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Stargazing 觀賞滿天星
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Stargazing 觀賞滿天星(上)
大家說英語 20241014
Sure! Here’s the corrected text with the changes you requested:
Hello friends!
Welcome to Let’s Talk in English. My name is Esther,
and my name is Garrett. Are you ready
for an activity?
The name of today’s lesson is stargazing, and yes,
that is
the activity we are talking about. If you gaze at something, it
means you look at it.
So today we’ll be talking all about looking at stars.
A star is a very bright object in the sky.
Our sun is one of these stars,
but every other star you see in the night
sky is bigger and brighter than our sun. That’s right!
And did you know that there are no green stars
that we can see?
Depending on the different times of the year,
we see different kinds of stars. Yeah,
the northern half of the world
and the southern half see different stars at different times, too. Friends, let’s go to our reading to learn more.
Look up into the night sky! Stargazing is a fun hobby
many people enjoy. What can you look for in the night sky?
Find the Big Dipper.
This group of stars forms a giant spoon. Then find the North Star.
This important
star helps people find north.
The sky is full of billions of interesting stars;
you can’t count them all.
Thanks, Esther! You sure can’t count them all;
there are too many! But do you know what we can do?
We can find the answer to our
“Find It” question. Our question is:
What is one of Greg’s favorite hobbies?
What is one of Greg’s favorite hobbies?
Remember, friends,
hobbies are fun things
we do in our free time apart from our jobs in school,
and Greg has many hobbies.
We will learn about one of his favorite ones now.
Let’s go over to Sonya to learn about our useful keywords.
Greg 說他很喜歡觀星,
It is one of my favorite hobbies. 名詞 Hobby 就是嗜好。
It’s just you and a sky full of stars.
形容詞 full 是充滿的,
而名詞 star 就是星星。
Greg 問 Julie 有沒有數過天上的星星。
Do you ever count the stars?
動詞 count 就是數算。
There are billions of them. 名詞 billion 就是十億。
Hey Greg,
you like stargazing, right?
Yes, I do! It’s one of my favorite hobbies.
What do you enjoy about it?
Stargazing is peaceful.
It is! It’s just you and a sky full of stars.
That’s right! You don’t really need anything
but your eyes and a very dark place.
We start with Julie asking Greg,
“You like stargazing, right?”
Just like Esther
said earlier, gazing is looking at something,
usually for a long time and trying to understand it.
And when you stargaze,
you look at the stars for a long time. Does
Greg like stargazing? Well,
that leads us to today’s answer to today’s Find It question:
What is one of Greg’s favorite hobbies?
Stargazing is one of Greg’s favorite hobbies.
Yeah, it’s a fun hobby! Too many people enjoy stargazing;
they often spend long amounts of time
looking up at the sky at the stars. They might
even have special equipment to do that. Right now,
Greg has many hobbies.
The hobbies that you have are the things you like to do for fun.
Maybe your hobbies are painting, traveling, or trying
different kinds of food.
Well, Julie wants to know what Greg likes about stargazing.
What does he enjoy?
What’s his answer?
He says stargazing is peaceful.
If something is peaceful,
it means when you do it or think about it,
it helps you calm down and focus; it will help you relax.
Now, friends, “Stargazing is peaceful”
is today’s calendar phrase.
Stargazing is peaceful.
Stargazing is peaceful.
Stargazing is so peaceful;
it’s so relaxing.
Stargazing is peaceful.
Just sitting quietly in the dark.
Yeah, stargazing is peaceful,
just looking at the stars.
Stargazing is peaceful;
it’s so peaceful.
Wake up!
Wake up!
Stargazing is peaceful.
Stargazing is peaceful.
Julie agrees that stargazing is peaceful;
she says it’s just you and a sky full of stars, right?
I agree that it’s peaceful.
When you look up at this sky full of stars,
you feel like you’re a small
part of a giant universe, and of course,
those stars give off a lot of light, so they look quite beautiful.
Right! If something is full of something,
it means there are a lot of a thing in it.
You might go to a store,
and it is full of people. The sky is full of stars,
or there are stars all over the sky.
Sometimes you can see a lot of them,
but if you live in a big city,
it might be hard to see them.
Greg agrees; he says
you don’t really need anything but your eyes. Another way
we could say that sentence
is you just need your eyes.
Let’s go to Sonya for more on this phrase “anything but.”
Greg 說你大概除了靠眼睛看就好,
You don’t really need anything but your eyes. 句中 anything
but 再次表示除了什麼以外的意思。
句中的 anything 需改成 anyone。
我們來看例句: Don’t bring anything
but a pencil,除了鉛筆之外什麼都不要帶。
或是 He’ll eat anything
but pork,除了豬肉以外他什麼都吃。
再一句: I didn’t see anyone
but Maria,除了 Maria 以外我誰都沒看到。
Thank you, Sonya! Yes,
sometimes when people go stargazing,
they have lots of very expensive equipment,
but it’s not totally necessary.
You can go stargazing with just your eyes,
but you need to make sure you go to a very dark place, and
that’s what Julie says as well.
You also need a very dark place
because if the lights are too bright
or if you go stargazing on a day
where the moon is shining brightly,
then you won’t see as many stars.
Yeah, it will be hard to see them, and of course,
there can’t be too many clouds in the sky either.
It needs to be a nice day with good weather.
You know, if you really like stargazing,
you can even download some apps on your phone
that tell you when is a good
evening to go stargazing.
Those apps might
even tell you something about the stars
you’re looking at. It’s a lot of fun! Well, friends,
it’s time for a quick break. Grab
a glass of water; we’ll see you in just a minute!
English 10 news every day! That’s the way! Welcome back!
Friends, do you enjoy stargazing?
You know, Garrett, it’s something I enjoy doing,
but I don’t get to do it very often because I live in the city
with a lot of bright lights.
Right! I agree. I used to do it a lot more.
I always enjoyed looking up at the sky
with my brother.
He knows a lot about the names of the stars
and the groupings of the stars.
Wow! Friends,
do you like stargazing as well? Let’s continue our conversation.
What do you look for? I search for the Big Dipper
Me too! It looks like a giant spoon.
Then I find the North Star.
I always look for that too!
It’s an important star;
it helps people find north.
Do you ever count the stars?
No, you can’t; there are billions of them.
Well, Greg wants to know what Julie looks for first
when she goes stargazing.
You might look up at a sky full of stars
and think they’re all the same; they’re all just stars.
But each of them has its own special name,
so do special groupings of stars, right?
And Julie tells us she looks for a group of stars
called the Big Dipper.
This is a group of stars that,
when you draw some lines in your mind,
can make a giant spoon, or it looks like a giant spoon.
Yes! Many people look for the Big Dipper first
when they go stargazing.
Sonya, can you show us more ways
we can use this word “look”?
Greg 說,
It looks like a giant spoon.
感官動詞 “look” 是看起來的意思。
我們來看 “look like” 加名詞。
例句:That cloud looks like an elephant。
或是 Jack really looks like his brother。
Jack 看起來真的很像他的哥哥。
另外,“look” 加形容詞:
My mother looks tired today。
或是 The children look very excited。
Thank you, Sonya! After Julie finds the
Big Dipper, she will look for the North Star.
That is another famous star.
It’s one of the brightest stars in the night sky.
If you are in the northern part of the world,
it can show you
which direction is north, right?
If you are in the northern part of the world
and you find the North Star,
then it will tell you where is north. Now,
let’s review our directions. North is going up or facing up;
south is going down or facing down;
west is your left, and east is your right.
all of those directions are if you’re looking at a map, of course.
It’s not up if you are actually walking around.
Now, the North Star is important
or has been all throughout history for people
who are lost or trying to find their way out in the wild.
It can help them find their way home.
Right! Sailors
on ships needed to know how to look at the stars
and find the North Star and the other stars.
Then they could know the direction and where to go. Well,
Greg wants to know something from Julie.
He wants to know if she ever counts the stars.
If you count something,
then you’re numbering it: one, two,
three, four, like that. Does Julie count the stars? Does she? Well, no,
because there are so many stars.
There are billions of them. Billion is a number with a one
and then nine zeros. No one wants to count for that long, right?
There are billions and billions of stars.
Let’s talk about some other words we might use
when we talk about numbers.
Do you remember the word
“thousand”? A thousand is one and three zeros.
What about one with six zeros?
That is the number one million, and one with two zeros is 100.
Friends, those are some useful numbers that you can use
when you are counting things.
Just don’t go out and count the stars;
there are too many of them.
But do go out and enjoy stargazing! Now,
it’s time for us to review today’s keywords.
Here’s your first keyword for today: hobby.
My favorite hobby is drawing.
Look at the stars in the sky.
This room is full of people.
Billions of people live on Earth.
Please count the chairs. Well, friends,
those are your keywords for today.
Don’t forget to use them and practice them.
And now it’s your turn.
Today’s words are: hobbies, star,
full, billion, and count. Now,
it’s your turn to use them in a sentence. First one:
“That’s a beautiful...”
That’s correct! That’s a beautiful star. Next:
“A is a thousand million.”
You got it! A billion is a thousand million. Next:
“What are your...”
Correct! What are your hobbies? Next:
“He counted twenty-five people in the room.”
Good answer! He counted twenty-five people in the room. Last one:
“Oh no! The kitchen is...”
Great job! Oh no! The kitchen is full of ants!
I have to go now, but I’ll see you tomorrow for your turn.
Hey, Greg!
You like stargazing, right?
Yes, I do! It’s one of my favorite hobbies.
What do you enjoy about it?
Stargazing is peaceful.
It is! It’s just you and a sky full of stars.
That’s right! You don’t really need anything
but your eyes and a very dark place.
What do you look for?
I search for the Big Dipper first.
Me too! It looks like a giant spoon.
Then I find the North Star.
I always look for that too!
It’s an important star;
it helps people find north.
Do you ever count the stars?
No, you can’t; there are billions of them.
Hi, Ginger!
What are you doing?
I’m waiting.
Waiting for what?
I’m waiting for night time.
I want to look at the stars.
Oh, that’s called stargazing!
Yeah, and you have to do it at night.
True! The night sky is full of stars.
I know! I want to search for the giant spoon!
The giant spoon?
Oh, you mean the Big Dipper!
Oh ha!
Ha! That’s right!
Then I can find the North Star.
The North Star is important.
Ginger, do you know how many stars
there are?
No idea!
But I’ll count them tonight, and I can tell you tomorrow.
Now let’s review the two questions. Here’s your first question:
What does Julie look for?
What does Julie look for?
You can find the answer in conversation B:
She looks for the Big Dipper and the North Star. Now,
here’s our other:
What is one of your hobbies?
What is one of your hobbies?
We have some of our friends to answer this question:
What is one of my hobbies?
I love to collect baseball cards! Oh wow!
There are so many different players.
Some of the cards are very expensive,
but if you keep them,
maybe they’ll be worth more later.
I love baseball!
What is one of your hobbies?
Oh, one of my favorite hobbies is jumping!
I especially like to jump on the bed.
I can jump high and I can jump low.
Sometimes I fall off, and mama takes me to the doctor,
and the doctor says, “No more jumping on the bed!”
What is one of my hobbies?
Well, I love to watch sports games, especially basketball,
but baseball games are fun too! This year
there were the Olympic Games.
I really enjoyed those as well. What about you?
What is one of my hobbies?
One of my hobbies is spending time with children. I love to play
simple and fun games with them,
like hide and seek,
tag, and red light, green light are all very fun.
I only like to play with children; I also like to teach them.
Kids are super fun and cute!
What is one of my hobbies?
Well, I love to travel, so I like to
go online and look up new places and cities
I’ve never been to. Then I start planning new trips.
I also like to try different kinds of foods,
so I also take account or think about these foods when I travel.
Friends, do you remember a time
when you went stargazing or a place
where you lived when you saw lots of stars?
I remember when I lived in Japan;
we could see lots of stars outside our window,
especially in the winter time.
It was a great experience! That sounds beautiful! Well, friends,
thanks for joining us for our lesson.
Today we’ll see you again tomorrow
for another great lesson
right here on Lets Talk in English. Goodbye!

Stargazing 觀賞滿天星(下)
大家說英語 20241015
Sure! Here’s the revised text with corrected grammar and traditional Chinese characters:
Hello everyone,
Welcome to Let’s Talk in English! My name is Garrett.
And my name is Esther. Today we have our activity lesson.
That’s right! The title is "Stargazing." Yes, friends, it is fun to gaze at beautiful things, and a sky full of stars is definitely beautiful.
All right, do you remember what a star is?
A star is a very bright object in the sky. Many people enjoy looking at stars, or stargazing, as a hobby. Yes, they do! When you go stargazing, you don’t necessarily need lots of expensive equipment; just your eyes will do, right?
And can you count all the stars in the sky?
No, you can’t because there are billions and billions of stars. The word "billion" is 1 plus 9 zeros after it. That’s for sure; it’s a big number!
Now, friends, when you do go stargazing, what will you look at?
Well, many stars have special names, like the North Star. Other groups of stars have names too, like the Big Dipper, which Julie talked about yesterday.
Now it’s time for us to go to our "Find It" question. Our question is:
James想跟Susie借望遠鏡 (What does James want to borrow?)
What does James want to borrow?
We don’t know yet, but we will find out in today’s conversation.
And now it’s time to learn our key words with Sonya.
James想跟Susie借望遠鏡 (James wants to borrow a telescope.)
"May I borrow this telescope?" 動詞 "borrow" 就是向人借東西,借入的意思。
James對星空觀賞很有興趣 (James is very interested in stargazing.)
形容詞 "interested" 是感興趣的。
至於使用望遠鏡的訣竅,James還想請Susie給他一點建議 (As for the tips on using the telescope, James wants to ask Susie for some advice.)
"Do you have any tips for using it?" 名詞 "tip" 就是訣竅。
Suzi的第一個建議就是要選擇沒有雲的夜晚 (Suzi’s first suggestion is to choose a night without clouds.)
如果雲太多太厚的話,就會看不到很多星星了 (If it’s too cloudy, you won’t see many stars.)
形容詞 "cloudy" 就是多雲的。
還有晚上的月亮如果太亮的話,也看不到很多星星 (And the moon should not be too bright.)
名詞 "moon" 就是月亮。
James, thank you so much for helping me clean this space.
No problem! You have a lot of cool things, Susie. Thanks!
May I borrow this telescope?
I’m interested in stargazing.
Of course! This is a great tool to use for stargazing.
Do you have any tips for using it?
Sure! Choose a place away from the city; it will be darker there.
I’ll do that!
We start with Susie saying thank you to James because James helped her clean her garage.
Right! Garages can be quite large, so cleaning them takes quite a bit of work, right?
And James says, "No problem." You can also say "No problem" if someone says thank you.
You can say "No problem."
James says, "You have a lot of cool things."
He’s looking around Susie’s garage and seeing all the things she owns. Now he’s saying something nice about her, so Susie says thanks in English.
We can say thanks.
We don’t say no.
James说Susie,你有好多很酷的东西 (James says to Susie, "You have a lot of cool things.")
Susie回答,谢谢 (Susie replies, "Thanks!").
當別人讚美你時,除了 "thanks" 之外,你還可以說 "that’s so sweet of you" (你真的很貼心) 或是 "I needed to hear that" (我很需要聽到這個)
再一句 "What you said means a lot to me" (你說的話對我意義重大)。
Thank you, Sonya!
We also learn a very useful and important word: the word "borrow."
If someone has something that you would like to use, you can say, "Can I borrow this from you?"
When you borrow something, you use it for a short time and then give it back to the person.
The person letting you borrow it is lending it to you. You borrow; they lend, right?
And we want to know the answer: What does James want to borrow?
The answer: He wants to borrow Susie’s telescope.
Now, "telescope" is a great word for us to talk about. It sure is!
If you want to look at stars, then you might use a telescope.
A telescope is a special machine; it has special lenses, and you can see things far away more clearly and more closely, right?
You might be able to see the stars with just your eyes, but you won’t be able to see them very well or with much detail, so a telescope can help.
Now, James wants to borrow it because he’s interested in stargazing.
And he is very polite; he says, "May I borrow this telescope?"
He’s asking Susie if she is willing to lend the telescope to him.
He continues, "I’m interested in stargazing."
When you’re interested in something, you find it interesting; you want to know more about it.
You might be interested in baseball or interested in dancing.
And Susie is willing to lend him her telescope.
She says, "It’s a great tool to use for stargazing."
A tool is something you need to do something, but it sounds like James isn’t totally sure how to use this telescope, so he wants some tips for how to use it, right?
He wants some tips, short pieces of information or advice.
So Susie does give him a tip.
She says, "Choose a place away from the city; it will be darker there."
Right! We talked all about this yesterday.
You want to make sure you’re in a place that doesn’t have too much light or pollution, like you’d find in a big city, right?
Because the darker it is, the more stars you’ll be able to see in the sky.
And James says that he will do that.
So we’ve got our first great tip for how to go stargazing with a telescope.
We will have more in just a moment, right after this break.
We will see you then!
Let’s talk in English ten each every day today.
That’s the way!
Today James told us that he is interested in stargazing. Friends, what are you interested in?
Probably many things, and it’s probably similar to your hobbies.
You’re interested in your hobbies; you want to learn more about them.
Well, we’re going to find out more about James and his interest in stargazing.
Let’s continue!
You should go out on a clear night.
If it’s cloudy, you won’t see many stars.
That’s true!
And the moon should not be too bright.
That makes sense!
Finally, go to your stargazing place on the right night.
Then allow time for your eyes to adjust to the dark.
How long does that take?
It takes thirty to forty-five minutes.
That’s a long time!
Yes, but if you do that, you’ll see more stars.
Friends, did you hear the second tip Susie gave James?
Susie tells James that he should go out on a clear night.
A clear night is a night that doesn’t have a lot of clouds or rain or other bad weather.
If those things are in the sky and you look through your telescope, you’ll just be looking at clouds, which aren’t very interesting, right?
And if there are many clouds in the sky, we can say it’s cloudy.
James agrees with Suzy: "Yeah, if it’s cloudy, you won’t see many stars."
James knows this is true.
And we learn the moon should not be too bright.
Now, of course, the moon is like a big rock that spins around the earth.
You can often see it at night, right?
It’s that bright light that looks like a circle you see.
Now, the reason the moon shouldn’t be too bright is that if the moon’s light is too bright, then you won’t be able to see too many stars.
In fact, you can look up and see the days or the nights when the moon is the darkest.
Those are the best days to go stargazing.
Right! That makes sense!
"That makes sense" is today’s calendar phrase.
"That makes sense" 有道理.
It’s raining; take an umbrella.
That makes sense!
It’s raining; wear a raincoat.
That makes sense!
It’s raining; wear rain boots.
That makes sense!
Or stay inside.
Hmm, that makes more sense!
Yeah! That makes sense!
Suzy continues and gives us her last tips, so she uses the word "finally" to tell us these are the tips she’s going to give at the end.
Yeah! You might say "first" and then give your first tip, "second" or "next," and when you give your last tip, you say "finally."
So finally, go to your stargazing place on the right night.
Right! This is the night when the moon is not shining very brightly.
Susie continues, "Then allow, or give, time for your eyes to adjust to the dark."
Garrett, what does "adjust to something" mean?
Hmm, it’s kind of like "get used to" or "you feel like it is normal."
Think about this: you’ve been lying in bed all night with the lights off, and then suddenly someone turns the light switch on.
You will feel like it is very bright, and you won’t be able to see very well, right?
Your eyes will need to adjust to the dark.
Now earlier we heard, "allow time for your eyes to adjust."
"Allow time for" means give something time to do something.
Sonia, can you help us with this phrase?
Susie说: "然后容许有点时间让眼睛适应黑暗" (Then allow time for your eyes to adjust to the dark.)
動詞 "allow" 有容許、給予的意思。
這一句也可以寫作 "then give your eyes time to adjust to the dark" (兩種說法意思一樣)。
我們先來看 "allow time for" 加名詞的例句:
"After the meeting, allow time for questions." (會議結束之後,要容許有一段發問的時間。)
或是 "When studying, allow time for breaks." (讀書的時候要留出時間休息。)
另外,"give something或someone time to" 加動詞的例句:
"Give the plants time to grow." (給盆栽時間長大。)
或是 "Give them time to look around first." (給他們時間先去四處看看。)
Thank you, Sonya!
Well, James wants to know how long it will take for his eyes to get used to, or adjust to, the dark.
Well, it is not quick! Susie says it takes thirty to forty-five minutes.
So don’t go out there and think you’re going to see all the stars right away!
Right! You’ll need time.
James thinks that it is a long time.
It’s not something you can do quickly, right?
But if it were quick, it might not be quite so worth it.
Make sure you take the time to let your eyes adjust, and then you’ll see more stars, right?
Well, friends, it’s time for us to review today’s keywords.
Here’s your first keyword for today: "borrow."
"Borrow." "May I borrow this book?"
"Interesting." "Are you interested in traveling?"
"Tip." "Those are great tips."
"Cloudy." "Will the weather be cloudy tomorrow?"
"Moon." "Why can’t I see the moon?"
Well, friends, those are your keywords for today. Keep on practicing them!
And now it’s your turn.
The words for today are "borrow," "interested," "tips," "cloudy," and "moon."
Now it’s your turn to use them in a sentence.
First one: "It’s too cloudy to see the sun."
That’s right!
Next: "Thanks for letting me borrow your bike."
You got it!
Next: "The moon is bright tonight."
Next: "She has lots of cooking tips."
Great job!
Last one: "I’m interested in music."
Good answer!
Did you guess all the words right?
I hope so! And I hope you’ll join me again for your turn.
James, thank you so much for helping me clean this space.
No problem! You have a lot of cool things, Susie. Thanks!
Uh, may I borrow this telescope?
I’m interested in stargazing.
Of course! This is a great tool to use for stargazing.
Do you have any tips for using it?
Sure! Choose a place away from the city; it will be darker there.
I’ll do that!
You should go out on a clear night.
If it’s cloudy, you won’t see many stars.
That’s true!
And the moon should not be too bright.
That makes sense!
Finally, go to your stargazing place on the right night.
Then allow time for your eyes to adjust to the dark.
How long does that take?
It takes thirty to forty-five minutes.
That’s a long time!
Yes! But if you do that, you’ll see more stars.
What are you doing?
I’m waiting.
Waiting for nighttime!
Yes, stargazing is one of my hobbies.
I’m interested in stargazing too!
Would you like to borrow my telescope?
Uh, no thanks! I already borrowed one.
It’s a nice one, better than mine!
Much better! On a clear night sky, I can see thousands of stars!
Can I borrow the telescope that you borrowed?
No, but we can go stargazing together sometime, and I’ll let you look through it, okay?
Sounds good!
I can give you some tips for using a telescope.
What are we waiting for?
Uh, nighttime!
Oh! Haha!
Hi everyone! Welcome to Jack’s file! I’m Jack.
Hey, do you ever go outside at night to look up at the stars?
That’s called stargazing!
It’s hard to do in the city because there’s too much light, but in the country, it’s fun!
There are so many stars, and I’m going stargazing with my friends tonight!
Looking at the stars in the night sky is called stargazing.
You can try to spot different constellations星座, planets, and other things.
To go stargazing, you need to find a dark place away from bright lights.
If you live in a city, you may need to get away from it and go out into the mountains or countryside.
Take something to sit on, like a blanket.
Put it on the ground, then sit and let your eyes get used to the dark for thirty to forty-five minutes.
Then, when you look up into the sky, you will see many things.
You can look for groups of stars or constellations.
One famous one is called the Big Dipper.
This group of stars forms a giant spoon.
You can also look for the North Star.
This important star helps people find which way is north.
Get a stargazing book or app to help you find more interesting things in the sky.
If you’re lucky, you might even see a shooting star race across the sky!
The sky is full of billions of beautiful stars; you can’t count them all!
I found a great app that has lots of information about the stories.
It tells me about constellations to look for, too.
It also tells me where to look for them.
Sometimes it’s not easy to find them.
Well, I hope tonight is clear, and I can see lots of stars!
I’m excited to go stargazing!
I’ll see you next time on Jack’s file. Bye, everyone!
Friends, do you enjoy stargazing?
Is this something that you like to do, one of your hobbies?
If you haven’t done it too much, then maybe it’s a new hobby you can try, right?
I haven’t done a whole lot of stargazing; I’ve done it a couple of times.
Though I don’t think I’ll go out and buy a telescope myself, but I would be interested in learning more about the names of the stars and groupings of stars, right?
And in our day and age with phones, there are many apps we can download that can help us know the names and groups of stars.
That’s right!
And as you learn about that, try to keep in mind that there’s a lot of history behind those names.
You can learn about different cultures and events throughout history.
And remember, stargazing can be very peaceful.
When you’re looking at the stars, you will think about your life as well.
Well, friends, we hope you have a chance to get away to a place with less light and busyness to slow down and enjoy the stars.
And of course, don’t forget to join us again tomorrow!
That’s right, right here on Let’s Talk in English! Goodbye!

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