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Stratovarius - Bloodstone血石
2010/08/07 11:56:14瀏覽370|回應0|推薦0
Stratovarius - Bloodstone血石

I've been trying我一直在努力
There's no denying這是不可否認的
It's sending me這是送給我的
Out of my mind於我心裡

I've seen reason我見過的原因
Change to treason改變成叛徒
It's losing it's sense這失去它的意義
Of all kind所有種類

How much longer will it take將要花多長時間
For the world to see世界將看到
We should learn to live我們要學習生活
And simply let it be而簡單地讓它成為
Bloodstone, bloodstone血石,血石

In the night time在夜間
Wake in fright愛怕醒來
I'm so scared of the game我很害怕的遊戲
That's being played即刻正在播放

Start to wonder開始懷疑
What's going under這是怎麼回事
And how many deals有多少優惠
Have been made已成真

How much longer will it take將要花多長時間
For the world to see世界將看到
We should learn to live我們要學習生活
And simply let it be而簡單地讓它成為
Bloodstone, bloodstone血石,血石

I can't take it我不能接受
You got me living你讓我的生活
On a bloodstone在一個血石
I don't want that bloodstone我不想要血石

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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