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Breaking Benjamin: Forever
2009/12/14 18:58:40瀏覽512|回應0|推薦0

do you know that i could never leave you? 你知道,我永遠無法離開你嗎?
and you know i could never beat you? 你知道我不可能反抗你嗎?
and if i, if i could never find you nevermind, i would not forget you. 如果我,如果我能永遠找不到你沒關係,我不會忘記你。
can i stay alive forever? 我能否生存下去?
can i stay alive forever? 我能否生存下去?
can i stay alive forever? 我能否生存下去?
forever. can i feel a chemical reaction? 永遠。可我覺得有化學反應?
because i feel a hideous 因為我覺得可怕
attraction could we share a poison apple? 吸引我們可以分享毒蘋果?
could it be maniacle and awful? 這不可能是狂熱的和可怕的?
can i stay alive forever? 我能否生存下去?
can i stay alive forever? 我能否生存下去?
can i stay alive forever? 我能否生存下去?
forever. forever 永遠永遠
stay alive forever 永遠生存
forever 永遠
stay alive forever 永遠生存
stay alive forever 永遠生存
stay alive forever 永遠生存
stay alive forever 永遠生存
stay alive forever 永遠生存

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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