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2017/09/24 05:36:02瀏覽410|回應0|推薦4 | |
寬為限 緊用功 工夫到 滯塞通要給自己寬裕的時間讀書,要加緊用功。當自己的工夫成熟了,自然一切都明瞭。 I will give myself lots of time to study, and I will study hard. If I devote enough time and effort,I will thoroughly understand. (果立注:一門深入,長時薰修。時間一到,功夫自成。)
心有疑 隨札記 就人問 求確義心裡如有疑問,要隨手把它記錄下來,向有學問的人請教,為的是要求取一個正確的解答。 If I have a question, I will make a note of it. I will ask the person who has the knowledge for the right answer. (果立注:古人讀不懂時,下苦功讀它個千遍「其義自見」。現代人谷歌一下,也其義自現。)
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