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Great Inventions
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Great Inventions 偉大的發明(上)
大家說英語 20241017
Sure! Here’s the corrected version with the requested changes:
Hello everyone!
Welcome to "Let’s Talk in English." I’m your teacher, Garrett, and my name is Esther. Today, our topic is technology, and our title is "Great Inventions." Now, that’s a big word: invention. An invention is an idea or maybe a machine or product that someone comes up with or thinks of, right? We can also use the word to talk about inventions. If you invent something, it means you come up with the idea and you make something new.
Think about a machine like a computer. There haven’t always been computers; they came out within the last one hundred years, so they had to be invented, right? And today, our topic is technology. That’s another big word. Technology refers to the machines and tools we use today to make our lives easier, like computers, cell phones, and other machines.
So today, we’ll learn how some of those machines were invented. Now, let’s go here to today’s reading.
People are very creative and invent things. Back in 1876, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. His invention let people communicate much easier. In 1973, Martin Cooper invented the cell phone. Cell phones made it even easier to communicate. Several people invented the light bulb, and Thomas Edison improved it in 1879. People no longer depended on the sun for light; they could work or read at night. The internet got its start more than 50 years ago. For years, only scientists used it to communicate. Today, everyone uses the internet for so many things. Thanks, Garrett!
Now let’s go to our "find it" question. Our question is: How did light bulbs change the world? Go and find the answer. Now let’s learn our keywords.
People didn’t have to depend on the sun for light anymore.
名詞 "light" 就是光。
He was a very creative man.
形容詞 "creative" 就是有創意的。
It helped people communicate.
動詞 "communicate" 就是溝通。
Today, people communicate with cell phones.
名詞 "cell phone" 就是手機。
Only scientists used it at first.
名詞 "scientist" 就是科學家。
Not really. Why?
People didn’t have to depend on the sun for light anymore.
The light bulb is a great invention.
Thomas Edison worked hard on it; he was a very creative man.
After others invented the light bulb, he improved it. That happens with many inventions. That’s true.
If you are in a room and you have lights, then you probably will see light bulbs.
Light bulbs are often round; you screw them into something like a lamp.
Then when you give it power, it creates light.
Light bulbs are one very special and important invention, right?
And we heard that many people helped invent the light bulb.
Now, Sam問Julie,你有沒有好好想過燈泡。
If you think about something, it means you want to know more about it, and you are thinking about it in your mind.
Sam問Julie: 你有沒有好好想過燈泡這個東西?
句中慣用語 "think about something" 是指思考或認真考慮某事物的意思。
我們來看例句: "What do you think about her idea?" 你有認真考慮她的點子嗎?
或者 "She is thinking about a new way to exercise." 她正在思考一項新的運動方式。
另外常見的慣用語還有 "think of",表示想一想,想到的意思。
來看例句: "He’s trying to think of a good name for his dog." 他正在為他的狗想個好名字。
或者 "Can you think of any good games to play?" 你可以想到任何好玩的遊戲嗎?
Thank you, Sonya! Well, Julie的回答是 "Not really."
Yeah, I don’t think most of us do.
I don’t think about light bulbs on a daily basis, but I do try and answer questions like our "find it" question: How did light bulbs change the world?
People didn’t have to depend on the sun for light anymore.
That’s right! Light bulbs totally changed the world. Before that, people could only work as long as the sun was up, usually.
But with light bulbs, people can work all night long, right?
And if you depend on something, it means you need this in order to work.
So without the sun, with light bulbs, people can still get light.
Yes, "light" is a great word for us to know. The sun gives us light; so do lamps, and so do candles.
And the light bulb is a great invention.
Many people worked hard on it together.
An invention is one of the things people invent.
You might hear that a man named Thomas Edison invented the light bulb; that’s partially true.
But really, there were quite a few people working on the light bulb.
Thomas Edison was just one of the last ones who made a light bulb that many people could use. Yes, and he was a very creative man.
If you are very creative, it means you can create or make many things.
You have many interesting and good ideas, right?
Now, after others invented the light bulb and came up with the basic ideas, Thomas Edison improved it.
And truly, that’s what happens with many inventions, right?
Someone has an idea, and they make one example of it.
They make it, then someone else takes the first idea and makes it even better.
Then finally, you have your final invention, and that might be improved even more.
So even though lots of things have already been invented, you can still think of ways to make the products we use even better.
Well, friends, let’s go to a quick break now, but don’t go away; we’ll be right back.
Let’s talk in English ten minutes every day, every day—that’s the way!
Welcome back to the show, everyone! There are amazing inventions all around us.
You’re probably watching us on one of those inventions, right? If you’re watching us on TV or listening to the radio, well, these are inventions, and they are all part of technology. What else can we talk about?
Let’s go and find out!
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone; it helped people communicate.
Today, people communicate with cell phones. Who invented the cell phone?
Good question! I’ll look it up.
It was Martin Cooper. No one knows his name, but everyone uses his invention.
Everyone uses the internet too. Who invented that? I don’t know, but only scientists used it at first, and now everyone does.
So it’s time to talk about another inventor, or someone who invents things.
His name is Alexander Graham Bell, and he is said to be the one who invented the telephone.
Now, similarly, he isn’t the only one who worked on this, but it was very impressive, right?
And the telephone is a machine we use when we call other people and talk to them.
Today, many people use cell phones; that is a kind of telephone.
It is now telephones helped people communicate.
When you communicate with someone, you’re passing information back and forth with them.
That might be by talking to them, or it could be by writing notes, right?
And today we have cell phones.
Cell phones are telephones we can carry around with us, and many people even have cell phones that can go on the internet.
We call these smartphones.
So who invented the cell phone? That’s a great question, right?
Julie says, "Good question." And friends, that’s today’s calendar phrase: 
"Good question!"
Who invented television? Good question!
Who invented scissors? Good question!
Who invented the internet? Good question!
Look it up and find out!
Good answer, yeah! Good question!
So we had a good question: Who is it that invented the cell phone?
Well, Julie doesn’t know, so she says, "I’ll look it up."
This means she will go on the internet and look up the answer.
She tells us it was a man called Martin Cooper, right?
Sam says no one knows his name, but everyone uses his invention.
For some reason, Mr. Cooper is not as famous as some of the people we mentioned earlier.
Right now, there’s something else we all use as well, and this is the internet.
When we go online, we are going on the internet. But who invented that? Hmm, who invented that?
Sam says he doesn’t know. It’s probably a complicated answer.
Probably lots of people worked on it together, but either way, lots of people use it today.
And one thing that Sam does know is that only scientists used it at first.
Now, scientists are people who work in the field of science.
They’re the people who study the stars and animals and our bodies and the world around us.
Many scientists work for the government.
So in those first years after the internet was invented, only scientists used it.
That’s why we said at first.
Here’s Sonya to tell us all about that.
"Only scientists used it at first."
片語 "at first" 表示起初、一開始的意思。
"At first, I didn’t like her idea, but later I did." 我一開始並不喜歡她的點子,不過後來就喜歡了。
"The book wasn’t interesting at first, but it got better." 這本書一開始沒意思,但是它漸入佳境。
"The restaurant was empty at first, but more people came later." 那家餐廳一開始空蕩蕩的,但後來有更多人進來了。
Thanks, Sonya! Well, in those first years, scientists used the internet to communicate with each other and share what they were working on.
But after that, everyone else found out just how useful the internet could be, right?
And now everyone uses the internet. I’m glad that we are all able to use the internet, and not only scientists can use it today.
Yeah, today we have lots of conversations about maybe why the internet is bad and some of the ways in which it makes communication or life a little more difficult.
But overall, it brings a lot of convenience to our lives. Yes, it helps us communicate with others.
Now let’s go and review today’s keywords.
Here’s our first keyword for today: creative.
Maria is very creative.
Ben communicates with his family often.
Cell phone.
Cell phone.
I’ll call him on my cell phone.
I need more light so I can read.
The scientist discovered something.
Alright friends, those are your keywords.
I’ve discovered something: you’re doing a great job! And now it’s your turn.
The words for today are creative, communicate, cell phone, light, and scientist.
Now it’s your turn to use them in a sentence.
First: Is it hard to with her?
Correct: Is it hard to communicate with her?
Next: The in this room is great.
You’re right: The light in this room is great.
Next: I use my to text and call.
You got it: I use my cell phone to text and call.
Next: How many are working here?
Good: How many scientists are working here?
Last one: That is a very idea.
That’s correct: That is a very creative idea.
Here’s a creative idea for you: use today’s words and make your own sentences for your turn.
Not really. Why?
People didn’t have to depend on the sun for light anymore.
The light bulb is a great invention.
Thomas Edison worked hard on it; he was a very creative man.
After others invented the light bulb, he improved it.
That happens with many inventions. That’s true.
Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone; it helped people communicate.
Today, people communicate with cell phones. Who invented the cell phone?
Good question! I’ll look it up.
It was Martin Cooper. No one knows his name, but everyone uses his invention.
Everyone uses the internet too. Who invented that?
I don’t know, but only scientists used it at first, and now everyone does.
Hmm, okay. Can you hear me?
Hmm, the ginger—what are you doing?
Well, I’m working on a new invention.
Really? What kind of invention?
One that will change the world.
Wow! What does it do?
It lets people talk to each other from far away.
Like a telephone?
Yes, but even better!
I’m calling it a smartphone.
Oh, Ginger, smartphones aren’t new. Look!
I already have one.
This is an Apple iPhone.
But my invention is better!
Better than an Apple phone?
Yes! It’s the Banana phone.
Ah, how is the Banana phone better than an Apple phone?
Well, after you finish talking on it, you can eat it for dessert!
Very funny!
Hey, Fred, what are you doing?
I’m inventing something.
Really? What is it?
Something that rolls like a circle shape.
Ah, something that makes things easy to move!
You mean like a wheel?
Yeah, like a wheel!
It’s a great idea, right? The wheel will change the world!
But too late; the wheel has already been invented.
But I’m starting over!
I want a new design: maybe a triangle wheel or square wheel!
What? Or how about a hexagon wheel?
No, just stop it! You don’t need to reinvent the wheel!
Huh? What do you mean?
"Don’t reinvent the wheel" is actually an English idiom.
Interesting idiom! What does it mean?
It means when something works well, like the wheel, don’t start over and reinvent it; use it the way it is.
Oh, so I don’t need to reinvent the wheel?
No, but you can take the idea and make it better.
But I don’t need to start over?
No, you don’t. The wheel is a great invention, so don’t reinvent it!
Okay, but maybe I can improve it.
Yeah, make it better!
I kind of like the triangle idea.
No, just no! How about bags?
Actually, not that right!
These days, we have so much technology that it can feel like everything that will be invented already has been.
But people said that same thing more than 100 years ago, and they were really wrong, right?
If you’re someone who is creative, if you have many ideas, then write them down or type them up.
Maybe you are an inventor as well! Keep working on those ideas and try to find problems in your life that you can make better with an invention.
Or take an invention that has already been invented and think about how you can improve that invention.
Well, friends, we enjoyed this, and we will have more for you tomorrow.
Don’t forget to join us then right here on "Let’s Talk in English." Goodbye!

Great Inventions 偉大的發明(下)
大家說英語 20241018
Here’s the corrected text with the changes you requested:
Hello everyone!
Welcome to Let’s Talk in English. My name is Esther,
and my name is Garrett.
Today we’re back with another technology lesson,
and the name of our lesson is Great Inventions.
Great inventions—
the things that were invented by people,
the great machines and tools that we use every day,
right? Like computers,
telephones, and cellphones.
People who invent things are very creative;
they have many good ideas. Well,
I’m going to share one of my favorite inventions.
Esther, you can think of one too! Here it is: it’s the washing machine.
I can’t imagine having to wash all
my clothes just by hand, right?
And one of my favorite ones is the dishwasher.
A dishwasher is like a washing machine,
but it’s for our dishes. And Garrett, did you know
the dishwasher was invented by a woman?
I think I did know that! It is also a pretty cool invention.
we will have plenty more great inventions to talk about with you
today. Now yesterday,
we talked about cellphones.
Cellphones help us communicate with other people,
just like the regular telephone did before it.
But what if you want to work at night?
You’ll need light, like light from a light bulb.
And we are thankful
for the scientists who invented the internet.
Life is so much easier with the internet. Well friends,
here is our challenge for today—
our Find It question: What do airplanes do?
What do airplanes do? Think about that
as we go and learn today’s keywords. Here’s Sonya with more.
Think about the microwave.
Microwaves make it easy and fast to heat up food.
片語動詞heat up就是加熱。
What about seat belts?
名詞seat belt就是乘車時所使用的安全帶。
So have airplanes.
They changed medicine.
James, what invention has changed the world the most?
That’s a very hard question, Sarah.
There are so many great inventions.
I know people think about big inventions,
such as the light bulb or the telephone,
but there are many others that have changed our lives.
Think about the microwave, right? Microwaves
make it easy and fast to heat up food—almost everyone has one.
And we have refrigerators to keep our food cold,
so it will stay fresh longer. That’s very convenient.
I’m not sure there really is a right answer to Sarah’s question here.
She wants to know what invention has changed the world
the most, and James says that that’s a very hard question.
It’s a hard
question to answer
because there are so many great inventions.
There sure are! Now, Sarah says people think about big inventions,
such as the light bulb or the telephone. Now,
those aren’t big in size,
but they changed the world quite a bit, right?
For example, the light bulb changed the world
so people could work and stay up at night.
What Sarah is thinking about are other ones
that have made changes in our lives,
like the microwave.
Ah, yes,
the microwave is an impressive invention.
Microwaves are machines that you might have in your kitchen.
They help you heat up food very quickly,
and almost everyone has a microwave now.
Why do you need to heat up food?
Well, your food from the fridge may be cold,
so you want to make it hotter.
That’s why you heat it up in the microwave.
It does it much faster than it would in an oven,
or if you had to put your food back on a pan.
It’s easy and it’s fast! Sonia,
can you help us with action words plus the word up?
Microwaves make it easy and fast to heat up food.
片語動詞heat up表示加熱的意思。
Please clean up the house before the guests come.
或是Tim is feeling
sad; can you cheer him up?
再一句,please wrap up these gifts for the children.
Thank you, Sonia. Now,
Sarah thinks of another invention
that has changed our world for the better,
and that is refrigerators. Yes,
friends, it’s a word that we’ve talked about already this month.
Refrigerators are machines that help keep our food cold. Now,
usually have two parts to them. When you say refrigerator,
you’re often only talking about one side of it.
Right? There’s one part that is even colder
that will make things into ice,
or that will make water into ice.
That’s called the freezer, right?
So your refrigerator has a fridge and a freezer part,
and that helps your food stay fresh longer, right?
Because if we don’t put our food in the refrigerator or freezer,
then foods go bad quickly,
especially when it’s very warm outside. Now,
I think all these inventions are very impressive.
A microwave heats food up fast,
but there’s no fire or anything in it.
It uses special waves called microwaves to heat up food.
That’s not something
anyone would have thought about hundreds of years ago.
And it only was possible because there was the technology
that they needed to invent the microwave.
So we’re thankful for technology! Yes,
we sure are! Well, friends,
we have more to share with you,
but that’s going to have to wait.
Right now it’s time for us to take a quick break. Grab
a snack, try to come up with your own invention,
and join us in just a minute right after this.
Let’s Talk in English every day!
Every day—that’s the way! Welcome back to the show, everyone!
Do you have any great inventions to share with us?
Do you have something that you want to make
but you haven’t made it yet?
Just like I mentioned yesterday,
many inventions come
because someone finds something in their life
that’s difficult or inconvenient,
and an invention can help people out, right?
They might see a problem
and they want to find an answer to the problem,
so they make something
that will make their life
easier. What other inventions help people out?
Let’s continue watching our conversation.
What about seat belts?
Since they were invented,
they’ve saved millions of lives. They have!
And we need them
because someone invented the car.
Cars have really changed people’s lives,
but so have airplanes!
That’s for sure! Airplanes
make traveling faster
and easier. Think about X-rays—they changed medicine.
They are a wonderful tool for doctors,
so I don’t think
I can choose the invention that has changed the world
the most; there are just too many.
Hmm, James mentions
another invention
that most people don’t think about as an invention,
I’m sure, right?
And this is the seat belt! This is what you put over you
or you put on when
you are in a car to keep you safe
and to keep your body sitting next to the seat.
When you are in a car
accident, your body might suddenly fly forward.
I imagine when cars were first invented,
they probably didn’t have seat belts
yet—that means it could have been quite dangerous,
right? Since cars move very fast, so yes,
if you are in a car, be sure to wear your seat belt.
You might hear
people say, “Buckle up!” That means wear your seat belt.
I remember seeing signs in California,
where I’m from, that
said, “Click it or ticket!” So you need to click your seat belt in.
If you don’t, you might get a ticket or you’ll have to pay money.
Of course, that’s not true everywhere,
and we need seat belts
because someone—an inventor—invented the car, right?
So now
we need seat belts. Cars have really changed people’s lives
as well—they are also an invention! They help us get to
where we want to go quite quickly
and give us quite a bit of freedom.
And now we can travel in disguise as well.
We can ride in airplanes to go from one country
across the ocean to another country, right? Airplanes!
We can also call planes; they can fly through the air.
Airplanes have changed a lot throughout the years, and friends,
this leads us to our Find It question:
What do airplanes do? They make traveling faster and easier!
Sarah says that’s for sure!
That is for sure! Airplanes make traveling faster and easier,
and that’s for sure is today’s calendar phrase!
That’s for sure!
That’s for sure—的確是!
Light bulbs have changed the world; that’s for sure!
Cars have changed the world; that’s for sure!
Computers have changed the world;
that’s for sure!
Thanks to inventions,
our world is always changing; that’s for sure!
that’s for sure!
That’s for sure!
So inventions help us get around,
but they can also help us with our health, like X-rays.
Right? X-rays are special kinds of pictures,
and you can get X-rays done at the hospital.
If you have a broken bone,
you will need to get an X-ray to see what the broken bone
looks like. X-rays
allow doctors to look inside your body
without cutting you open.
They changed medicine. Now,
the word medicine can refer to the individual medicines
that you might take to try and heal your body,
but here we’re talking about all of medicine,
all of doctors and medicines
that we take and everything involved with that at once.
Here’s Sonya to help us out.
They changed medicine. 名詞medicine在這裡做醫學醫術的解釋。
James will study medicine in college next year.
或是new discoveries
sometimes change medicine.
I need some medicine for my headache.
或是after he took the medicine he felt better.
Thank you, Sonya. Okay,
so remember
we had a question at the beginning of our lesson today:
Which invention changed the world the most?
James says there are just too many; he can’t just choose one! Friends,
what do you think now?
Let’s go and review our keywords.
Here’s your first keyword for today:
I use the microwave to cook fish.
heat up—
heat up!
I want to heat up this food.
seat belt—
seat belt!
Wear your seat belt in the car.
Do you like to fly in airplanes?
Justin is studying medicine.
Well, those are your keywords for today.
Keep on practicing!
And now it’s your turn.
The keywords for today are microwave,
heat up, seat belt,
airplane, and medicine.
it’s your turn to use them in a sentence.
First, put on your—
Now, good job!
Put on your seat belt! Now next,
more people need to study—
You got it! More people need to study medicine.
Can you
these noodles?
Correct! Can you heat up these noodles? Next,
this flies to New York!
You’re right!
This airplane flies to New York! Last one:
Tom often uses the—
Good job! Tom often uses the microwave! Friends,
I’m all out of time,
but I will see you next time for your turn.
James, what invention has changed the world the most?
That’s a very hard question, Sarah.
There are so many great inventions.
I know people think about big inventions, such as the light bulb
or the telephone,
but there are many others that have changed our lives.
Think about the microwave, right?
Microwaves make it easy and fast to heat up food—almost
everyone has one.
And we have refrigerators to keep our food cold,
so it will stay fresh longer. That’s very convenient.
What about seat belts?
Since they were invented,
they’ve saved millions of lives! They have!
And we need them because someone invented the car.
Cars have really changed people’s lives,
but so have airplanes!
That’s for sure!
Airplanes make traveling faster and easier.
Think about X-rays—they changed medicine.
They are a wonderful tool for doctors,
so I don’t think
I can choose the invention that has changed the world
the most; there are just too many.
There are so many great inventions!
Yeah, great inventions have changed the world!
That’s true! The light bulb,
the telephone, cell phone,
the banana phone!
Think about the microwave—
yeah, it’s a cool way to heat up food! It’s fast and easy!
Think about the refrigerator!
It’s really cool—
haha, it changed our lives and our kitchen!
Haha, right? How about seat belts?
They save lives—that’s important!
And what about airplanes and X-rays and medicine?
And, and on, and on—
inventions are changing
the way we live! Oh, ha!
Excuse me,
my banana phone is ringing!
Hello and greetings!
I’m the game master, and you’re here for What’s the Answer!
Technology is what drives us forward;
it allowed me to come to the studio today,
and it’s what allows all of you to watch our show. Well,
find out what
and Tommy know about some important inventions from history! Here
we go!
Please fill in the blank in this sentence:
__________ allow doctors to see the bones inside our bodies
without cutting us open.
Tommy, what are we thinking of?
It’s an impressive one—it’s X-ray!
Yes, it is! Hopefully, no
one will need an X-ray today!
Now, let’s move on to inventors—people
who invent things. Who is said to have invented the telephone?
A. Thomas Edison, B. Alexander Graham Bell,
C. Michael Jordan, or D. Emeril Lagasse?
Lisa, do you know who it was?
Oh, I know!
It’s A. Thomas
Edison! He was a great inventor!
He was an inventor,
but not of the telephone! Tommy, do you have an answer?
I think so—how about Alexander Graham Bell?
That’s the one! All right!
We have one more question:
Is this sentence true or false?
Only scientists used the internet at first.
Lisa, you’ve got this!
Okay, I’ve heard about this; I think it’s true!
It is!
And it’s also true that Tommy is the winner! Well,
that’s all for today! We’ll see you next time on What’s the Answer!
See you later!
Well friends,
remember how we used the word medicine in our lesson
today to talk about a whole field of something?
We can do that with many other words, like the word education!
Right? Education isn’t just about schools;
it’s also about teachers
and the kind of teaching that you get at home as well!
Education is a whole topic to talk about,
and we hope that you are getting a good education as well.
And we hope that you’ll continue to study English with us!
You know,
you’re learning new words every day! Try to use these new words
you are learning! Friends, we’ll see you again tomorrow—
that’s right here on Let’s Talk in English! Goodbye!

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