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2012/09/19 09:38:30瀏覽9657|回應0|推薦1 | |
英國巴哈中心的mimulus,今年開花季節已過只剩苟殘活著一朵小黃花 北美花精在山區有拍到溝酸漿盛開,請連結到 http://vimeo.com/49645217#at=0 *花精之友在2019年4月出版主持人親自拍攝與編譯的《巴哈花精學習卡》*
Quite courage to face trials and difficulties with equanimity and humor. Emotions completely under control- ability to enjoy life once more without irrational fears. 有安靜的力量,平靜且幽默的面對困境 能控制情緒 有能力享受生活,沒有無理的恐懼
花精植物特性 Mimulus (拉丁學名: Mimulus guttatus) 中文翻譯: 构酸醬、龍頭花
Healing Herbs花精製造者Julian 在他書中Bach flower remedies- the essence within說到,溝酸漿(或稱猴子花monkey flower)是巴哈醫生在威爾斯Usk河岸最先找前三朵花之一(Impatience, Mimulus, Clematis),溝酸漿通常長在水邊攀附著石頭,根會深到河床內,沒有恐懼地長出水面,溝酸漿人的恐懼是因為此人不放手也不信賴生命。生長於水中的溝酸漿正是告訴我們在危險(河流)中也能快樂自由地存在著,溝酸漿的種子會落入水中被沖走,到其它河床跟石頭邊又會繼續生長。現在因為河床受污染很不容易找到溝酸漿,在北美花精系列中有許多不同種猴子花(,purple monkey flower, pink monkey flower, sticky monkey flower, scarlet monkey flower),也都代表著各種不同的恐懼,請參考連結
盆栽賣法一盆10元美金。 巴哈醫師原文 MIMULUS Fear of worldly things, illness, pain, accidents, poverty, of dark, of being alone, of misfortune. The fears of everyday life. These people quietly and secretly bear their dread, they do not freely speak of it to others. 害怕具体的东西,如疾病、疼痛、意外、穷困、黑暗、独处、不幸。害怕日常生活中的事情。 这些人私下默默承受内心的恐惧,一般不会主动向人倾诉。 溝酸漿人通常會這樣說自己: * Driving used to be no problem for me, but now Im afraid that something might happen to me. 以前開車對我不是問題,但現在我卻怕會發生意外。
*No one can convince me to fly in an airplane. I would really like to do it, but my fear of crashing is too great. 沒有人能說服我上飛機,我很想但是我就是太怕會墜機了。 *I become very fritened in high places, for example, standing on a ladder or climbing a tree. 我變得有懼高症,例如站在階梯上或爬上樹。 * If I look out the window from the second floor I become panicky. I go out on the balcony only with mixed feelings. 如果我站在二樓向外看,我就會感到驚慌,我走到外面陽台心情總是很複雜。 * Im constantly afriad of losing my job. Every time Im called by my boss, Im afraid he will give me my notice. 我時常怕丟掉工作,每當老闆打電話給我,我都怕他是要通知我炒我魷魚了。 資料來源
( 心情隨筆|心靈 ) |