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Dead By Sunrise 我內心深處
2011/03/04 14:18:49瀏覽304|回應0|推薦0
I feel my time is slipping away,我覺得我的時間流逝著,
(Every minute gone by seems like a day),(每分鐘過去了,但似乎像一天)
I'll never get back the things I lost along the way,我永遠也拿不回來的東西,我獨自迷失了前進的道路,
What the hell is wrong with me?我到底是怎麼了?
This isn't who I'm suppose to be這不應該是我

I feel all alone everyday,我每一天是孤單的,
And just so far away,而就這麼遠,
I know something's got to change,我知道有什麼地方必須改變,
Inside of me,我內心深處

What is it that I'm running from?我究竟在逃避甚麼?
My head is like a loading gun,我的頭就像是裝填中的槍
Every thought is trapped inside this web I've spun我疲倦每想到的是被困在這個網內

What the hell is wrong with me?我到底是怎麼了?
This isn't who I'm suppose to be,這不應該是我

I feel all alone everyday,我是孤單的每一天,
And just so faraway,而就這麼遠,
I know something's got to change,我知道有什麼地方必須改變,
Inside of me我內心深處

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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