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2012/09/17 15:02:17瀏覽6674|回應0|推薦1 | |
Dr. Bach當年在威爾斯Crickhowell教堂旁找到古老的神聖之泉, *花精之友在2019年4月出版主持人親自拍攝與編譯的《巴哈花精學習卡》* 正面花語 Has high ideals - a flexible mind and one who is willing to forsake an original theory if a greater truth is revealed. Has sufficient conviction not to be easily influenced by others. Such joy and peace experienced, that other are encouraged to follow. Some drops added to bath may help. 妳有很高的理想,但也有彈性, 但看到更好的一面,也會願意放棄原本理論 有足夠的信念而不被人影響 這種喜悅與平和的經驗會帶來勇氣 可放幾滴花精泡澡 巴哈醫師原文
Those who are very strict in their way of living; they deny
themselves many of the joys and pleasures of life because they
consider it might interfere with their work.
They are hard masters to themselves. They wish to be well
and strong and active, and will do anything which they believe will
keep them so. They hope to be examples which will appeal to others
who may then follow their ideas and be better as a result.
New bach Flower Therapies這本書的作者Dietmar Karmer,是運用巴哈花精在德國治療師,這系列文章是要跟大家分享Karmer臨床經驗上怎麼從你說的話找到選花精的關鍵,當然也推薦去讀Dr. Bach對花精描述的原文(文末提供連結) 岩泉水人會這樣描述自己: * I have high expectations and therefore often have to make sacrifices. 我對自己有很高期待,所以寧願為此犧牲 * I have exremely moral ideas. 我有絕對的道德觀 * My notions of morality often do not conincide with my desires. 我的道德觀通常不跟癒望相符 * I wish that other people would appreciate what I do. 我期望別人能欣賞我所做的 * I want to live according tomy ideals. 我想根據理念而活 * I try to do everything perfectly, to be an example for others. 我試著完美地做每件事情,做為別人的榜樣 * I want to be seen by others as good. 我想要別人認為我是好人 岩泉水人可能會有以下表現 * Strict vegetarians who, when invited to dinner, eat only potatoes and salad to be faithful to their principles. 嚴謹的素食者,受邀晚餐時也只吃符合教條的馬鈴薯跟沙拉 * Strict macrobiotics who bring their own meals to friends, so as not to be tempted to go against their principles. 嚴謹的健康飲食者,會帶著自己的食物去拜訪朋友以免犯規 * Strict teetotalers, who do not even drink a sip of wine at HOly Communion. 嚴謹的禁酒者,甚至在領聖餐時都拒絕喝一口 * Strict antismokers, who continuously avoid secondhand smoke and even refuse invitations to places where people smoke. 嚴謹的禁菸者,極力避免二手菸,拒絕去有煙的地方 * Religious extremist who want to become holy while still on earth. 宗教極端主義者,在人還在地球時就想著要去淨土成為聖人 * Candidates for enlightenment who devote all their time to yoga and meditation exercises and completely give up worldly plearuse such as socializing, bowling, and goign to the movies or the theater. 想要開悟者,獻身在瑜珈和冥想中,完全放棄日常生活如社交,打球,看電影等 * Homeopaths who spend hours looking through books for "the one remedy" and who prescribe a single remedy on a trial basis when the symptoms are unclear, rather than give the patient a mixture for fast relief. 找遍所有書籍的同類療法醫師,只為了確定在不明確症狀下可能用的一個藥方,而不是先讓病人用複方減輕痛苦
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |