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2017/09/30 06:07:33瀏覽348|回應0|推薦3 | |
列典籍 有定處 讀看畢 還原處書籍歸類後,要按次序排放在書廚或書架上,要有它們固定的位置。書讀看完畢後,要放還原處。 My books should be classified, placed on the bookshelves, and in their proper places. After I finish reading a book, I will put it back where it belongs. (果立注: 書籍有歸類,用後放原位。下次找資料時便省時省力。古時讀書人,得到ㄧ本書的代價比今人大許多。故而更能愛惜書籍,更妥善的保存書籍。)
雖有急 卷束齊 有缺壞 就補之雖然有急事,打開的書卷還是要捲起來捆綁整齊。 見到有殘缺損壞的地方,要馬上把它修補好。 Even if I am in a hurry, I still must neatly roll up and bind the open bamboo scroll I have been reading. All missing or damaged pages ought to be immediately repaired. (果立注: 愛惜書籍,便是尊重寫作的先聖先賢,並以師禮相待之。) |
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