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Staying Awake and Falling Asleep
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Staying Awake and Falling Asleep
大家說英語 20241022
Sure! Here’s the corrected version with traditional Chinese characters:
Hello everyone,
Welcome to Let’s Talk in English.
My name is Esther and my name is Garrett.
We’re bringing you some tips, and the name of today’s lesson is "Staying Awake and Falling Asleep." Hmm.
These are two things that we have trouble with at different times.
Sometimes you’re really tired, and it’s hard to stay awake during an important meeting.
And sometimes you’re really tired, but you have trouble falling asleep.
So we’ll be sharing some tips on how you can stay awake and fall asleep.
Right, we will have some great tips that may help you in your daily life, so you can do a better job of this.
Now, let’s go to our reading to learn more.
Do you feel sleepy during the day?
If so, try these things: take breaks from sitting, stand up, and stretch every hour.
That will help you stay awake. You can drink coffee or tea, but ice water helps too.
Have a snack, but don’t eat one with too much sugar; that will not help you.
If you can, take a quick walk outside. Sunshine and fresh air will help you wake up.
Exercise improves your energy level too.
Thank you so much, Esther. Well, I sure need some of those tips in my life, and I’m excited to talk about them with all of you.
Right, and now we have today’s "Find It" question. Here it is: What does Sam try to do every hour?
Friends, the answer to that will be in your conversation today, so make sure you don’t fall asleep so you don’t miss the answer.
And now, let’s go to Sonya with today’s keywords.
I’m so sleepy today.
形容詞 "sleepy" 就是困倦的。
I’d like to take a quick walk outside.
形容詞 "quick" 就是短暫的、快速的。
Sim 也贊成她的想法,因為運動能夠提高人的精力程度。
Exercise improves your energy level.
名詞 "energy" 就是精力、活力。
But it didn’t help me wake up.
片語動詞 "wake up" 就是清醒、醒來。
Sim 就建議她喝冰水試試看。
Try some ice water.
名詞 "ice" 就是冰。
Ah, I’m so sleepy today.
Sam, I can’t stay awake.
I know the feeling. You should take breaks, Julie.
That can help keep you awake.
You’re right, I should stand up more often.
I try to stretch every hour.
That’s a good idea. I’d like to take a quick walk outside.
That will help. Exercise improves your energy level.
Today we’re in the office of Julie and Sam, and Julie is tired. She was yawning and she said, "I’m so sleepy, Sam." She can’t stay awake.
And I love that word "sleepy" there. It’s just fun to say "sleepy."
If you are sleepy or you’re feeling sleepy, it means you want to sleep, or we can say you are tired.
Right, you are tired and you are sleepy.
Now, "sleepy" is a word we use when we talk about sleep, but there are other words. Sonia, can you help us?
I’m so sleepy today.
Sam,名詞 "sleep" 是睡眠的意思。
字尾加 "y" 變成形容詞 "sleepy",是困倦的、打瞌睡的意思。
I feel very sleepy right now.
或是 "If you feel sleepy, take a nap."
如果 "sleep" 前面加 "a",就變成形容詞 "asleep",是睡著的意思。
You can’t talk to Dad; he’s asleep.
或是 "Max is asleep in the living room."
Max 在客廳睡著了。
Thank you, Sonia.
Julie says that she can’t stay awake. Well, if you’re not sleeping, then you are awake.
Because she is sleepy, she has trouble staying awake.
Right, you might say in the morning, "I am now awake and getting out of bed."
And Sam understands because everyone sometimes feels sleepy.
He says, "I know the feeling."
Oh, I agree with him. I know the feeling.
And I know that that is today’s calendar phrase: "I know the feeling."
I work so hard. I know the feeling.
I get so tired. I know the feeling.
I get so bored.
I know the feeling. I need a vacation.
Oh, I know the feeling.
Yeah, vacation.
I know the feeling.
Sam gives Julie a good tip about what she should do to stay awake.
He says that she should take breaks, and that can help her stay awake, or it can help keep her awake.
I agree with this. Sometimes if you’re sitting at a computer for a long time or writing homework, it can be easy to sort of get sleepy and almost fall asleep.
And when you take a break, you take a rest. It’s a short rest.
Julie agrees; she said, "I should stand up more often."
Yeah, stand up more often, move around, and you’ll wake up a bit.
Maybe even do a little bit of an exercise break with some extra movements.
Well, Sam does give Julie a tip about what she can do, and that leads us to the answer to today’s "Find It" question.
Our question is: What does Sam try to do every hour?
He tries to stretch every hour.
So if you’re sitting at a computer, try to stand up every hour and do some stretching.
Julie says that she likes to take a quick walk outside.
A quick walk is a fast walk.
She won’t spend too much time walking.
Yeah, this doesn’t necessarily mean she’s walking quickly; it’s just a short amount of time—a quick walk.
Yes, and Sam says that a quick walk will help because exercise improves your energy level.
Hmm, right, your energy is your ability to do things, to move around, to think, and even to stay awake.
Food gives us energy, but sometimes moving around or getting some exercise makes us feel like we have more energy too.
When you have energy, then you will be able to think and do what you need to do.
Now it’s time for us to take a break. Don’t go away; we’ll be right back.
Let’s talk in English.
We all feel sleepy sometimes when we need to stay awake. Garrett, what do you do when you feel sleepy?
Well, there were times when I was driving late at night and felt very sleepy.
One thing that helped was loud music. The other thing is really cold temperatures.
So turning the air conditioning up really high helps.
I agree. Friends, those are some good tips on how you can stay awake.
I like to stand up and sit down and drink water.
Let’s continue today’s lesson.
I drank some coffee, but it didn’t help me wake up.
Try some ice water when I’m sleepy. Drinking ice water helps me.
Hmm, I’ll try that. Maybe I’ll have something to eat too.
Do you want some candy?
No, thanks; it has too much sugar in it.
Now I’m feeling a little sleepy too.
Then let’s take a five-minute walk. Come on.
Now Julie tells us what she did to help herself stay awake, but it didn’t work.
She drank some coffee.
Right, coffee has something in it called caffeine. Some other drinks, like tea or even chocolate, have this too.
It helps us to stay awake, but Julie says this time it didn’t help her wake up.
"Wake up" is what you do when you get up in the morning.
You wake up when you’re feeling sleepy, and you drink coffee. That coffee will give you some energy, and that will help you wake up as well.
You won’t feel so sleepy, so the coffee did not work for Julie.
So Sam has another tip for her. He says, "Try some ice water."
When he’s sleepy, drinking ice water helps him.
And what is ice?
Ice is water that has been frozen.
It’s below zero degrees Celsius.
If you put water in the freezer part of your refrigerator, you can make some ice.
Then add it to normal temperature water, and you’ll have ice water.
Because it’s so cold, it can help wake you up.
Julie says she will try that, and she wants to eat something as well.
Here, "something" just means one kind of food. Sonia, can you help us with this word?
Maybe I’ll have something to eat too.
不定詞 "to eat" 以形容詞的角色,修飾前面的 "something"。
She needs to get something to wear.
或是 "Do you have something to drink?"
He has something to say to us.
Thank you, Sonia.
Sam offers candy to Julie because candy has sugar in it.
It gives people energy.
Yeah, it does give people energy, but Julie doesn’t want this candy because she says it has too much sugar in it.
Right, sometimes when you eat candy, you will get energy, but then later you will feel like you don’t have energy.
So Julie doesn’t want to eat it now.
Sam says that he is feeling sleepy as well.
You can see them yawning. When you yawn, you go like "ugh."
Now friends, did you yawn just now?
Sometimes when you see someone else yawn, you will yawn by yourself as well.
Julie has a good idea; she says, "Then let’s take a five-minute walk."
She wants Sam to go on a quick walk with her, right, to help wake them up.
She says, "Come on." Now what does she mean by that?
Here, "come on" means let’s go; what are you waiting for?
This is a good phrase to use when you want someone to do something with you or you want them not to wait.
Maybe you’re with your kids and they just won’t get ready for the day. You might say, "Come on, guys; it’s time for school."
Right, or you might want to go somewhere with your friend and they’re just on their phones.
You might say, "Come on, it’s time to go."
Right, but it’s not always said at a time when someone is being too slow.
I think Julie and Sam are both ready for that little five-minute quick walk. It’ll be a good break.
And now, let’s go and review today’s keywords.
Here’s your first keyword for today:
I’m sleepy; I can’t keep my eyes open.
I want ice in my water.
Let’s eat a quick lunch and then study.
Wake up.
Wake up.
What time do you wake up in the morning?
Her little brother has a lot of energy.
Well friends, those are your keywords for today.
Keep on practicing them, and now it’s your turn.
The words for today are sleepy, ice, quick, wake up, and energy.
Now it’s your turn to use them in a sentence.
They don’t have the energy to walk home.
Can we put ice in the drinks?
Please wake her up at six.
Good job!
You look sleepy; take a nap.
You’re right!
Last one:
I need to make a quick phone call.
You got it!
I need to make a quick phone call.
So bye, everyone. Remember to come back tomorrow for your turn!
Ah, I’m so sleepy today.
Sam, I can’t stay awake.
I know the feeling; you should take breaks, Julie.
That can help keep you awake.
You’re right; I should stand up more often.
I try to stretch every hour.
That’s a good idea.
I’d like to take a quick walk outside.
That will help; exercise improves your energy level.
I drank some coffee, but it didn’t help me wake up.
Try some ice water when I’m sleepy; drinking ice water helps me.
Hmm, I’ll try that. Maybe I’ll have something to eat too.
Do you want some candy?
No, thanks; it has too much sugar in it.
Now I’m feeling a little sleepy too.
Then let’s take a five-minute walk. Come on.
I’m so sleepy today; I can’t stay awake.
I know the feeling.
Ginger, wake up!
What? Oh, sorry.
You should take a break.
Good idea! Uh, not now. Oh.
Haha, but I’m so sleepy.
Ah, stand up more often and stretch every hour.
Well, that’s a good idea. Haha.
Drinking coffee or ice water can also help you wake up, or eating a snack—
Ah, one without too much sugar.
Yeah, hey, why don’t we take a quick walk?
That might help. Good idea! And while we’re out, we can go pick up a snack.
Right, bananas!
Okay, come on!
Hey, hey, Ginger!
Ginger, the walk!
Oh, hi everyone! Welcome to Jack’s File. I’m Jack.
Oh, I’m getting sleepy.
It’s getting hard to stay awake. I need to move around a little.
Maybe I’ll go and get something to eat.
Do you feel sleepy during the day?
If so, try these things: take breaks from sitting, stand up and stretch every hour.
You can drink coffee or tea, but ice water helps too.
Have a snack, but don’t eat one with too much sugar; that will not help you.
If you can, take a quick walk outside.
Sunshine and fresh air will help you wake up.
Exercise improves your energy level too.
Of course, the best way to stay awake is to get plenty of sleep at night.
Then you won’t feel tired during the day.
Sometimes, when it’s time to go to bed, you don’t feel sleepy.
You are wide awake. To go to sleep, you need to get comfortable in your bed, then close your eyes and think about relaxing your body.
Some people like to read a book or listen to soft music to help them fall asleep.
It’s also important to have a dark and quiet room so you can sleep well, and stop looking at your phone thirty minutes before you plan to go to sleep.
That will also help you fall asleep because the light from your phone can keep you awake.
I feel better now; I got up and moved around, and I got a snack.
Now maybe I can finish reading my book.
But if I feel sleepy again, I’ll just go to bed.
So goodbye everyone, see you next time on Jack’s File!
Sam wanted to offer Julie candy to help her stay awake.
Everyone takes something different or does something different to give themselves energy when they’re sleepy.
What do you do, Garrett?
Well, I do love to drink coffee, so often I’ll have a cup of coffee.
But sometimes if you have too much coffee, it doesn’t work quite as well to keep you awake, and it also makes it harder to fall asleep at night.
That’s true! When I feel sleepy, drinking tea gives me energy.
Yeah, friends, what kind of tricks do you have?
Do you go outside for a run?
Maybe call a friend on the phone?
Or just stand up for a couple of minutes?
We hope that you found some tips on how you can stay awake when you feel sleepy, and we’ll see you again tomorrow right here.
Let’s talk in English!

Staying Awake and Falling Asleep
大家說英語 20241023
Sure! Here’s the revised text with grammatical corrections and simplified Chinese converted to traditional Chinese:
Hello everyone,
Welcome to "Let’s Talk in English." My name is Garrett.
And my name is Esther. Today we have our tips lesson. Yes, we do! We’re talking about staying awake and falling asleep.
When you are not asleep, you are awake.
Yesterday we gave you some tips on what you can do when you feel like falling asleep but need to stay awake, right?
In the morning, you were asleep, and then you wake up and start your day. You have a lot of things to do.
But what if you don’t have a lot of energy and feel sleepy?
That means you want to sleep or don’t have enough energy.
Then you can try drinking ice water.
That is one drink that might help you wake up because it’s so cold.
Or you can reach for something with caffeine, like coffee or tea; they can help you wake up, but they might also make it hard for you to fall asleep.
So try not to drink those too late in the day, right?
Or you can stand up, stretch, and go for a quick walk. That will give you some energy, right?
So try out some of these tips if you’re having a hard time staying awake.
And if none of them are working, maybe you’re just not getting enough sleep. Go to bed earlier.
But some people have trouble falling asleep, so today we’ll give you some tips on how you can fall asleep.
Let’s go to our "Find It" question. Our question is: What is Greg’s bedroom like?
Friends, answer that question as you look for the answer in our lesson.
Now let’s go to Sonya with our keywords.
“Do you have good sleep habits?”
“I don’t eat a big meal before I go to bed.”
“I don’t drink coffee or soda before bed.”
“Your bedroom should be cool and quiet.”
“I like to check messages and watch videos on my phone.”
“You look really tired this morning, Greg.”
“I am. I had trouble falling asleep last night.”
“Do you have good sleep habits?”
“I think so. I don’t eat a big meal or drink coffee or soda before I go to bed.”
“That’s good. You can try taking a warm shower. That will relax you.”
“I’ll do that. Do you go to bed at the same time every night?”
“Yes, I’m usually in bed by eleven o’clock.”
We start with Susie saying something about Greg.
She tells Greg that he looks really tired, and it’s only morning.
Sometimes you can just tell; you just know when you look at someone’s face.
They just seem tired; their eyes might be a little bit darker underneath, or they just look like they have no energy, or they might be yawning.
Well, Greg tells Susie that he is tired because he had trouble falling asleep.
Now, if you have trouble doing something, that means you tried to do it, but it wasn’t easy; maybe you weren’t able to do it well.
Greg had trouble falling asleep. When you fall asleep, you go from being awake to being asleep, and sometimes that takes a long time.
So Susie wants to know about Greg’s sleep habits.
Now, a habit is something you do again and again until it becomes a part of your life.
For example, brushing your teeth in the morning may be your morning habit.
You can have good habits and bad habits—things that help you or things that don’t.
Oh friends, I think it’s that part of the show where we go to Sonya to learn more.
“Do you have good sleep habits?”
“I need eight hours of sleep each night.”
“The baby is sleeping quietly.”
或是“Let him sleep for another twenty minutes.”
Thank you, Sonya!
Well, Greg does think that he has good sleep habits.
He explains what he means: he doesn’t eat a big meal or drink coffee or soda before he goes to bed, right?
If you are eating a big meal, it means you eat a lot of food.
Now, most people eat three big meals every day: breakfast in the morning, lunch around noontime, and dinner or supper in the evening.
Now, I think in my experience, having a big meal before I go to bed doesn’t hurt my sleep all that much—not as much as those other things that Greg mentioned, right?
And Greg says he doesn’t drink coffee because that will give him too much energy, and he doesn’t drink soda.
Now, soda is a kind of drink like Coke and Sprite.
It has fizz in it or lots of air, and often a lot of sugar, right?
Some sodas even have caffeine, just like coffee, so they will wake you up.
If you have them in the afternoon, you will likely have trouble falling asleep, so it’s good to avoid them, right?
Now, Susie gives Greg another tip because many people in North America take a shower in the morning.
Susie tells him that he can try taking a warm shower at night before he goes to sleep.
Yeah, taking a warm shower before you go to bed can relax you.
When you’re relaxed, you’ll be more likely to fall asleep.
You might also hear people say that will help you relax.
Well, “that will relax you” is also today’s calendar phrase.
“That will relax you.”
I enjoy drinking hot tea.
“That will relax you.”
I enjoy taking a warm shower.
“That will relax you.”
I enjoy reading a good book.
“That will relax you.”
What do you enjoy?
I enjoy listening to soft music.
Hey hey!
I’m still talking! Hello!
“That will relax you.”
“That will relax you.”
Now Susie wants to know what time Greg goes to sleep at night, and Greg gives her an answer.
He says he’s usually in bed by eleven o’clock.
Now pay attention to what he said: he’s not saying he’s asleep by eleven o’clock; he just said he’s in bed.
Sometimes we get into bed, but we still lay there for a long time before we fall asleep, right?
Well, it’s time for us to take a break. We’ll see you after this.
Let’s talk in English every day. That’s the way!
Welcome back!
Greg is in bed by 11 PM, but he’s not asleep at 11 PM.
No, it sounds like he has trouble falling asleep.
Maybe this is a regular thing for him.
It’s kind of a regular thing for me too, right?
And I hope that Susie will give him more tips on how he’ll be able to fall asleep well.
Right, let’s continue our conversation to hear more.
Your bedroom should be cool and quiet too.
It is, and it’s nice and dark.
I read a book before I sleep. What do you do before bed?
I like to check messages and watch videos on my phone.
That’s not helpful, Greg.
The light from your phone can keep you awake.
Even if I use it for just a few minutes?
Yes, you should put away your phone thirty minutes before bed.
Now, Susie gives Greg another tip on how he can fall asleep better.
Yeah, it’s about his room.
She says it should be cool and quiet.
Now, your bedroom is the room where your bed is—the room where you sleep.
And that leads us to the answer to today’s Find It question.
Our question is: What is Greg’s bedroom like?
It’s cool, quiet, and dark, right?
If your bedroom is nice and dark, then that will help you fall asleep because it’s not too bright.
That’s not true for all little kids.
I remember when I was really young, I was a little afraid of the dark.
You’re not sure what’s out there when you can’t see.
But once you get older, and you don’t care so much about the dark, it can help you fall asleep.
Did you have a night light?
I did, yes!
Well, Susie tells Greg what she does before she goes to bed.
She says that she will read a book, and she wants to know what Greg does before he goes to sleep.
Hmm, I think reading a book is a great idea.
It can make you even more tired and help you to fall asleep well.
Here we have the word “before.”
We’re talking about time.
“Before you fall asleep” is the time before you fall asleep.
When Susie asks, “What do you do before bed?” here she’s not talking about the bed that he sleeps on; she is talking about the time he sleeps before bed.
Sonia, can you help us?
“What do you do before bed?”
慣用語「before bed」就是「睡前」的意思。
來看例句:“He always has a snack before bed.”
來看例句:“What time do you go to bed last night?”
或是“It’s time for bed.”
Thank you, Sonia!
Well, what does Greg do before he goes to bed?
He tells Susie that he likes to check messages and watch videos on his phone.
So he’s spending time looking at a screen.
When you check messages, you’re going on some apps and seeing what people are writing to you, and you might be responding or writing back to them—texting back and forth.
And many people do like to watch videos in this day and age.
We might be watching videos throughout the day on our phone.
It can be fun; you are watching a video right now.
But watching videos late into the night can make it hard to fall asleep.
Yes, Susie tells Greg that it is not helpful.
It’s not helping him fall asleep if he is checking messages and watching videos.
So Susie says the light from Greg’s phone can keep him awake.
After seeing that light on your phone, your eyes have a hard time adjusting to the dark and helping you relax.
Right? Even if he just uses his phone for a few minutes, that blue light will keep him from falling asleep.
So Susie says that Greg should put his phone away 30 minutes before bed.
Esther, do you do that?
I have been trying to do that, but it is not easy.
I’ve been trying to put my phone away one hour before I go to sleep.
Hmm, that sounds like a good idea.
I’m not sure that I really do it, but maybe I should start trying.
One thing we can try to do is to watch fewer videos before bed.
Because it’s fun to watch videos—you see people moving, and there’s sound and lights—but that will keep us awake.
Oh friends, we hope these tips are helping you out.
Think about them as we go and review our keywords.
Here are our first keywords:
Habit: Smoking is a very bad habit.
Meal: Most people eat three meals a day.
Soda: I want a large soda with my pizza.
Bedroom: He likes to study in his bedroom.
Video: What kind of videos do you watch?
Friends, those are today’s keywords. Keep practicing!
And now it’s your turn.
Today’s keywords are habit, meal, soda, bedroom, and video.
Now it’s your turn to use them in a sentence.
First, what kind of soda do you want to drink?
Correct! What kind of soda do you want to drink?
Next, that was a delicious meal.
Good job! That was a delicious meal.
Next, let’s make a video.
You’re right! Let’s make a dance video.
Next, it’s my habit to get up early.
Correct! It’s my habit to get up early.
Last one: her bedroom isn’t very big.
You got it! Her bedroom isn’t very big.
Friends, we’re all out of time, but don’t forget to join me again for your turn.
“You look really tired this morning, Greg.”
“I am. I had trouble falling asleep last night.”
“Do you have good sleep habits?”
“I think so. I don’t eat a big meal or drink coffee or soda before I go to bed.”
“That’s good. You can try taking a warm shower; that will relax you.”
“Hmm, I’ll do that. Do you go to bed at the same time every night?”
“Yes, I’m usually in bed by eleven o’clock.”
“Your bedroom should be cool and quiet too.”
“It is, and it’s nice and dark. I read a book before I sleep. What do you do before bed?”
“I like to check messages and watch videos on my phone.”
“That’s not helpful, Greg. The light from your phone can keep you awake.”
“Even if I use it for just a few minutes?”
“Yes, you should put away your phone thirty minutes before bed.”
James, James...
“Oh, you look really tired this morning.”
“I had trouble falling asleep last night.”
“You need good sleep habits.”
“A good sleep rabbits?”
Huh? No, not rabbits; good sleep habits!
“Oh, I don’t eat before bed or drink coffee or soda.”
“Well, that’s good. Try taking a warm shower before bed.”
“Oh, that sounds relaxing.”
“Yeah, and go to bed at the same time every night.”
“That’s a good habit. Your bedroom should be cool and quiet.”
“And that makes sense. Try reading a good book before bed.”
“I check messages and watch videos.”
No, no, no! That’s not helpful. Put that phone away!
Aw, that won’t be easy.
Well, hello!
Grandpa! Well, hello!
Maria, do you have some questions today?
I always do! Do you have some answers?
Yes, of course! I always do. Let’s get started.
What does Greg do on his phone before he sleeps?
Before he sleeps, he sets his alarm.
Oh well, so he doesn’t wake up late.
True, but...
So he’s not late for work. So he doesn’t get fired!
Grandpa, try again.
What does Greg do on his phone before he sleeps?
Mmm, oh now I remember! He checks messages and watches videos.
That’s right!
I hope he remembers to set his alarm.
Grandpa, here’s another question: What did you do before bed?
Well, I take a warm shower.
That’s good!
Then I put on my pajamas, brush my teeth, say my prayers, turn off the light, climb into bed, and oh, I fall asleep.
Grandpa forgot to set his alarm. Oops!
Friends, today we’ve been talking about some good sleep habits.
I like what Susie said.
She said you can take a warm shower before bed.
Yeah, there are lots of great tips! I’ve heard of people drinking warm milk or just trying to go to bed earlier.
But sometimes, if nothing is working out, you might need to go and see a doctor or take some different kinds of medicines that will at least help you get a little bit of rest.
Right, because sleep is very important.
It’s a time for our minds and bodies to rest.
And of course, getting good sleep helps you to learn as well.
When you learn things all throughout the day, your time asleep helps your body to remember those things.
Friends, thanks for learning with us. We’ll see you again tomorrow right here on "Let’s Talk in English." Goodbye!

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