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在黑暗中Dead By Sunrise
2011/03/04 14:35:33瀏覽242|回應0|推薦0

Lyrics to In The Darkness :
I want to cut through my skin我想割開我的外皮
And pull you within且放你在其中
My heart burns like the sun我的心燃燒像太陽
As our flesh becomes one由於我們的肉體成為一致

In the darkness, my heart aches at the sight of you在黑暗中,我的心痛在你的信息
Trembles and quakes within sight of you顫抖著在地震中見到了你
In the darkness在黑暗中

Our bodies burning, tides are turning, somehow stopping time我們的身體燃燒,潮汐正在轉向,不知何故停止
What is becoming of my heart and mind?是什麼成為我的心及靈?

In the darkness, all that you want from me, is all I have to give在黑暗中,所有你想要從我得到,是我不得不放棄
In the darkness, coming so easily, learning how to live在黑暗中,來的這麼容易,學習如何生活
In the darkness, all that you want from me, is all I have to give在黑暗中,所有你想要從我得到,是我不得不放棄
In the darkness, coming so easily, learning how to live在黑暗中,來這麼容易,學習如何生活

I will surrender my sin我會放棄我的罪
And give you control並給你控制
Make me a martyr for love讓我成為愛的烈士
Till the habits abide直到遵守習慣

In the darkness, my heart aches at the sight of you在黑暗中,我的心痛在你的信息
Trembles and quakes within sight of you顫抖著在地震中見到了你
In the darkness在黑暗中

Our bodies burning, tides are turning, somehow stopping time我們的身體燃燒,潮汐正在轉向,不知何故停時
What is becoming of my heart and mind?是什麼成為我的心及靈?

(2 fois)
In The Darkness, all that you want from me, is all I have to give在黑暗中,所有你想要從我得到,是我不得不放棄
In the darkness, coming so easily, learning how to live在黑暗中,來的這麼容易,學習如何生活
In the darkness, all that you want from me, is all I have to give在黑暗中,所有你想要從我得到,是我不得不放棄
In the darkness, coming so easily, learning how to live在黑暗中,來這麼容易,學習如何生活

[ These are In The Darkness Lyrics on這些在黑暗中歌詞來自 http://www.lyricsmania.com/ ] 

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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