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2023 聖誕節 - An infant just born
2023/12/18 15:38:10瀏覽64|回應0|推薦0

2023 聖誕節 - An infant just born

有一嬰孩出生 西元前七年贖罪日出生的嬰兒耶穌, 被馬利亞用布包起來? 主耶穌基督出生在伯利恆之時, 路加福音 2:1-7說,

"當那些日子,凱撒奧古斯(Cæsar Augustus o9/23/63 B.C. -08/19/14 AD)都有旨意下來,叫天下人民都報名上冊。 這是居里扭(Cyrenius was governor of Syria 51B. C. -21 AD)作敘利亞巡撫的時候,頭一次行報名上冊的事。 眾人各歸各城,報名上冊。 約瑟(Joseph)也從加利利的拿撒勒城上猶太去,到了大衛的城,名叫伯利恆(Bethlehem G965 house of bread, also called City of David),因他本是大衛一族一家的人, 要和他所聘之妻馬利亞(Mary)一同報名上冊。那時馬利亞的身孕已經重了。 他們在那裏的時候,馬利亞的產期到了, 就生了頭胎的兒子,用布包起來,放在馬槽裏,因為客店裏沒有地方(And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes(G4683 of an infant just born), and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.)。"

嬰孩耶穌,包着布(wrapped in swaddling clothes):路加福音 2:11-14說, "因今天在大衛的城裏,為你們生了救主,就是主基督。 你們要看見一個嬰孩,包着布,臥在馬槽裏,那就是記號了(And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.)。」 忽然,有一大隊天兵同那天使讚美神說:在至高之處榮耀歸與神!在地上平安歸與他所喜悅的人。 "

以西結書 16:1-5說, "耶和華的話又臨到我說:「人子啊,你要使耶路撒冷知道她那些可憎的事, 說: 主耶和華對耶路撒冷如此說:你根本,你出世,是在迦南地;你父親是亞摩利人,你母親是赫人。 論到你出世的景況,在你初生的日子沒有為你斷臍帶,也沒有用水洗你,使你潔淨,絲毫沒有撒鹽在你身上,也沒有用布裹你( thou wast not salted at all, nor swaddled(H2853 to entwine, enwrap, be swaddled) at all)。 誰的眼也不可憐你,為你做一件這樣的事憐恤你;但你初生的日子扔在田野,是因你被厭惡。" 

聖詩 小伯利恒

 O little town of Bethlehem, How still we see thee lies,  Above thy deep and dreamless sleep,  The silent stars go by,   Yet in thy dark streets shineth,   The everlasting Light,   The hopes and fears of all the years,  Are met in thee tonight How silently,  how silently The wondrous gift is given!   So God imparts to human hearts The blessings of His heaven.   No ear may hear His coming,   

But in this world of sin,  Where meek souls will receive him still, The dear Christ enters in O holy Child of Bethlehem Descend to us,  we pray Cast out our sin and enter in Be born to us today We hear the Christmas angels The great glad tidings tell O come to us,  abide with us Our Lord Emmanuel

( 知識學習隨堂筆記 )
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