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How Cafe How咖啡體驗館
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How Cafe How咖啡體驗館
大家說英語 20241025
Sure! Here’s the revised text with corrected grammar and traditional Chinese characters:
Hello everyone,
Welcome to Let’s Talk in English.
My name is Garrett.
And my name is Esther. Today we have our e-report.
Yes, we do! We are going to "How Cafe" now.
A cafe sounds like another word.
That’s the word "coffee." That’s right!
Because in a cafe,
you can buy coffee.
Sometimes you can even buy tea and other light foods.
Cafes have a long history and culture.
They are places
where people can meet to discuss things,
to enjoy a relaxing afternoon,
and of course,
enjoy many different ways of drinking coffee.
Now today,
the name of our cafe is "How Cafe."
"How Cafe"? Yes!
"How Cafe." It might have to do with the Chinese name of this cafe,
because the word "how" in English,
as a question, sounds like "好" in Chinese.
That is true! Let’s now go to our "Find It" question:
What do people at "How Cafe" spend a lot of time doing?
What do people at "How Cafe" spend a lot of time doing?
Listen carefully to find the answer now.
Let’s go to Sonya, who will teach us today’s keywords.
Coffee is made when hot water flows through ground coffee.
動詞 "flow" 是流動。
The way you roast the beans can change the taste of the coffee.
動詞 "roast" 就是烘焙。
First, they sort the beans.
動詞 "sort" 就是挑選、分類它們。
They spend a lot of time checking each bean to make sure it’s perfect.
形容詞 "perfect" 就是完美的。
All these things affect the taste of the coffee.
動詞 "affect" 就是影響。
Hey friends,
Welcome to e-report!
My name is Campbell. Today,
we are at our studio classroom offices.
Let’s go and see what some of our teachers are doing.
Hey Hazel,
What are you doing?
I’m finished!
Hey Campbell! Hi friends!
Hi Hazel.
May I speak now?
Oh yeah!
Sure, sorry about that, I was just making coffee.
Well, it must be some very special coffee if you can’t talk while you’re making it.
Yeah, sorry!
It is special.
It’s pour-over coffee.
You really have to concentrate when you’re making it.
I’ve never seen anybody make coffee this way before.
How did you learn how to do that?
I visited a special cafe.
I took lessons on how to make it.
That’s interesting!
Would you like to learn more about pour-over coffee?
Sure! Well,
let me call the cafe.
Maybe we can go visit.
Sounds wonderful!
Do you like coffee?
Many people do. Some people drink several cups of coffee a day.
Usually, people use machines to make coffee.
They put coffee grounds and water in a machine. The machine heats
the water and pours it over the coffee grounds.
The water mixes with the grounds and out comes coffee.
This is a convenient way to make coffee.
Some coffee lovers prefer to make coffee by hand.
This is called pour-over coffee. It takes more time and effort,
but when they do this,
they can make a cup of coffee just how they like it.
Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world.
It’s made from coffee beans,
but you first need to grind them up into a powder
before you can make coffee.
Coffee is a brown drink,
and many people drink coffee in the morning. In fact,
some people drink several cups
or more than one cup of coffee a day.
It’s made when hot water flows through ground coffee.
If something flows,
it’s like a liquid pouring down.
There are about 120 different types of coffee beans now.
You need to roast coffee beans. When you roast something,
it means you put it over heat.
Yeah, it’s like you’re putting it into the oven to cook it.
After you roast those beans,
then you can start to prepare the coffee.
How you roast the beans will change the taste of the coffee.
we have one more word in there to talk about. It’s the word "brew."
When you brew coffee,
you are making a cup of coffee.
Yes, how you brew or cook the coffee will change its taste.
Now, we heard the phrase that way. Sonia,
can you help us with this?
今天我們來到 "How Cafe" 體驗館。
The way you roast the beans and how you brew the coffee
can change the taste of the coffee.
本句中的 "the way you roast the beans"
和 "how you brew the coffee"
先來看 "the way."
用來修飾 "the way."
例句:I like the way he tells stories.
或是 "she loves the way he dances."
而後面的 "how" 所引導的是名詞子句,
來看例句:"How you talk to the boss is important."
或是 "how he paints those pictures is amazing."
Thank you, Sonya!
現在讓我們進入我們的 e-report 的下一部分,
Hi Campbell, welcome to "How Cafe."
"How Cafe," H-O-W Cafe?
That’s an interesting name!
Yes, it is! This isn’t your normal
everyday cafe. At this cafe,
they teach people how to make a great cup of coffee.
Oh, very nice!
Hey, look over there!
What’s going on in that room?
Workers are sorting through coffee beans.
Sorting coffee beans? Why, only the best coffee beans can make the best
tasting coffee!
Ha, that makes sense! Hey,
do you think we can go in and help?
Maybe we can ask.
Not all coffee beans make great coffee. About 15 to 20 percent of them are not good.
These bad beans can make the coffee taste bad.
The bad beans might
even have things that can hurt our health. That’s why
"How Cafe" starts by carefully picking the best beans.
They spend a lot of time
checking each bean to make sure
each one is perfect. It takes a lot of effort and time,
but this is a very important step to make sure
each cup of coffee is the best it can be.
We did it! That was a lot of work!
Yes, it was! Now we can appreciate coffee even more, right?
Yes, definitely! So what do we do next, Hazel?
Next, the beans need to be roasted. Roasted?
How? Follow me!
This seems like a fun place! Well,
at "How Cafe," one of the first things they need to do
is sort the coffee beans, right?
This means you will separate the coffee beans.
You will take out the coffee beans
that are the bad ones and keep the good ones. Now,
friends, did you find the answer to our "Find It" question?
What do people at "How Cafe" spend a lot of time doing?
They spend a lot of time checking each bean to make sure it’s perfect.
Yes, they do! If something is perfect,
there is nothing wrong with it—
not even one little thing, right?
It is just right!
Because not all coffee beans
make great coffee. About fifteen to twenty percent of them
are not good. At "How Cafe,"
you always get a great cup of coffee.
That’s why sorting these beans is so important.
And you can do that
when you go to "How Cafe."
That’s right! I’m ready for a cup too!
I always love to drink coffee.
Alright friends, it’s time for a quick break now. We’ll be right back
just after this.
Let’s talk in English! Talk in English ten minutes every day!
Every day, that’s the way!
Welcome back,
everyone! What is your perfect day?
Mine probably starts with a cup of coffee. What kind of coffee
do you like, Garrett?
Do you like Americano, cappuccino,
or latte, or something else?
Just a black brewed coffee.
Let’s go to our last part of our e-report!
Alright, Hazel!
We sorted the beans, we roasted the beans, now what?
Now it’s time to pour some coffee!
Finally, what do we do first?
Well, since you’ve never poured coffee like this before,
let’s let an expert do it!
This is Mr. Zhang. He’s the owner of this cafe.
Oh, yes! He was the one that was roasting the beans! That’s right!
He opened this place
so that he could teach people about coffee.
太棒了!Pour-over coffee is made by pouring hot water
slowly over ground coffee beans.
Making a good cup of pour-over coffee
takes a lot of time, patience, and care.
You need a lot of skill and practice as well.
It is not as easy as pushing a button!
When making pour-over coffee,
your choices matter. The type of bean you use,
how you grind the beans,
the water temperature, and pouring speed,
all these things affect the final taste of the coffee.
When you do things right,
you can bring out the special flavors in the coffee beans
and make your coffee taste just right.
Alright, Campbell, have a sip! Tell me what you think!
This is delicious!
I taste a lot of different flavors in there,
not just coffee!
And this is
just one of thousands of coffee beans that are available!
So there are thousands of different types of coffee
that someone can pour and drink, right?
That’s why I like making coffee this way—it’s a treat!
It’s not just a drink to wake you up in the morning!
Coffee just tastes better this way, doesn’t it?
Yes, it takes more effort,
but it’s worth it!
it’s good to slow down and take your time to do something.
We don’t always have to rush!
There is an English saying: "Good things come to those who wait."
I love that saying! When we can be patient and do things
the right way,
we can experience some really nice things! I agree!
Well friends, that’s all the time we have for today’s e-report.
Thanks for joining us for another fun
e-report adventure!
I’ll see you next time! Take care!
So "How Cafe" is special.
You’re not just going there to sit and drink some coffee.
You actually get to be a part of making it, right?
You choose your beans,
you sort your beans,
and you’re going to pour the water over
these ground coffee beans! Yeah!
You get to make a kind of coffee called pour-over coffee.
This way, you’re not using a machine to help you brew the coffee.
You get to pour the water over
and control how it’s made,
because how fast or how slow you pour
the water might change the way
the coffee tastes! Well,
when you make pour-over coffee,
your choices matter.
And so does how you learn English.
We choose to go learn with Sonya!
When you make pour-over coffee,
your choices matter.
動詞 "matter" 指有關係、要緊的意思。
"Your friendship matters to me."
或是 "You can come at two o’clock or three o’clock,
it doesn’t matter."
"matter" 也可作名詞用,是事情或問題的意思。
"We have an important matter to discuss."
或是 "What’s the matter with your foot?"
Thank you, Sonya!
So what choices matter
when you’re brewing a cup of coffee?
We heard it’s the type of bean you use, how you grind the beans,
the water temperature, and your pouring speed, right?
These are very important factors,
because these all affect the taste of the coffee here.
The word "affect" is spelled "affect."
It means it will cause the coffee to have a certain taste, yeah!
It will change!
How it is like when I make pour-over coffee at home,
each time it tastes a little bit different,
because some of those things
we talked about earlier will be different.
And you need to do things just right,
because when you do it just right,
it will bring out the special flavors in the coffee beans.
If you bring out something,
it means you try to draw it out
or help people pay attention to it.
When you bring out those flavors,
you can taste them.
And now we can review our keywords.
Here is our first keyword: "flow."
Flow! I can hear water flowing.
Roast! Let’s roast this corn.
Sort! Please sort the paper by color.
Perfect! Ed never makes mistakes; he’s perfect.
Affect! Bright light affects his sleep.
Friends, those are today’s keywords! You’re doing a great job!
And now it’s your turn!
The words for today are: flow, roast, sort, perfect, and affect.
Now, it’s your turn to use them in a sentence.
First one:
"You can roast the meat in the oven."
You got it!
"My mom makes pie."
You’re right again!
"My mom makes perfect pie."
"The river flows into the ocean."
"The river flows into the ocean."
Last one:
"Did you sort the books yet?"
That’s right!
"Did you sort the books yet?"
And did you guess all the correct words? Great!
See you again here at Your Turn!
Hello and greetings!
I’m the game master and you’re here for What’s the Answer.
What do you reach for first when you wake up in the morning? For many people,
it’s a cup of coffee!
That’s today’s topic! Are Tommy and Lisa awake and ready?
I think so! Here’s question number one: Is this true or false?
The way you roast coffee beans doesn’t change the taste of coffee.
Lisa, this one is easy!
It’s false, of course!
It changes the flavor! Good job!
You want coffee that is roasted right!
Now, can you fill in the blank of the following sentence?
"Pour hot ______ over ground coffee to make coffee."
You can drink! Tommy, what should we pour?
I guess you could pour anything and drink it,
but if you want coffee, you need to pour hot water!
That’s it! Pour hot water! Coffee is pretty simple!
Come to think of it!
Alright, here comes the last question: What is not a coffee drink?
A. Latte
B. Americano
C. Cappuccino
or D. Mocharato?
Lisa, I love to have drinks with coffee in them! I know
the answer is D. Mocharato!
That’s right!
You won’t find it on a menu, and it looks like
Lisa is the winner!
Well, that’s all for today!
We’ll see you next time on What’s the Answer! See you later!
So Esther, what would you order
if you went to "How Cafe"?
I would order a chocolate mocha!
That’s chocolate with coffee! That sounds great!
I think I would love to try one of their pour-overs! Friends,
what would you try?
Would you try a pour-over coffee,
or maybe an Americano, cappuccino, or latte?
Thankfully, if you don’t love coffee,
cafes usually have lots of other options! Thanks for joining us!
We’ll see you again tomorrow right here on
Let’s Talk in English! Goodbye!

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