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Breaking benjamin - You (fixed)
2009/12/14 18:14:05瀏覽327|回應0|推薦1

My hands are broken,我的手如此損壞, 
And time is going on and on, it goes forever (how long).時間是持續不斷地過去,當然永遠(多久)。 
So I got high and lived all that life that I've taken all for granted.所以我就興奮,生活的一切生活,我所採取的一切是理所當然的。 

Promise me you'll try答應我,你會嘗試 
To leave it all behind,離開這一切背後, 
'cause I've elected hell,'因我當選於地獄, 
Lying to myself.對自己說謊。 
Why have I gone blind?為什麼我永遠盲
Live another life.生存於另一種生活。 

You. You.你。你。 

The only way out唯一的出路 
Is letting your guard down and never die forgotten (I know).是讓你的警惕,決死不忘記(我知道)。 
Forgive me, my love,原諒我,我的愛, 
I stand here all alone, and I can see the bottom.我站在這裡孤單,我可以看到底部。 


You. You.你。你。 
You. You.你。你。 
You. You.你。你。

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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