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2023/11/28 13:00:48瀏覽82|回應0|推薦7
How to pratcie gratitude  重點不是形式,而是感恩後的自我氛圍 (因此對why的敘述很重要)

Practicing gratitude means recognizing gratitude. Gratitude actually mean the affirmation of goodness in our lives as well as the ability to attribute those positive things to a source beyond ourselves (such as other people or a higher power).

Grateful people tend to be happier, sleep better, and have lower levels of inflammation. They’re also less apt to be depressed and more resilient after a trauma. Research has even found that people with a type of heart disease (asymptomatic heart failure) who started keeping a daily gratitude journal had lower levels of CRP, an inflammation marker, just 8 weeks later. 

Gratitude and a sense of connectedness are precisely what help us get through difficult times. Being grateful for things that most people would agree are significant -- perhaps a loving family or a job you can rely on -- as well as those that might appear relatively minor. For example, you can appreciate that someone has a sense of humor. If you take it a step further and acknowledge that that person made you laugh and cheered you up, that’s gratitude.


Name three things you’re grateful for and why.

Write a letter to someone you’re grateful for. Or write the letter anyway but keep it to yourself.

Soak up stories about gratitude.

Create a bulletin board of things you’re thankful for.

Reflect as a ritual, such as a gratitude meditation. All you have to do is sit quietly and devote a few minutes to reflecting on what’s good in your life, big or small.


如何實踐感恩: (translated by ChatGPT and edited)


感恩的人通常更快樂、睡眠更好,並且患炎症的水平更低。他們也較不容易抑鬱,在遭受創傷後更有韌性。研究甚至發現,患有某種心臟病(無症狀性心臟衰竭)的人,開始每天記錄感恩日記後,8週後 CRP(一種炎症標記)的水平降低。



1. 列舉三件你感激的事物,並敘述理由。

2. 寫一封信給你感激的人,不一定要寄出,也可自己保留就好。

3. 沉浸在其他有關感恩的故事中。

4. 建立一個感恩事物的佈告欄。

5. 建立一種反思的例行儀式,比如感恩冥想,靜靜地坐下,花幾分鐘反思你生活中的美好之處,不論大小。

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