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Fade To Grey Cover (GatoPaint + CyrilTheWolf + MetalCorePony)
2013/01/21 01:32:58瀏覽516|回應0|推薦0

(CyrilTheWolf + GatoPaint )

Woahh Woahh

Woahh Woahh


I can't believe it had to end,我簡直不敢相信這必須結束,

I've gone and lost my only friend, 我已經離去,失去了我唯一的朋友,

she left me broken and alone.她留下我崩潰和孤獨。

You said that I had gone and changed,你說我不再是以前那個人了,

the colt she knew was not the same 不再是她所知道的那小馬

now she's betrayed me, I'm alone.現在她背叛了我,我孤單一人。

And so I'm standing因此,我站著

in the Tardis thinking 在TARDIS裡想著

'what's there left to do?' but there's?“甚麼是她們接下來要去做的?”但是她們

a shadow like a poison in my brain.的影子在我的腦子像毒藥。

Looking back across a thousand years回首一千年

overflowing with regret充滿遺憾地

all that's left to do is to run,所有剩下要做的就是逃避,

run from the madness and the shame從瘋狂和恥辱逃避

(CyrilTheWolf + GatoPaint)

Cause at? the end,原因在哪裡?到最後,

after every day, 之後的每一天,

it doesn't even matter.甚至不當做一回事。

And all I do, 我所做的一切,

and all I say,我說, 

it never really mattered從來沒有真正重要的

And so I think 因此,我認為

'I might as well “我還不如

just stay and watch the universe fades away.'僅僅留下觀看宇宙消失。“

'Cause every time 因為每次

I help I just bring pain.我去幫助僅能為我帶來痛苦。


I'll let it all just fade to grey.我會讓這一切只是褪色的灰色。

(CyrilTheWolf + GatoPaint )

Woahh Woahh

Woahh Woahh


Now I only live for myself 現在,我只能靠自己活

this world it doesn't need my help 這個世界並不需要我的幫助

they call me 'coward' and a fool他們叫我“懦夫”,傻瓜

But I don't pay them any heed 但我沒有引起他們任何注意

'cause I've got everything I need “因為我已經得到了我需要的一切。

I've got my own new set of rules我有我自己的一套新的規則

Yes the hearts that beat 是的,心中那節拍

inside my chest beat for another's love在我的胸中為了別人的愛脈動

But despite it all the shadow still remains但是,儘管陰影仍然存在

Looking back across a thousand years 回首一千年

overflowing with regret充滿遺憾地

All that's left to do is run, 剩下來要做的是逃避

run from the madness and the shame從瘋狂和恥辱逃避

(CyrilTheWolf + GatoPaint)

Cause at? the end,原因在哪裡?到最後,

after every day, 之後的每一天,

it doesn't even matter.甚至不當做一回事。

And all I do, 我所做的一切,

and all I say,我說, 

it never really mattered從來沒有真正重要的

And so I think 因此,我認為

'I might as well “我還不如

just stay and watch the universe fades away.'僅僅留下觀看宇宙消失。“

'Cause every time 因為每次

I help I just bring pain.我能為我帶來痛苦。


I'll let it all just fade to grey.我會讓這一切只是褪色的灰色。

-GatoPaint Solo-


No one to care for, no one to save沒有人關心,沒有人拯救


I'm standing in the Tardis 我佇立在TARDIS中

thinking 'What have a become?' 思考著“為甚麼會成為這樣?”

I cant't help but think that what? ,我不能幫上忙,但為什麼認為?

she said was true. 她說的是真的。

Even still I did believe 即使如此我確實相信

her when she said she'd never ,她說這句話時,她從來沒有

leave but I don't need her 離開,但我並不需要她

now I've finally seen the truth現在,我終於看到了真相


Cause at? the end,原因在哪裡?最後,

after every day, 之後的每一天,

it doesn't even matter.甚至不當做一回事。

And all I do, 我所做的一切,

and all I say, 我說,

it never really mattered從來沒有真正重要的

And so I think 因此,我認為

'I might as well “我還不如

just stay and watch the universe fades away.'僅僅留下觀看宇宙消失。“

'Cause every time 因為每次

I help I just bring pain.我幫助僅能為我帶來痛苦。

I'll let it all just fade to grey.我會讓這一切只是褪色的灰色。

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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