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正面花語 A quiet, calm mind -at peace with himself and others which enables him to control his thoughts, to put them to constructive use and to solve his problems. 有寧靜與穩定的心智,與自己跟他人處在平和中 New bach Flower Therapies這本書的作者Dietmar Karmer,是運用巴哈花精在德國治療師,這系列文章是要跟大家分享Karmer臨床經驗上怎麼從你說的話找到選花精的關鍵,當然也推薦去讀Dr. Bach對花精描述的原文(文末提供連結),下個段落則是製造巴哈花精公司Healing Herbs的Julian的書中,了解植物特性與花精內涵,這幾本書翻譯與比較,提供給各位了解與研究花精參考。
花精植物特性 中文翻譯: 白栗花、白栗子、白栗 Healing Herbs花精製造者Julian 在他書中Bach flower remedies- the essence within說白栗子(Horse Chesnut)是十七世紀從歐洲到英國鄉間的樹種,現在已經變成當地重要觀賞有商業價值的樹了,要注意白栗子跟紅栗子(Red Chestnut)是不同但有親戚關係的樹,這兩種栗子樹都是擔心,但紅栗子的顏色更是外向與他人有關。白栗子跟內在焦慮有關,表現不停攀爬著內心戲,變成精神性強迫無止境的內心對話。白栗子可以幫助人適當地連結內在並帶來安穩,當我們安住,才能清楚看到生活的事實。
WHITE CHESTNUT For those who cannot prevent thoughts, ideas, arguments which they do not desire from entering their minds. Usually at such times when the interest of the moment is not strong enough to keep the mind full. Thoughts which worry and will remain, or if for a time thrown out, will return. They seem to circle round and round and cause mental torture. The presence of such unpleasant thoughts drives out peace and interferes with being able to think only of the work or pleasure of the day.
想法、念头、争论在脑海萦绕,挥之不去。通常是手头事情单调乏味,不够充实大脑。 那些担心的想法挥之不去,即使暂时抛开了,很快又会溜回来。 它们在脑海里转来转去,带来精神痛苦与折磨。 这些恼人的思绪使心灵躁动不安,干扰日常工作,不能享受日常生活的乐趣。 白栗子人會這樣描述自己: * Its hard for me to wind down. 我很難放鬆 * I often talk to myself. 我常常跟自己說話 * I cant concentrate becasue thre are thousands of thoughts going through my head. 我不能專心,因為腦中跑著有千種思緒 * I often remember unpleasant situations, which come back to bother me again. 我常會記著不開心的情境,來回困擾著自己 * I often try to push my thought aside, but i am not ablt to. It seems that they follow me everywhere. 我常試圖把思緒放在一邊,但做不太到總是被思緒拉走了 * I frequently remember embarassing situations and I would like to run away from myself. Even when I convince myself that the situation is long past, I still cant get it out of my mind. 我時常記得自那些己困窘的狀態,讓我想鑽入地洞逃走,即使我告訴自己那老早過去了,但還是忘不了 * I still think about conversations that I had a long time ago. It always makes me angry when I think about what I forgot to say. 我會記得很久之前與人的對話,當記起來自己忘了說些什麼,會讓我感到生氣 * Often I continue with discussion in my mind and think about what I should have said. 通常我會在腦海中繼續先前的想說的對話 * For hours I cant get it out of my mine when someone has made me angry. Sometimes this goes on in my head for days, and I think about how I could have defended myself better. 若有人惹我生氣,我會好幾個小時都忘不了,有時候我會想要怎麼反擊然後思緒轉了好幾天 * Im always noticing another thing in our house that we could have done differently when we built it. Becasue of that, I cant enjoy the house the way it is now. In my head I constantly plan how it could be better, although the house was finished a long time ago. 我總是注意到已經裝潢好的家可以再怎麼樣改變,但也因如此,我無法享受現在這個家的當下,而這個家老早就已經蓋好了 * I wish I could just switch off these constant thoughts and find peace inside myslef. 我希望我可以就關掉思緒的開關,讓自己內在能夠找到平靜 * I dont sleep well becasue I cant turn off my thoughts. 我睡不好因為想太多了 * I m constantly tired. 我總是感覺到很累 資料來源
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |