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2017/05/20 14:37:54瀏覽1266|回應2|推薦56 | |
宇宙之源頭詩 湯姆·阿慈言答 詩作/滴滴 翻譯 這宇宙的源頭詩啊! 像煮沸的牛奶那麼細嫩好聞 像自己母親身上散發的甜味 何其完美地釀入巴西的咖啡 也只有太陽能知曉這事兒 而那詩,自始即赤裸 隨性走過頁面 從左到右,猶如伸出一隻手, 或從右到左,恍若信念來過 或僅是光著身子漫步 哪兒有香氣就被吸引而去 詩句是自由的鳥 削過灰藍的天空 這樣的字詞(不是指那些鳥兒)零落 在星球上是不受規範的,透過 光溜詩人狀似不經意的精選 妝點這世界,又似佐以 美學,尚未有完整的配方 雲彩自由移動 不出其存有的參數範圍 一如鳥在詩的領域內也是自由的 有時浸一下羽毛 垂直地,或稍稍振翅翺翔 穿越宇宙第一首詩 顯然,那兒,咖啡從不冷卻 按:長年旅居泰國的美國詩人湯姆·阿慈言答(Tom Radzienda),目前在清邁從事靈氣導師的身心靈工作。筆者擁有作者所有詩集之中文翻譯授權。本詩譯自其2005年出版的「火夢集」(Fire Dreams)。 Original Poem of the Universe The original poem of this universe Scented delicately as boiled milk Its own mothers sweetness properly brewed Into the coffee of Brazil That only the sun had known And the poem, naked from the first Walked casually across the page From left to right as was its hand, Or right to left as were its beliefs Or simply meandered nude Wherever the aroma was attractive The words of the poem were free birds Knifing through a pale blue sky Such words (which birds are not) were placed Around the planet not by rule, but by The naked poets choice in bringing decor To the world not random, but with aesthetics Not yet prescribed Clouds were free to move Within the parameters of their being As were birds free within the range Of poems to dip their feathers And plummet, or tip a wing and soar Across the first poem of the universe Where, surely, coffee never went cold by Tom Radzienda ISBN9749244788 (ISBN13: 9789749244784)
https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/7100655-fire-dreams 關於作者 Tom Radzienda: 大學教授、詩人和靈氣導師 |
( 創作|詩詞 ) |