Close your eyes and roll a dice Under the board there's a compromise If after all we only lived twice Which lies the run road to paradise 閉上雙眼擲個骰 行船之前的一個妥協 如果我們真能活兩次 到底哪條是通往極樂之境的道路
Don't say a word here comes the break of the day And wide clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of may 天將放光黎明將至了 別說一句話 五月末的風會刮起雲湧般的漫漫黃沙
Close your eyes and make a bet Face to the glare of the sunset This is about as far as we get You haven't seen me disguised yet 閉上雙眼打個賭 正視眩目的夕陽 我們已前進了這麼遠 你從未見過我的偽藏
Don't say a word here comes the break of the day And wide clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of may 天將放光黎明將至了 別說一句話 五月末的風會刮起雲湧般的漫漫黃沙
Close your eyes and make a wish Under the stone there's a stonefish Hold your breath then roll the dice It might be the run road to paradise 閉上雙眼許個願 石頭下有一條石頭魚* 屏住呼吸然後擲個骰子 這可能是通往極樂之境的道路
Don't say a word here comes the break of the day And wide clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end... 天將放光黎明將至了 別說一句話 五月末的風會刮起雲湧般的漫漫黃沙
Don't say a word here comes the break of the day And wide clouds of sand raised by the wind of the end of may 天將放光黎明將至了 別說一句話 五月末的風會刮起雲湧般的漫漫黃沙
~博客獨白 譯~, 50x100cm, Oil on canvas/Öl auf Nessel, 2000