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Lazy Girl Jobs Are Just Healthy Jobs-空中英語教室
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Lazy Girl Jobs Are Just Healthy Jobs
空中英語教室 20241023
A lazy girl job is an easy, usually white-collar, job with good pay where an employee can quiet quit. The term was coined in 2023 by Gabrielle Judge, also known by screen name "antiworkgirlboss" on Instagram, in response to hustle culture, the Great Resignation, and worker exploitation. Although the trend is centered around women, she says men can have lazy girl jobs too. Judge explained the term was a marketing gimmick in order to raise awareness about "toxic workplace expectations" and is not about celebrating laziness.
懶惰女孩的工作是一份輕鬆的工作,通常是白領工作,報酬豐厚,員工可以安靜地辭職。這個術語由 Gabrielle Judge(在 Instagram 上的網名“antiworkgirlboss”)於 2023 年創造,旨在回應喧囂文化、“大辭職”和工人剝削。儘管這一趨勢以女性為中心,但她表示,男性也可以從事懶惰的女性工作。法官解釋說,這個詞是一種行銷噱頭,目的是提高人們對「有毒工作場所期望」的認識,而不是慶祝懶惰。
quiet quit是指員工在工作中不再積極投入,只完成基本的職責和任務,而不再超出要求的工作。這種態度通常是對工作環境或文化的不滿,旨在維持工作與生活的平衡,避免過度疲勞。
Here’s the revised text with the requested changes:
Friends, welcome back to Studio Classroom! I’m John.
My name is Ann Marie, and friends, today is a great day to learn something new, so let’s do that together today.
Ann Marie, I want to talk about jobs.
That’s right, jobs!
I want to know what you think a comfortable job should be like.
Oh, so like I would feel comfortable doing that job, and it wouldn’t be too stressful?
That’s right!
Okay, so I would say in the ideal situation, it would be a job with a lot of flexibility and maybe some team members to help me get my work done, so that all the pressure doesn’t fall on me.
Ooh, okay! That’s right. What makes a job stressful?
That’s today’s question, and we are going to learn how a new trend has been emerging over the last year or two, especially since the pandemic, and it has a strange name.
Let’s find out what that name is together right here.
Lazy girl jobs are just healthy jobs!
This trend should be a wake-up call for leaders. On TikTok, the term "lazy girl job" is being used to describe jobs with a comfortable salary, reasonable benefits, and nine-to-five working hours. This trend is about flexibility, efficiency, and creating healthy boundaries. Employees are working to get this message across. It boils down to the lesson the pandemic taught us: managing employees is not what it used to be.
Hi everyone, welcome to Language Lab! I’m Jack.
首先我們來看名詞 "flexibility",意思是靈活性、彈性。例如,"The teacher’s flexibility in changing her lessons to help students with different learning styles made her popular."
或是 "The new tax system offered more flexibility for small businesses."
"Flexibility" 的形容詞是 "flexible",意思是有彈性的。
譬如,"The company’s flexible work schedule allowed employees to choose their working hours, which helped them with a better work-life balance."
接下來看 "boundary" 這個名詞,意思是界限。
譬如,"Feeling overworked, Penny established clear boundaries with her co-workers, setting specific times for communication."
或是 "The parks enforced boundaries to protect wildlife habitats and maintain the natural beauty of the area."
或是 "The artist pushed the boundaries of tradition by including materials like sand and other objects in her artwork."
Okay, did we read that right? Lazy girl jobs are just healthy jobs?
Ann Marie, normally I think of being lazy as a bad thing.
Yeah, usually if you’re lazy, it means that you don’t want to work hard. Maybe you sit around on the couch all day, and when you have something to do, you put it off till the last minute.
I see! This trend isn’t necessarily about being lazy, though; it’s a funny name for a question in society.
Well, let’s talk about it.
We read here together that this trend should be a wake-up call for leaders.
Okay, a wake-up call. Here is something that alerts you to a bad situation.
I think there’s a literal wake-up call that you can order from a hotel, right?
Yeah! This is something that happened a lot of times before people each had their own cell phones. You could ask the front desk to give you a wake-up call in the morning to make sure that you got up on time. The phone would ring at the time you were supposed to get up.
But the wake-up call that we’re talking about here means that something has happened, and it really makes you think, “Oh, there’s something that I need to think about or something that I need to change.”
That’s right! And here we get a definition of lazy girl job right away. Let’s read it together. On TikTok, the term "lazy girl job" is being used to describe jobs with a comfortable salary, reasonable benefits, and 9 to 5 working hours.
Okay, a salary is what you’re paid, benefits are the extra things—not just money—and 9 to 5 working hours means 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., right?
And then we also read here another descriptive sentence.
That’s right! So this is another definition of what a lazy girl job is. This trend is about flexibility, efficiency, and creating healthy boundaries.
So the idea here is that you’re not working overtime; you have that boundary that work stays at work.
Okay, you learned about flexibility and boundaries before, but let’s talk about why employees are pushing this trend.
We read that employees are working to get this message across. It boils down to the lesson the pandemic taught us: managing employees is not what it used to be.
So employees are asking for more flexibility.
Okay, I guess that makes sense.
But here we have, "It boils down to the lesson the pandemic taught us." When you say "it boils down to," that means it is all about this one thing.
That’s right! You could also say "it comes down to this." This is at the baseline or at the foundation of this idea.
So it all boils down to this lesson the pandemic taught us, and this lesson is that managing employees is not what it used to be.
What does it mean if something is not what it used to be?
Well, it usually means something is not as good as it was in the past. So you could say, "Wow, TV shows are not what they used to be," or you could say, "The food from this restaurant is not what it used to be."
Yeah, that’s true! It doesn’t always mean that the thing that has happened before is better; sometimes it just means that things are changing and are a lot different now.
But we have more to talk about when it comes to lazy girl jobs, friends. So let’s get on with our next reading for today.
Lazy girl jobs are just healthy jobs. It’s paramount that business leaders put the well-being and health of workers and their families above everything else.
We have to enable employees to succeed in a more independent and self-guided way. Part of that is incorporating work into employees’ lives, not life into their work.
A common mistake leaders make is equating commitment with long hours. In reality, commitment is about output, productivity, and goal completion.
When employees really understand their goals and are completing them effectively, productivity thrives.
Here are four key lessons.
我們再來看 "productivity" 這個名詞,意思是生產力。
例如,"A clean organized work area helped Simon increase his productivity."
或是 "The teams meeting brought out new ideas that boosted productivity and helped move the project forward."
或是 "When Sam decided to prioritize productivity over perfection, he became more successful."
Okay, let’s talk more about lazy girl jobs, and I’m interested in what you think about this trend. So let’s pay attention.
It’s paramount that business leaders put the well-being and health of workers and their families above everything else.
Okay, well, "paramount," first of all, means the most important thing. You could say, "It’s paramount that you train before you run a marathon," right?
That’s right! "Paramount" means here that it’s very, very important, and in some people’s opinion, the most important thing.
Business leaders are putting the well-being and health of workers and their families above everything else. If you put something above something else, it means that you are saying this thing is more important than that thing.
Interesting! So oftentimes businesses put money and profits before everything else, so this trend is arguing that something more personal is more important.
All right, well, we also read here, "We have to enable employees to succeed in a more independent and self-guided way."
Those two terms, "independent" and "self-guided," are very similar, but "independent" means you don’t need help from someone else, and "self-guided" means you don’t need directions from someone else.
So it’s good to have employees that do good work in an independent and self-guided way.
That’s right!
And we read here, "Part of that is incorporating work into the employees’ lives, not life into their work."
We’ve talked about it before, friends. What we’re talking about here, of course, is work-life balance.
But we see that word "incorporating" there. Friends, John, what does that mean?
"Incorporating" here means to combine something into something else. So your life is more than just work. It’s really easy for work to kind of take over the other parts of your life.
That’s right! So what we’re saying here is that you have your life, and then you fit your work into it—not the other way around.
Now, one thing we read here is about the time that employees are sometimes expected to work. But what’s really true?
A common mistake leaders make, we read, is equating commitment with long hours.
In reality, commitment is about output, productivity, and goal completion.
Okay, so "equating" means to think one thing equals another thing.
And you could say, "Don’t equate a compliment with a deep friendship."
That’s a really good point! So employers here are making a mistake in thinking that the people who are working the longest are actually the most committed or are getting the most done, when in reality...
that’s not always true.
that’s right, we use this phrase "in reality" to mean "in actual fact."
like the truth is...
"blank" is another thing you could say, so here
the thing we’re talking about
is that you don’t necessarily
have to work a long time to do a good
job, but sometimes bosses equate being in the office
for a long time with better workers.
what do you think?
well, we have a last sentence here:
when employees really understand their goals
and are completing them
effectively, productivity thrives.
"Thrives" means it’s doing really well. And finally,
we get four key lessons that we’ll have to talk about right
after this info cloud.
hello and welcome to InfoCloud!
do you use English at your nine-to-five job,
or is learning English
a hobby for you? Great question! Here at InfoCloud,
we use English every day at work,
but we start work at eight o’clock,
not nine o’clock.
that’s true!
we use the term "nine to five" to describe a typical workday
when someone goes to work in the morning, has a break for lunch,
and then comes home before dinner. In addition,
a nine-to-five job
is usually understood to take place on weekdays,
for example, from Monday to Friday.
it describes an average office job,
especially in the United States,
as these are the most common working hours.
you start work at 9 a.m. and finish work by 5 p.m.
if you stay at work after that,
you might get paid overtime.
historically, in agricultural societies,
people started work when the sun came up or even earlier,
but by the 1920s in America,
nine-to-five working hours were common practice. Nowadays,
people might prefer hybrid work or flexible time,
or they might even have a
side hustle in addition to their nine to five.
but working nine to five is still the standard workday in many places.
having a nine-to-five job
allows for better work-life balance.
you have time for your hobbies,
like learning English.

working nine to five
今天要跟大家介紹的用語是 "working nine to five",
那你就可以說 "I work at a nine-to-five job"
這就是今天的 InfoCloud,

lazy girl jobs are just healthy jobs.
output before input.
the lazy girl job trend argues for a results-driven culture,
shifting to a focus on productivity,
which promotes a more efficient and flexible work environment
where employees are judged by their output.
this means
companies must have the right tools and processes to document
goals and progress.
最後來看片語動詞 "argue for"
例如 "the residents argued for stricter rules
regarding industrial waste disposal,"
noting the increase of pollution in their area.
或是 "the student argued for a later deadline on
her project, explaining several of the challenges
she faced in her research."
或是 "Tommy argued for a later bedtime,
saying that he was older now
and none of his friends had to go to bed so early."
okay, so what are lazy girl jobs
all about? We talked a little bit about what
bosses think makes efficient workers. Now,
let’s talk about one of the key lessons
this trend can teach us: output before input.
Andrea, those are two similar-sounding words. What do they mean?
well, they are opposite words,
and we saw that word "output" in the previous section.
friends, "output" is talking about goals and results,
so that is what is coming out of something. Now,
"input" is like receiving instructions.
input is the amount of time that you are spending on something.
so what this means, we’ll learn about it here
in a minute, is that we should be focusing on results.
i see! Instead of worrying about the time
that it takes to get those results.
i guess! Well, let’s read together: the lazy girl job
trend argues for a results-driven culture. Interesting!
so that’s one of the theme sentences here.
if you say something "argues for" it,
it means it’s promoting that.
but a results-driven culture is pretty interesting. You
could say, "my parents were very results-driven.
if I got an A, they were happy." All right!
that’s a great example.
we see something else in this
next sentence that
we want to look at: "shifting to a focus on productivity
promotes a more efficient and flexible work environment."
let’s stop there for just a moment
and check out this phrase "shifting to." If you "shift to" something,
it means there’s a change in mindset
or a change in production in some way. For example,
sometimes people will try to shift their schedule.
I’m shifting to a more, for example,
baby-friendly schedule. That’s something that I had to do in my life recently.
so this is a change from before. That’s right!
so they’re shifting their mindset to focus more on those results.
and we read that this means
companies must have the right tools and processes to document
goals and progress.
okay, here "document" is the word
we want to teach. To "document" means to keep track of clearly
and in a way that can be tracked. You could say, "oh,
I like to document my son’s soccer games,
so I make sure to film each one."
you could document how much money you spend every month
if you’re trying to make a budget.
that means you’re going to write down all the money
you spend in a given day. Now,
this word here is used as a verb,
but we also use this word "document" as a
noun too, and that means something totally different.
that’s right! A "document" is something
that’s been written down. These days,
we have a lot of digital documents.
there are actual words there that don’t change usually,
and so they kind of document information actually well.
friends, this is an interesting trend to think about. Emory, so far,
do you feel like the lazy girl trend has some benefits?
yeah, I think there could be something
said for this trend of lazy girl jobs.
I think that companies measuring success by efficiency
and meeting goals could be better than
just looking at how much time
employees are putting in,
because some people spend a lot of time doing things
and they never actually accomplish anything. That’s right!
and if you know that you just have to get a job done,
then you could maybe go home and spend time with your kids.
you might work
harder and in a more focused way.
but there is a lot to consider.
we’ll have to talk more about this after our fun fact.
hello, fact friends!
i am detective Ernest Finder,
and I have a fun fact for you.
today, let’s see... oh yes!
did you know
there is a quote: "the lazy person says there is a lion outside"? Ha!
what does that mean? Well,
that means that when we are lazy,
we look for excuses to not work and blame others
or blame lions. Ha!
and that is today’s fun fact! Ha!
there really is a lion there.
okay, well Emory, in our article today,
lazy girl jobs claims to be a wake-up call for leaders.
do you think leaders will pay attention to this trend and why?
well, I think
the issue is that they’re going to be forced to pay attention,
because if people really continue on with this trend
and this just turns into reality,
employees are going to be forced to see that the way
people have worked in the past
doesn’t work for this generation. Interesting!
i think you’re right,
especially because of the word "boundaries" that we learned.
i think flexibility
and boundaries are more important to younger generations.
and that’s not always true. Sometimes
it means that
younger generations might quit a little bit earlier on things.
so it’s a new challenge for bosses and for employees.
well, I’m John.
I’m Emory,
and we hope that you will join us next time
for the second part of this lesson,
right here on Studio Classroom!

Lazy Girl Jobs Are Just Healthy Jobs
空中英語教室 20241024
Sure! Here’s your text with corrected grammar and traditional Chinese characters:
Alright, friends, welcome back to Studio Classroom. I’m John.
My name is Ann Marie. Today is a great day to learn something new, so let’s do that together. Yesterday, Ann Marie and I were talking with you about lazy girl jobs. This is a trend that has been a wake-up call for employers and employees. Ann Marie, this trend is all about efficiency and flexibility in the workplace. What else did we learn yesterday?
Well, we learned that this trend is something that has continued since the pandemic. During the pandemic, people’s working situations were different, and a lot of people realized they were actually more efficient with a goal-based job where they had a due date or had to get something done by a certain time. As long as they got it done, the amount of time they spent on it maybe didn’t matter.
That’s right. People also realized they don’t always love spending those long hours in the office. So, is there a solution? Well, today we’ll continue with our list of things that define a lazy girl job. Let’s do that together. Lazy girl jobs are just healthy jobs.
Healthy boundaries: Recognize that work is a part of life, not the other way around. This means flexibility in work hours, opportunities for remote work, and ensuring that after-hours communications are the exception.
Build trust and autonomy: One crucial aspect of this trend is empowering employees to guide their work autonomously. This autonomy translates into higher job satisfaction and performance.
Hello everyone, welcome to Language Lab. I’m Jack。 我們首先來看 "exception" 這個名詞,它的意思是例外的事物。例如:
“With the exception of one uncle, the entire family had a natural talent for music.”
或是:“The teacher rarely accepted late homework, the only exception being someone with a doctor’s note.”
或是:“Everyone loved the movie, with one exception: Frank found it a bit dull.”
再來看名詞 “autonomy”,意思是自制、自主。例如:
“The self-driving car promised a future of greater autonomy, allowing passengers to enjoy the ride with no stress.”
或是:“Bethany’s parents limited her online autonomy, making her frustrated with her lack of freedom.”
或是:“The teacher encouraged student autonomy, encouraging students to choose projects based on their interests.”
Okay, so we are on number two of a list of four points. Number one is something that we learned yesterday, right, Ann Marie?
That’s right! We learned about the fact that lazy girl jobs value output over input. Your results are more important than the time you put in. Okay, output before input was number one. Number two, we read here is healthy boundaries.
A boundary is a limit to personal interactions or some kind of a protective barrier. It’s basically where you stop something out, right? So a boundary is usually put up to keep you or to keep other people from getting hurt or taken advantage of. So let’s read and see how this applies to the workplace.
Recognize that work is a part of life, not the other way around. This is a really useful phrase for you to know, friends. “The other way around” means the opposite direction from what was just listed. So you could say, “I thought that I was the one in charge, but it was the other way around: my dog was leading the walk.” It means it switches the expectation, exactly.
Okay, so what this means is flexibility in work hours, opportunities for remote work, and ensuring that after-hours communications are the exception. After-hours communication would mean something that happens after a specified time. So if you’re working a 9 to 5 job and you get an email at 7 PM, here’s the question: do you answer the email? Technically, that email is after hours; you’re not clocked in at work. So that would be one example of how to create this type of boundary.
That’s right; these are difficult real-life questions, as I’m sure many of you have faced already. Well, this is a question that we’ll have to leave up to you. But let’s go on to the second part of our list, very important:
Build trust and autonomy: We learned all about autonomy working independently, but what does this mean? We read that one crucial aspect of this trend is empowering employees to guide their work autonomously.
So, empowering is a word we’ve talked about before. That’s right! Let’s review it quickly here together, friends. If you are empowered to do something, it means that you have the knowledge and the confidence necessary to do it. You are the one who can make that decision. That’s right! So it’s good to empower the people around you to be better workers.
We also learned about autonomy and that this autonomy translates into higher job satisfaction and performance. So if something translates into something else, that means it becomes that. Job satisfaction—that’s an important phrase you need to know. What does it mean? Well, if you’re satisfied with your job, it means that you are content at your job; you’re happy to stay there.
This would be great news for employers because they would have fewer employees quitting, especially if they have great job satisfaction. Job satisfaction is really important; you could use it in all kinds of sentences. You could say, “Bob got a lot of job satisfaction as a doctor from healing people.” So job satisfaction is all about this. Is what we’re talking about with this lazy girl trend that people are satisfied with their work?
Well, friends, it’s time for the next section of our reading. Let’s learn more. Lazy girl jobs are just healthy jobs.
Integrate wellbeing and health: Every leader is doing their best to hire smart, motivated, talented people. It’s our responsibility to ensure their wellbeing by offering mental health support, promoting physical wellness, and cultivating a positive work environment.
接下來看動詞 “integrate”,意思是整合、使融入。譬如:“AI researchers are working on ways to integrate machines into human society.”
或是:“The immigrant artist tried to integrate her cultural traditions into her paintings.”
或是:“The teacher provided activities that would integrate new vocabulary words, helping students connect them to what they already knew.”
Okay, point number four, as we just read: integrate wellbeing and health. So if you’re integrating, we learned that you’re making it part of a system. Wellbeing—we see these two words “well” and “being” with a little line in between—and it means how someone is doing, right?
Yeah, it’s basically talking about how they’re doing mentally, physically, and emotionally. We talk a lot about our physical health; well, now these lazy girl jobs are saying we really need to pay attention to our mental health as well. That makes sense, and when jobs help you do well in your wellbeing, then it’s more likely that you’ll be able to do better work.
We read together for this point: every leader is doing their best to hire smart, motivated, talented people. It’s our responsibility to ensure their wellbeing. So you want to hire someone that’s motivated, because if you’re motivated, it means you are internally ready to do something. It’s good to be motivated, isn’t it?
That’s right! When I first moved to Asia, I was very motivated to learn Chinese. I had a reason to; I needed to communicate with the people around me. I hope you are motivated to keep learning English, friends.
But as we move on, let’s talk about this idea here: it’s leaders’ responsibility to ensure their wellbeing—that is, the wellbeing of their employees. What do you think about this, John?
I strongly agree with this statement because if you are in a position where you’re taking care of other people, you really should do your best to make sure that they’re doing well and not just use them to do some sort of job without caring about their wellbeing. That just doesn’t make sense.
Alright, well, let’s finish out this section here: offering mental health support, promoting physical wellness, and cultivating a positive work environment contribute to this goal. Well, we see that word “cultivating” there. What does that mean, cultivating?
It means improving or developing something.
So you could say, “I was cultivating my ability to speak English and French for when I traveled to Europe.” You could cultivate all types of things. You could cultivate a feeling of trust in a relationship—that means you are working on it and trying to make it better.
I do agree with this as well. I think that if employees are doing well and employers focus on their physical health, they’re not going to get sick as much. They’re not going to call off work as much if they are healthy and doing mentally well and unstressed. It’s just better for everyone.
I think so too. The thing we normally do is often to complain. If we’re in a workplace where we can’t talk in a healthy way about our wellbeing and can’t find solutions, then it often becomes just a culture of complaining, and nothing gets fixed.
Well, friends, there’s a lot more to think about, but I think this is a very interesting cultural and social article. Now, let’s go to our info cloud!
Hello friends,
Welcome to InfoCloud. Hi Garrett!
You look really tired. What’s going on?
Hey Rex,
I’ve been working non-stop.
I think I’m experiencing burnout. Have you heard of that term?
Yeah, I’ve heard people say they are burned out.
But what does that really mean? Burnout, written as one word, is a state of physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion. It’s caused by working too much or being too stressed for too long.
That sounds rough.
So you have burnout when you are too tired to keep going?
Yes, but you might not actually feel physically tired. You might feel like you don’t care anymore or that you want to give up.
Got it! What about other ways the word is used?
Well, you already mentioned people saying they are or feel burned out, written as two words.
I guess saying someone is burned out or that they have burnout is kind of like comparing them to a fire that uses all its fuel and goes out.
That’s a good way of thinking about it.
Sometimes you will hear people describe a person as a burnout. Is that a person that has burnout, sort of in that context?
Burnout describes a person who is seen as permanently exhausted or unmotivated, often due to long-term stress or substance abuse.
Wow, burnout really covers a range of meanings.
I suppose that’s because it’s a common problem in modern society.
I think so too, Rex.
But fortunately, we also have lots of terms like self-care that describe ways to treat burnout so that people can get back to living healthy lives.

burn out
當一個人因為工作太過勞累到了筋疲力竭的地步,你可以用今天分享的用語burn out來形容它。
burn out字面上就是燒盡或燒光的意思,用來形容一個人的身體已經油盡燈枯,沒辦法再繼續下去了。
Tony is burned out from working overtime every day.
burn out可以說是所謂的過勞。

Lazy girl jobs are just healthy jobs.
The lazy girl job trend is not a fad.
We must pay attention to what employees, especially the next generation, are saying about what work should be. Millennials and Gen Z want balance in their lives, not to be the first ones in the office and the last ones out.
This trend encourages us to create a workplace that is in tune with these generations and the modern world. By doing so, we foster a culture where employees feel cared for, where their lives outside of work are valued, and where they can perform at their best.
最後來看“fad”這個名詞,意思是一時的時尚。例如:“Don’t use the latest food fad to lose weight; build healthy eating habits that will be good for you in the long run.”
或是:“While some health fads have ended quickly, others have stayed due to their lasting health benefits.”
或是:“Do you think really short skirts are a passing fad, or are they here to stay for a while?”
Alright, so is this just a short-term thing? Well, our author doesn’t think so. The lazy girl job trend is not a fad. A fad, as we learned, is something quick, a temporary thing that people like.
We’ll see, we’ll discuss that, and we read we must pay attention to what employees, especially the next generation, are saying that work should be.
Okay, do you think we should pay attention to this?
Yeah, I do, and I would have to agree with the writer.
I don’t think that this is a fad. Long before the pandemic, I think my generation, which is the millennial generation, was really talking about mental health and work-life balance, having boundaries at work.
So I do think the pandemic helped to push this out, but I don’t think it necessarily started with the pandemic.
We read here that millennials and Gen Z want balance in their lives, not to be the first one in and the last one out.
What does that mean? Well, that makes sense. If you’re the first one in and the last one out, it means you’re going to work early and leaving late, probably doing something called overtime, which is work outside of the normal hours.
As you’ve learned well, being the first one in and the last one out doesn’t sound like a lot of fun, but for many new workers, that is the reality of life.
So what does this trend do? Well, this trend encourages us to create a workplace that’s in tune with these generations in the modern world.
“In tune” means up to date. It sounds a lot like a musical term.
Yeah, you could say that someone is in tune with the latest trends. That would mean that they know what trends are happening and what things are popular, and they follow them as well.
So that’s the idea here—that these workplace environments need to be in tune with what this next generation of workers wants because, after all, this is the workforce coming up.
It is, so we should pay attention, especially if you are a boss. By doing so, by paying attention, we foster a culture where employees feel cared for, where their lives outside of work are valued, and where they can perform at their best.
This word “foster” is a lot like “cultivate.” It’s intentionally working to make something better.
You could say that the gentle music helps to foster a peaceful atmosphere.
These other things—where their lives outside of work are valued—what does that look like?
Well, if your life outside of work is valued by your employer, you’re not going to be receiving texts or calls at 7 PM, 9 PM, or 11 PM at night. They know that you are home with your family, and they value that time. So that tomorrow when you go to work, you will be ready to focus on work.
That’s right, and perform at your best.
So, performing means to do something when we’re talking about work performance—how well are you doing?
“But at your best” is a phrase that you really do need to know.
Yeah, if you’re doing something at your best, it means you’re doing it the best you can. For example, you could say, “Sorry about that, I’m not feeling my best.” That means you don’t feel as good as you normally would.
That’s right! Sometimes I tell my kids, “Get some rest so you can play at your best.”
Well, friends, get some rest right now. Rest your brain with a fun fact.
Oh, hello, facts friends! I am Detective Ernest Finder, and I have a fun fact for you today. Did you know there is a funny term for the boss in America? The big cheese! Haha!
It’s true, but be careful calling your boss a big cheese. It’s not my fault if you get fired!
But make sure you work hard for your big cheese. Don’t be too lazy!
And that is today’s fun fact.
Oh hi, big cheese!
Alright friends, well, that’s the end of our lesson today. We talked about this lazy girl job trend, and now that we’ve discussed it, what do you think about this lazy girl job trend?
I really like the idea that a job could be results-based instead of time-based.
I think that is a wise way for most companies to move.
However, I don’t think that every single occupation would be able to have this type of schedule or this type of workplace environment.
Yes, I agree. I think that it is nice when we try to be more efficient, and a boss can understand that you don’t need to give all your time to be a really good employee.
But at the same time, I can’t help but feel a little bad for employers who are not used to dealing with all the feelings that this new generation has.
So it’s a good reminder that we all need to grow in a lot of ways.
Well, friends, I’m Jhon.
I’m Ann Marie.
We hope you have enjoyed talking about lazy girl jobs.
Talk about them more in English, and we’ll see you next time right here on Studio Classroom!

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