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2017/09/06 23:45:17瀏覽216|回應0|推薦5 | |
待婢僕 身貴端 雖貴端 慈而寬對待侍女和僕人,自己要端莊有禮。雖然自己的端莊有禮很重要,待他們要慈祥、要寬厚。 When I am directing maids and servants, I will act honorably and properly. I will also treat them kindly and generously. (果立注: 職業無貴賤,對於服務業人員的態度,要有禮貌。若服務有不周全之處,要能寬厚。並以此方式對待同事與部屬。)
勢服人 心不然 理服人 方無言如果自己利用權勢使他們服從,他們心裡會不以為然。如果我能以理來勸服他們,他們才會無話可說。 If I use my influence to make them submissive, their hearts will not be with me. If I can convince them with sound reasoning, they will have nothing to object to. (果立注: 以資歷、職位、社會地位、或權勢強加於人,而人就算表面屈從,然心不服。即便身居高位,也要以理服人,方能讓人打從心底佩服。)
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