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A Quiet Lunch
2024/10/16 15:55:27瀏覽16|回應0|推薦0
A Quiet Lunch
大家說英語 20241016
Sure! Here’s the text with corrected grammar, simplified Chinese changed to traditional Chinese, and the original meaning preserved:
Hello everyone!
Welcome to Let’s Talk in English. My name is Esther.
And my name is Garrett. Today,
we are going to watch a story.
It’s our talk-about-it story, and the name of our story is
A Quiet Lunch.
Now, when you do something quietly,
it means you don’t make too many sounds.
So we’re using the word "quiet" to describe someone’s lunch.
But of course,
the food you’re eating for lunch is not going to talk to you—
hopefully not! Here,
we’re talking about a quiet lunchtime, right?
When someone is taking a break,
taking a rest from school or work and having lunch,
that’s called your lunchtime. That’s right!
So we will meet our characters and try to figure out
what their problem is that needs to be solved.
While we do that, we will try to solve something ourselves.
What is the answer to our find-it question?
Our question is: Where does Terry eat lunch?
Where does Terry eat lunch?
Friends, we will find the answer in our story today,
and it sounds like we will meet someone named Terry, right?
We’ll figure out where he is eating lunch.
Maybe this will help us
understand why our story is called A Quiet Lunch.
Let’s go to Sonya for today’s keywords.
His father died two weeks ago. 動詞 "die" 就是過世。
He takes out a bag from the refrigerator. 名詞 "bag"
What’s wrong? 形容詞 "wrong" 就是錯誤的。
Terry accepts the sandwich. 動詞 "accept" 就是接受。
He goes to the cafeteria. 名詞 "cafeteria" 是指員工餐廳。
Terry walks into the break room at work
without a smile on his face.
His father died two weeks ago, and he’s still feeling sad.
“Hi, Terry! It’s good to see you! Why are you here in the break room?”
“Well, it’s lunchtime, so I’m getting my lunch.”
He takes out a bag from the refrigerator,
he opens it and looks inside.
So we’re here with our main character; his name is Terry,
and he’s walking into the break room today.
A break room is a place in some offices
where people will take a break.
Right? And does he have a smile on his face? No.
He’s walking there without a smile on his face
because he’s very sad.
His father died two weeks ago. Oh,
that is very unfortunate. Friends, of course,
the word "die" means when you die, you
are no longer with us on this earth.
Everybody dies at some point, and Terry is still feeling sad.
But he sees someone else from work—
it’s a lady called Patty, and she says,
“Hi, Terry! It’s good to see you!”
She wants to know why he’s in the break room,
and he says it’s lunchtime, so he’s getting his lunch.
So he goes to the fridge,
and he takes out a bag from the fridge.
A bag is something you put things in, usually
made of plastic or paper. You might have a shopping bag
or even a school bag to put in your books.
And we heard the phrase "take out." How is this different
from the one-word "take out"?
Sonya, can you help us?
He takes out a bag from the refrigerator. 片語動詞
"take out" 是取出,
另有合併成一個字的名詞 "take out"
先來看看 "take out" 拿出來的
例句:He took out his wallet to pay for dinner.
或是:They took out their papers to show the teacher.
再來看看 "take out" 外帶餐點的
例句:Let’s get take out for dinner; I don’t feel like cooking.
或是:He picked up some Chinese take out.
Thank you, Sonia!
Okay, so Terry opens his bag,
and he looks inside to get his food, right?
He’s not having a great day; remember, he’s sad,
but hopefully this lunch will help him out.
We’re going to find out about what happens next. Here’s part two.
Oh no!
What’s wrong?
“My lunch! I made it last night and put it in a bag. Well,
I picked up the wrong bag!
This is a bag of carrots.”
“Do you have anything else to eat?”
“No, so I’m having carrots for lunch.”
“I brought two sandwiches today;
you can have one of mine,” Patty offers.
“That’s very nice of you!”
Oh, that’s no good; Terry grabbed the wrong bag,
and he says, “Oh no!” Now Patty wants to know what’s wrong.
What’s the reason he said “oh no,” right?
If something is wrong,
it is not right. If you’re trying to answer
a math question and you put the wrong number,
it is not the answer to the question. So,
what is wrong here?
Terry says, “My lunch!” He made his lunch
and he put it in a bag,
but he picked up the wrong bag.
That means he took the wrong bag to work.
Maybe he has more than one bag at home that all look the same,
but his lunch was only in one of them—he picked up the wrong bag.
And friends,
that’s today’s calendar phrase:
“I picked up the wrong bag.”
"I picked up the wrong bag" 我拿錯了袋子。
Lunchtime, yeah!
“Oh no!
I picked up the wrong bag.”
“You made a mistake.”
“Yes, I picked up the wrong bag; this lunch isn’t mine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I picked up the wrong bag. Well,
what’s in it?”
“A donut, a cookie, and potato chips.”
“Hey, that’s my lunch!”
“I guess I picked up the wrong bag too.”
Lunchtime, yeah!
“I picked up the wrong bag." 我拿錯了袋子。
So Terry picked up the wrong bag.
It is not the one that had his lunch in it.
How do we use phrases with "wrong" plus
a noun? Sonya, can you help us?
Carrie says, “Hmm, 我拿錯了袋子。”
Well, I picked up the wrong bag, Carrie says.
所以此句為 "picked up the wrong bag."
I dialed the wrong number.”
I took the wrong bus.”
再一句:“I’m so sorry,
I said the wrong thing just now.”
Thank you, Sonia!
So what is in his bag?
It’s not his lunch,
and it’s not empty either. It’s a bag of carrots, so
it is something that he can eat, but it’s not really a full meal,
right? Remember, Terry is feeling sad.
He doesn’t have a smile on his face, and now
he doesn’t even have a lunch to eat.
And he doesn’t have anything else to eat,
so he’s just gonna have to eat
those carrots for lunch, right?
Well, that’s not right, because Patty, his friend, is very nice.
She says that
she brought two sandwiches
and she’s going to give him one of hers. Oh,
that is so nice of Patty,
especially as Terry is not having a great day. Friends,
what happens next?
We’ll find out after we take a break.
Don’t go away; we’ll be right back!
Let’s Talk in English!
Let’s Talk in English!
Ten minutes every day,
every day—that’s the way!
Welcome back to the show, everyone!
Sometimes when I’m having a bad day,
it feels like nothing can go right; I just do everything wrong.
Maybe this is how Terry is feeling as well,
but I’m glad
Patty is sharing one of her sandwiches with him. At least
he’ll have a sandwich to eat for lunch,
right? Hopefully
it can cheer him up. Let’s go and watch the rest of our story.
Terry accepts the sandwich
and goes to the cafeteria. He sits down at a table by himself.
He just wants to have a quiet lunch
and think about his dad.
“How is the sandwich, Terry?”
Patty asks; she sits down across from him.
“Oh, fine.”
Patty keeps talking and asks another question.
Terry doesn’t want to talk,
but he doesn’t want to be rude; Patty shared her lunch with him.
What should Terry do?
Terry should be nice and chat with Patty.
Terry wants to be alone;
he should tell Patty.
Your choice—what would you do?
Oh, this is difficult! What should Terry do?
Well, let’s talk through this part of our story,
starting with our find-it: Where does Terry eat lunch?
He eats lunch in the cafeteria. Yes!
In many workplaces and schools,
there is a special room where people eat lunch.
It’s called the cafeteria.
A cafeteria will have many tables and chairs for people to sit
and eat food. Some cafeterias will even serve food
or sell food for you to eat.
So Terry did take,
or he did accept the sandwich from Patty, and now
he is in the cafeteria. If you accept something,
you say yes and you receive it.
And Terry sits down at a table by himself.
We hear in our story that he just wants to have a quiet lunch
and think about his dad.
All right, remember,
our story is called A Quiet Lunch. He wants to eat by himself
without too many people talking to him or too much noise.
But Patty starts asking questions, yeah.
She sits down with him and asks him how the sandwich is that
she shared with him,
and he says it’s fine,
but she keeps talking and asks more questions. Right?
Now, remember, Terry doesn’t want to talk. Again,
though Patty was very nice to him, if it weren’t for Patty,
Terry would just be sitting there eating some carrots, right?
And Terry also doesn’t want to be rude. If you’re rude to someone,
it means you’re a little mean or not nice to them.
He doesn’t just want to tell Patty
that he wants to eat by himself quietly.
What do you think?
What should Terry do?
And what should Terry say? Think about that as we review today’s keywords.
Here is our first keyword:
die Their pet dog died last month.
bag What’s in that bag?
wrong You have the wrong idea.
accept I can’t accept any money.
cafeteria The boys are eating in the cafeteria.
Friends, those are today’s keywords. Keep practicing,
and now it’s your turn!
Today’s keywords are die, bag, wrong, accept, and cafeteria.
Now, it’s your turn to use them in a sentence. First one:
Please put the clothes in this—
Good job! Please put the clothes in this bag. Next:
Please go to the—
That’s correct! Please go to the cafeteria. Next:
When did Sarah’s cat—
You’re right! When did Sarah’s cat die? Next:
Did I do the thing—
You got it! Did I do the wrong thing?
Last one: Please accept this gift.
Great job!
Please accept this gift. I don’t actually have a gift for you,
but please come back tomorrow for your turn.
Terry walks into the break room at work
without a smile on his face. His father died two weeks ago,
and he’s still feeling sad.
“Hi, Terry! It’s good to see you! Why are you here in the break room?”
“Well, it’s lunchtime, so I’m getting my lunch.”
He takes out a bag from the refrigerator,
he opens it and looks inside.
“Oh no! What’s wrong?”
“My lunch! I made it last night and put it in a bag. Well,
I picked up the wrong bag.
This is a bag of carrots.
Do you have anything else to eat?”
“No, so I’m having carrots for lunch.”
“I brought two sandwiches today;
you can have one of mine,” Patty offers.
“That’s very nice of you!”
Terry accepts the sandwich
and goes to the cafeteria. He sits down at a table by himself.
He just wants to have a quiet lunch and think about his dad.
“How’s the sandwich, Terry?”
Patty asks. She sits down across from him.
Patty keeps talking and asks another question.
Terry doesn’t want to talk,
but he doesn’t want to be rude; Patty shared her lunch with him.
What should Terry do?
“Oh yes! What happened?”
“Well, I went to the break room to take a break.”
“That’s a good reason to go to the break room.”
“Ha ha! My friend was there; he was taking a break too.”
“So what happened?”
“Oh, my friend looked sad.”
“Why was he sad?”
“Maybe because he picked up the wrong bag and got the wrong lunch.”
“Yeah, he got a bag full of carrots.”
“Carrots, yeah, carrots.”
“So then what?”
“Well, I shared my lunch with him,
and it was a bag of bananas. Then he was happy.”
“Well, not really, so
I stayed there to cheer him up.”
“Well, that’s nice.”
“Yeah, he was great! I talked and talked and talked.”
“Huh, huh, yeah! I’m sure he liked it!”
“Hello, Grandpa!”
“Hi, Maria! Hey, would you like a sandwich?
I brought an extra one.”
“Maybe later, but first,
you need to answer some questions.”
“No problem! I’d love to answer questions.”
“That’s great, because I remember everything we know.
Well, here’s the first question: What did Terry bring for lunch
by mistake? Was it a bag of money?”
“No, think again! Hmm, something orange.
Was it a bag of oranges?”
“No, Grandpa, it was a bag of carrots.”
“Oh, why did he bring carrots?”
“He brought the carrots by mistake.”
“Oh, that’s a silly mistake!
Here’s the next question: What do you eat for lunch?”
“Oh, I usually have sandwiches for lunch;
I brought some today.”
“That’s right! And since you answered the questions now,
we can have lunch!”
“Maria, would you like one of my sandwiches?
I brought an extra one.”
“Sure! Let’s see what kind of sandwiches did you bring?”
“Well, I brought…”
Well, this story is a tough one.
I can understand why Terry is thinking the way he is.
His father died, and of course,
he wants to be in silence; he is still thinking things through.
But at the same time, Patty
was very nice; she did give him one of her sandwiches,
and he accepted it. So, Esther, what would you do?
I think if I were Terry,
I would try to tell Patty what happened.
I would say, “Thank you for sitting next to me,
but I’d like to eat a quiet lunch
because my dad passed away two weeks ago.” How about you, Garrett?
I think if I were Terry,
I wouldn’t say anything because Patty was very nice
and shared her sandwich.
Even though I would want to be alone,
I think I would just have to wait for some alone time later
in the day.
Right, friends? What would you do?
What would you say if you were Terry?
Don’t forget to join us again tomorrow
right here on Let’s Talk in English! Goodbye!

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