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Breaking Benjamin - Skin and lyrics
2009/12/18 09:21:07瀏覽577|回應0|推薦0
Breaking Benjamin Skin Lyrics: 

Well I know you don't know the reason嗯,我知道你不知道的原因 
And it's cold, a sign of the season且它的冷,暗示本賽季 
'Cause you're old, and battered and beaten因你是老的,及虐待和毆打 
And we'll grow, til we hit the ceiling, yeah我們將成長,浸潤我們勃然大怒,嗯 

Well I'll be better, get away那麼我會更好,逃之夭夭 
Send a letter, bombs away寄了一封信,投彈 

You're covered in my skin你是覆蓋我的皮膚 
I couldn't imagine anyone else我無法想像別人 
I'm off for the weekend我過週末 
I couldn't imagine why you would save yourself我無法想像,你為什麼會救自己 

Well it's gone and it's not returning那麼它的消失,這不是返回 
And your clothes and pictures are burning和你的衣服和圖片燃燒 
'Cause you're old, and battered and beaten因你是老的,及虐待和毆打 
And we'll grow, til we hit the ceiling, yeah我們將成長,浸潤我們勃然大怒,嗯 





I couldn't imagine我無法想像 
Why you would save yourself為什麼你會救自己

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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