟透出美麗的綠意光影,也代表著櫸木人是完美主義的個性,該人對外投射就是太挑剔。櫸木通常會成為一片林,因此櫸木林很少能容忍其他樹叢或樹一起共存,櫸木林的密度高且樹葉交織陽光很難透下,一但櫸木林開始就會佔地為王。但櫸木的其實是很脆弱且根淺的,暴風一來就會倒下,這也顯示出櫸木人內心的不安全感。櫸木的正向狀態是看見她人的美,接受事事無常,她們會看到別人跟自己一樣的特質與存在。(櫸木花的生長期: 4-5月,用煮餾法boiling method,翻譯若不確定就保留原文) 巴哈醫師原文
BEECH For those who feel the need to see more good and beauty in all that surrounds them. And, although much appears to be wrong, to have the ability to see the good growing within. So as to be able to be more tolerant, lenient and understanding of the different way each individual and all things are working to their own final perfection. 这类人需要能够看到周围人身上的善良和美丽。 尽管很多人都有缺点和不是,但有能力去看到每个人内在的真善美在不断成长。 能对他人不同的习性更容忍、宽容和理解, 因为所有的人和事都在努力达至其最终的完美。 櫸木人可能會這樣描述自己: * I like to critize. 我喜歡批評 *Im not able to keep my mouth shut when there are obvious wrongs, even if this makes me unpopular. 看到明顯錯誤我無法管住嘴巴,即時這樣會讓我不受歡迎 *I often find fault. 我常發現錯誤 *Other people call me a nag. 其他人稱我作愛找麻煩的人 *I critize other people only for their own good and because I want to help them by pointing out their mistakes to them. 我批評她人是為了她們好,因為我想幫助她們點出自己的錯誤 *Im often bothered by other peoples superficiality. 我常對別人的膚淺感到不爽 *I tend to put down the thoughts of others. *I tend to make ironic comments and tease. 我會想嘲諷或揶揄別人 *I sometimes am very proud of myself when Im able to chracterize a miserable situation with the right words. *I would have been a good satirist. 我是個好的嘲諷著 *The laugh is always on the losers. *My sarcastic kind of humor is often insulting to others. 我的嘲諷其實是幽默,但會污辱到別人 *Friends tell me my biting humor is disgusting. 朋友說我的這種尖銳幽默很討人厭 *I think that those who cannot laugh about other peoples mistake are losers. 我覺得那些當別人出錯時笑不出來的人是失敗者 *It is the persons own fault if he cant take criticism and feels insulted by my friendly teasing. 我覺得那些出了錯且不能接受我的友善嘲諷的人,那是他自己的問題 *I dont understand why some people are so sensitive and react so allergically to a little criticism. 我不能理解為什麼別人這麼敏感,對這小小評論這麼大的反應 *I dont like it if someone is nagging me for no reason. I criticize only when it is absolutely necessary and serves a good purpose. 我不喜歡別人沒原因的找我麻煩,我的批評就只是因為需要且立意良好 資料來源
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |