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Prevent Food Poisoning-預防食物中毒
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Prevent Food Poisoning-預防食物中毒(上)
大家說英語 20241010
Sure! Here’s your text with corrected grammar while retaining the Chinese in traditional characters:
Let’s talk in English. My name is Esther, and my name is Garrett. We’re coming to you with a health lesson, and the name of our lesson is "Prevent Food Poisoning." Well, friends, in our health lessons, we talk about important topics that will help you stay healthy and full of energy. They aren’t fun topics, but they can help us live better lives.
If you want to prevent something from happening, it means you don’t want that bad thing to happen, right? Of course, we don’t want poisoning. If you are poisoned, it means something bad that makes us sick has gone into our bodies. Sometimes, when we have an ordinary meal, we can get food poisoning, right? We’re going to learn more about food poisoning. Let’s go to our reading.
Food poisoning can be dangerous. Bacteria can cause it; bacteria can grow on food and make you very sick. But you can prevent food poisoning. Before you cook, wash your hands with soap and water. Soap can kill bacteria. Wash fresh fruits and fresh vegetables too. Don’t eat raw eggs or meat; cook them to a safe temperature. Keep meat, eggs, and milk in your refrigerator; then bacteria can’t grow. Thank you, Garrett.
Yes, there are many things we can do to prevent food poisoning. We’ll learn more about them in today’s lesson. Now, let’s go to our "Find It" question. Our question is: What do you do with fresh fruits and vegetables? What should you do with fresh fruits and vegetables? I’m assuming that’s besides eating them.
That’s right; this has something to do with our lesson on how to prevent food poisoning. Well, friends, we’ll learn a lot today, including some new words. Here is Sonya to teach us them.
Sam有一個雞肉三明治,從昨天放到今天。Sira勸他還是不要吃比較好,不然可能會因為食物中毒而生病。You might get sick from food poisoning.
形容詞sick就是生病的。肉類一定要保存在冰箱裡。You should always keep meat in the refrigerator.
名詞refrigerator就是冰箱。那麼水果和蔬菜應該都沒問題吧?Sira覺得還是要清洗殺菌才行。You should wash them to kill bacteria.
動詞wash就是清洗。除了把食材洗乾淨之外,料理前一定要用肥皂洗手,還有把食物煮到安全的溫度才行。So does cooking food to a safe temperature.
Is that your chicken sandwich from yesterday, Sam?
Yes, I left it in my desk to eat today.
Don’t eat it.
Why not? You might get sick from food poisoning. You should always keep meat in the refrigerator.
Oh yeah, I forgot. Bacteria could be growing on your sandwich now.
Then I won’t eat it; I don’t want to get sick.
Well, today we get to watch a conversation between Sarah and Sam, and today they’re talking about food.
Yes, we start with Sarah asking Sam a question. She says, "Is that your chicken sandwich from yesterday, Sam?" Now, this chicken sandwich is not in the fridge, where you might think it is. Sam left it on his desk and he plans to eat it today.
That sounds scary and dangerous. Sarah says, "Don’t eat it."
Don’t eat it! Sam was just about to eat this sandwich, and friends, "Don’t eat it" is today’s calendar phrase.
Don’t eat it!
Don’t eat it! 不要吃!
Mmm, this fish smells strange. Don’t eat it!
This chicken isn’t cooked enough. Oh! Don’t eat it!
This egg is raw.
Don’t eat it!
What can I eat? Ah, that banana! I guess I’ll have to do.
Don’t eat it!
Well, Sam is wondering why he shouldn’t eat this sandwich. He didn’t finish it; I imagine he doesn’t want to waste it.
Well, Sam, you need to be a little smarter. Sarah tells Sam, "You might get sick from food poisoning."
Now, when you get sick, it means you are not feeling well. Maybe your stomach hurts, maybe your head hurts, or maybe you want to throw up. There are many different ways that people feel sick. Some of them are really short and don’t affect us too much. Many people get small colds every year. You might have a stuffy nose or a little cough.
Or there are more severe kinds of sickness, or bad kinds of sickness like cancer. Sometimes people get sick for many years. But food poisoning is something that you can get very quickly. This is when you eat some food that has some bad things in it, and then your stomach and your body get sick.
Yeah, you might get sick if you eat a sandwich that’s been sitting on your desk for too long.
Let’s go to Sonya for more on that word "might."
Sarah說你可能會因為食物中毒而生病。You might get sick from food poisoning.
先看"might":是描述可能性低、較不確定的式,用在非正式情境中。例如,"He might forget his car keys." 他可能會忘記帶他的車鑰匙,或是"The boys might play basketball this afternoon." 那些男孩今天下午可能會打籃球。
再看"may":是描述可能性較高的式,適用於較正式的寫作或情境中。例如,"She may come and see us this weekend." 她這個周末可能會來看我們,或是"They may walk to school today." 他們今天可能會走路去學校。
Thank you so much, Sonya.
Well, Sarah continues and tells Sam, "You should always keep meat in the refrigerator."
In the refrigerator, yes. We keep food cold in the refrigerator. You might also hear people use the word "fridge." You might say, "Please get the milk from the fridge."
Right, the fridge or refrigerator keeps foods cold. That means they won’t go bad quite so quickly, so you can keep them for longer. Some foods don’t need to go in there, and some do. Sarah reminds Sam that meat should go in the refrigerator because Sam forgot.
Yeah, and his sandwich has meat on it. Sarah says that bacteria could be growing on his sandwich. Bacteria is one thing that can make you sick. It’s so small you can’t see it with your eyes, but once it goes into your body, it can make you sick. If it makes you sick, then you will get food poisoning.
Sam smartens up: "I won’t eat it; I don’t want to get sick." He won’t eat that sandwich that has been sitting out for a long time. That’s good! If you don’t finish something, put it in the fridge; then you can eat it the next day.
Oh friends, it’s time for a quick break. Grab a sandwich and join us in just a minute.
Welcome back to the show, everyone. We have been saying that some foods need to go in the refrigerator. Sometimes, if you’re not sure, you can look at the box or the packaging, and it will tell you, right? Especially foods that will go bad or spoil easily, like meats, cheese, and milk.
Other foods, like some sauces, might be fine just on your shelf, but once you open it for the first time, if you don’t finish it right away, put it in the fridge.
Well, friends, let’s go back to our conversation.
You can eat this apple and these carrots.
Thanks! Fresh fruits and vegetables are always safe, right?
Usually, but you should wash them to kill bacteria. Washing things prevents food poisoning, so does washing your hands with soap and water, and so does cooking food to a safe temperature. Remember, don’t eat raw eggs or meat.
I will remember that.
Sam says fresh fruits and vegetables are always safe, right? Is that correct?
Well, that leads us to the answer to today’s "Find It" question.
Our question: What should you do with fresh fruits and vegetables?
The answer: You should wash them to kill bacteria. Yes, we said meat needs to go in the fridge, but there can be bacteria on fruits and vegetables too, right?
So Sarah says, "Usually" means most of the time it is safe, but if you don’t wash your fruits and vegetables, there still might be bacteria on them.
Usually, when I’m washing my fruits and vegetables, I’m not putting hand soap on them and washing them like I do my hands. Just make sure you get lots of water on there and maybe rub them a little bit to make sure all that bacteria gets off your fruits and vegetables, right?
And when you are washing something, you are making it clean. We need to wash our hair; we also need to wash fruits and vegetables.
Sam says washing your hands with soap and water. He’s talking about what Sarah said: "So does washing your hands with soap and water." It also kills bacteria, isn’t that right, Sonya?
Sam說用肥皂和水洗手也可以。So does washing your hands with soap and water.
句首的so是副詞,表示如此,像這樣的意思。本句為倒裝句。So do does加主詞表示某人也是如此。例如,"Linda likes hiking so does her dog." Linda喜歡爬山,她的狗狗也是如此。
或是"Thomas plays the piano well, so does his sister." Thomas鋼琴彈得很好,他的妹妹也是如此。
再一句"I like coffee better than tea, so do my friends." 比起茶我更喜歡咖啡,我的朋友們也是如此。
Thanks, Sonya.
Well, what other tip does Sarah have?
Sarah gives us a tip about cooking food. She says you need to cook food to a safe temperature. This means that when you are cooking the food, it needs to get hot enough because the heat will kill the bacteria. When you are cooking food, you are bringing it up to a hotter temperature and changing it.
Sarah gives us a don’t eat raw eggs or meat. Right? Raw eggs are eggs that are uncooked. If you cook something, you will make sure it goes from being raw to being cooked.
Now, I’ve heard that raw eggs are okay most of the time. The problem is you’ll never know which egg is bad, so it’s best to just not have it. There are some countries with special dishes that have raw meat; just make sure you go to places that are safe.
Right? Remember to cook your meats to the right temperature. This is how hot or how cold it is. Make sure it’s hot, not cold.
Oh friends, let’s go and review the keywords that we learned today. Here is your first keyword:
Sick. Sick.
Paul isn’t here today; he’s sick.
Cook. Cook.
How will you cook the vegetables?
I need to wash my hands.
What’s the temperature outside?
Put the milk back in the refrigerator.
Friends, those are today’s key words. Keep practicing, and now it’s your turn. Today’s words are sick, cooked, wash, temperature, and refrigerator.
Now it’s your turn to use them in a sentence. First one: His mom ___ a delicious lunch.
You got it! His mom cooked a delicious lunch.
Next: Is there cheese in the ___?
Correct! Is there cheese in the refrigerator?
Next: Eating too much candy made her ___.
Great job! Eating too much candy made her sick.
Next: They’ll ___ their clothes tonight.
You’re right! They’ll wash their clothes tonight.
Last one: Is the water the right ___?
That’s correct! Is the water the right temperature?
Well done, friends! Don’t forget to come again for your turn.
Is that your chicken sandwich from yesterday, Sam?
Yes, I left it in my desk to eat today.
Don’t eat it.
Why not? You might get sick from food poisoning. You should always keep meat in the refrigerator.
Oh yeah, I forgot. Bacteria could be growing on your sandwich now.
Then I won’t eat it; I don’t want to get sick.
You can eat this apple and these carrots.
Thanks! Fresh fruits and vegetables are always safe, right?
Usually, but you should wash them to kill bacteria. Washing things prevents food poisoning, so does washing your hands with soap and water, and so does cooking food to a safe temperature.
And remember, don’t eat raw eggs or meat.
I will remember that.
Oh James, did you leave a chicken sandwich here yesterday?
Yes, I didn’t have time to eat it, and I forgot about it.
Well, I found it.
Don’t eat it!
Oops, too late, Ginger.
You might get sick from food poisoning.
Oh, food poisoning!
Why should meat be kept in the fridge?
What if it’s not? Bacteria can grow on it and make me sick.
Yes. How do you feel?
I feel like you need a doctor.
No, I feel like... do you need medicine?
No, I feel like I need dessert. Can I have a banana? I’m so hungry!
Here’s my chicken from yesterday.
It still looks okay.
No! Don’t eat that!
What happened to you? Food poisoning.
Oh no!
Food poisoning is dangerous, and it can happen to you.
Oh no, to me?
Yes, bacteria can grow on food. It can make you very, very sick.
Sick like you! You look terrible!
Yes, and it could happen to you.
Well, what can I do? How can I prevent food poisoning?
Keep meat in the refrigerator.
And you don’t want bacteria growing on your chicken, do you?
So don’t eat it if it’s not in the refrigerator.
I don’t want to get sick. Also, washing things prevents food poisoning.
Oh! Should I wash fresh fruit and vegetables?
Yes! Also, wash your hands with soap and water.
That’s a good way to kill germs. Anything else?
Yes! Cook food to a safe temperature; that’s important too, right?
And don’t eat raw eggs!
Oh, okay, I won’t!
Good, because food poisoning can be dangerous.
Yes, I can see that.
Maybe you should see a doctor.
Too late, I guess so.
Now friends, we said putting things in the refrigerator can help you keep them for longer, but remember they won’t keep forever.
Don’t forget about those things, right?
Washing your foods will help prevent food poisoning also. Putting them in the fridge will help prevent food poisoning as well.
Just keep track of the dates on those packages.
Thanks for joining us today! We’ll see you again tomorrow.
That’s right, here on "Let’s Talk in English." Goodbye!

Prevent Food Poisoning-預防食物中毒(下)
大家說英語 20241011
Sure! Here’s the corrected version with traditional Chinese characters:
Hello everyone!
Welcome to "Let’s Talk in English." My name is Garrett.
And my name is Esther. Today we have our health lesson.
That’s right, the title is "Prevent Food Poisoning."
We all want to prevent this. When you get food poisoning,
your stomach hurts a lot. You might want to vomit or throw up,
and it will be hard to do normal everyday things. That’s right,
you will get very sick if you have food poisoning.
So that’s why we’re talking about how you can prevent it
or do things to keep yourself from getting it.
First, make sure you eat good food from places
that are clean. That means they wash their fruits and vegetables.
And if you are going to cook meat,
make sure you cook it to a temperature that is high enough
so it is safe to eat.
If you’re not sure what that temperature is, look it up online.
The recommended temperature for chicken,
pork, beef, and other meats is all different,
so it is important to get it right.
And always be sure to wash your fruits and vegetables,
and put leftovers in the refrigerator.
Put them in the refrigerator so you can eat them the next day,
but don’t keep them in there forever; eat them
somewhat soon.
And now let’s go to our "Find It" question. Our question is:
What isn’t Greg going to do for a long time?
What isn’t Greg going to do for a long time? That’s
today’s question. Now your mission is to find the answer.
And now let’s go to Sonya for today’s keywords.
"You look a little pale," 形容詞
"pale" 是指臉色或膚色是蒼白的。
"Well, I ate at a buffet for dinner," 名詞
"buffet" 就是自助餐廳或自助餐。
"I had a terrible stomach ache," 名詞
"stomach ache" 就是胃痛,肚子痛。
"But you’re lucky; it wasn’t worse." 形容詞
"lucky" 就是幸運的。
"But I’m pretty much recovered today," 動詞
"recover" 就是恢復健康。
"You look a little pale, Greg. Are you okay?"
"Not really. I had food poisoning last night."
"Oh no! What caused it?"
"Well, I ate at a buffet for dinner."
"How long was the food on the buffet?"
"Maybe it wasn’t kept hot enough."
"That’s what I’m thinking; the food wasn’t very hot
when I ate it."
"Then I’m not surprised that you got food poisoning."
"It was pretty bad; I had a terrible stomach ache,
and I threw up a few times."
Okay, well we see an interesting word
just in the first question here of our lesson.
Let’s talk about it; it’s the word "pale."
Sometimes we might say that someone
looks a little pale.
Right, if someone looks a little pale,
it means the skin on their face has very little color.
In fact, they might look a little sick when they look pale.
Yeah, their color will be very light or even a little bit white.
Now, this is often not a very good sign.
Susie says that today Greg looks a little pale,
and she wants to know if Greg is okay. Is he okay?
Well, he says not really; he had food poisoning last night.
So Greg is not feeling well;
his stomach probably hurts. What caused the food poisoning?
Or what did he eat that made him have food poisoning?
Well, he says that he ate at a buffet for dinner.
A buffet is one type of restaurant
or way to eat. At a buffet, there are many options,
and it’s often all you can eat, right?
Buffet is spelled B-U-F-F-E-T. KK[buˋfe] DJ[buˋfei]
And sometimes people eat too much
if it’s an all-you-can-eat吃到飽 buffet.
Well, Susie has a good question;
she wants to know how long the food was sitting on the buffet.
She asks, "How long was the food on the buffet?"
On the buffet, at the buffet—
what’s the difference? Sonya, can you help?
"How long was the food on the buffet?"
名詞 "buffet" 原指放置自助餐食物的長桌
我們先來看 "on the buffet"
例如,"What looks good on the buffet?"
或是 "How many desserts are on the buffet?"
另外,"at the buffet" 指提供自助餐的地點。
例如,"We can meet for lunch at the buffet."
或是 "Many people were at the buffet today."
Thank you, Sonya. Susie thinks the reason why Greg got sick
is maybe the food wasn’t kept hot enough at the buffet.
Yeah, and maybe it was sitting there for too long.
It sounds like Greg agrees; he says,
"That’s what I’m thinking."
That’s what I’m thinking—
"This fish looks strange."
"Yeah, that’s what I’m thinking."
"This fish smells strange."
"That’s what I’m thinking."
"This fish tastes strange."
"That’s what I’m thinking."
"Ugh, I think I’m getting sick."
"That’s what I’m thinking."
That’s what I’m thinking—
Well, Greg thinks this as well
because when he ate the food,
it wasn’t very hot.
Right, it was sitting out for too long.
Then Susie says,
"I’m not surprised that you got food poisoning
because food can go bad quickly."
Right, if it’s sitting around for too long,
so you don’t want to have
it just sitting out.
This is just like Sam’s sandwich that we talked about yesterday,
right? That sandwich was sitting out for a long time as well.
Well, Greg got very sick.
He had a terrible stomach ache; his stomach hurt very much,
and he threw up a few times.
That’s when your food and other things from your stomach
come up and out.
It never feels good when people get sick.
They get sick in many ways.
Friends, it’s time for us to take a break.
We’ll be back after this.
Let’s talk in English, let’s
every day!
Welcome back to the show, everyone!
How are you feeling today?
Hopefully, you don’t have a stomach ache,
right? And hopefully
you don’t feel like throwing up. Poor Greg! Indeed.
Now, when we see that word "ache,"
it means something is hurting. We might say,
"You have a stomach ache or a headache," right?
How are you feeling? Hope
you’re feeling okay.
Now let’s get back to our conversation.
"I’m sorry, but you’re lucky it wasn’t worse."
"It was worse; I had diarrhea too."
"But I’m pretty much recovered today."
"I’m just being careful with what I eat."
"That’s a good idea; you need to let your stomach recover."
"And I’m not going to eat at any buffets for a long time.
I learned my lesson: all hot food should be kept hot."
"I’m glad you’re better, Greg. Food poisoning can be awful."
"Tell me about it."
After hearing how Greg felt,
Susie says she is so sorry. Now remember, in English,
when we say we are sorry,
it doesn’t always mean we’ve done something wrong.
Susie didn’t make Greg sick; she just feels bad for him, right?
It’s a very polite way to show someone that you feel for them
when something bad happens to them.
But Susie says something good; she says,
"But you’re lucky it wasn’t worse."
If you’re lucky,
then good things happen to you,
but not because of anything that you did.
Now friends, we are lucky because we get to learn from Sonya.
"But you’re lucky; it wasn’t worse."
都是在字尾加上 "er",
但本句的 "worse" 卻是不規則的變化。
"bad, worse, worst."
"He has a bad cold."
比較級 "He is feeling worse than yesterday."
最高級 "That is the worst idea of all."
Thank you, Sonya.
So we know that Greg had a stomach ache and he was throwing up,
but that’s not all.
He had diarrhea too. Diarrhea is not fun.
If you keep going to the bathroom
because you ate something bad, then that’s diarrhea, yeah.
What comes out of you
when you have diarrhea is more like a liquid,
and it probably doesn’t feel very good.
Thankfully, though, Greg says he
is pretty much recovered today.
Greg is feeling well enough to go to work.
He says, "I’m just being careful with what I eat."
If you recover,
it means you overcome something and you get better.
If you break an arm,
it might take a while to recover or get better
so that you can use your arm like normal.
Susie thinks it’s a good idea that
Greg is going to be careful about what he’s going to eat today.
After you are sick
like that, you need to let your stomach recover.
Eat foods with less flavor,
foods that won’t make your stomach upset.
Maybe like plain
bread or white rice or even just boiled potatoes.
Well, friends, I think it’s time to see if we found the answer to our
"Find It" question. What isn’t
Greg going to do for a long time?
He’s not going to eat at any buffets.
Hmm, maybe a good idea!
Though I’m sure most buffets won’t give you food poisoning.
Actually, talking about this
makes me want to eat at a buffet.
Well, maybe you should ask Greg
so you don’t go to the one that he went to.
Good point! Well, Greg says
he’s learned his lesson that all hot food should be kept
hot, and Susie is glad that he is feeling better
because it is true; food poisoning can be awful.
Something that is awful makes you feel really bad.
Greg finishes by saying, "Tell me about it."
Now, he doesn’t want Susie to tell him about food poisoning;
he already knows. This sentence here
just means, "I know what you mean, and I feel the same way."
And now it’s time for us to go and review today’s keywords.
Here’s your first keyword for today: pale.
Jen’s face is very pale today.
We enjoyed a delicious breakfast buffet.
Stomach ache.
"Stomach ache."
Eating too much gives me a stomach ache.
We are lucky that it didn’t rain today.
Wendy was sick, but she recovered.
Well friends, those are today’s keywords. Keep on practicing them!
And now it’s your turn.
The words for today are: pale, buffet, stomach ache, lucky, and recovered.
Now it’s your turn to use them in a sentence.
First one:
"Jeff has ____ from his cold."
Correct! Jeff has recovered from his cold.
"Did you try everything on the ____?"
You’re right! Did you try everything on the buffet?
"She turned ____ when she saw him."
You got it! She turned pale when she saw him.
"He has a bad ____."
Good job! He has a bad stomach ache.
Last one:
"Ken won the prize; he is so ____."
Great answer! Ken won the prize; he is so lucky.
Those are all the sentences for today. I will see you again here
at your turn.
"You look a little pale, Greg. Are you okay?"
"Not really. I had food poisoning last night."
"Oh no! What caused it?"
"Well, I ate at a buffet for dinner."
"How long was the food on the buffet?"
"Maybe it wasn’t kept hot enough."
"That’s what I’m thinking; the food wasn’t very hot
when I ate it."
"Then I’m not surprised that you got food poisoning."
"It was pretty bad; I had a terrible stomach ache,
and I threw up a few times."
"I’m sorry, but you’re lucky it wasn’t worse."
"It was worse; I had diarrhea too."
"But I’m pretty much recovered today."
"I’m just being careful with what I eat."
"That’s a good idea; you need to let your stomach recover."
"And I’m not going to eat at any buffets for a long time."
"I learned my lesson: all hot food should be kept hot."
"I’m glad you’re better, Greg; food poisoning can be awful."
"Tell me about it."
"James, you look a little pale; are you okay?"
"No, not really; I’m feeling a little sick. Could it be food poisoning?"
"That’s what I’m thinking."
"What caused it? Did you eat a sandwich that was left out?"
"No, but I ate food that wasn’t cooked enough."
"Oh no! And now you’re sick?"
"I’m not surprised; I had a stomach ache,
but I’m pretty much recovered now."
"You’re lucky it wasn’t worse."
"True; food poisoning can be awful, huh?"
"Well, I’m glad you’re feeling better. Can I get you anything?
Would you like a banana?"
"Oh no, thank you."
Hello and greetings!
I’m the game master,
and you’re here for "What’s the Answer?"
Getting sick is never fun; it interrupts our lives and doesn’t feel good.
But if you are sick,
maybe today’s answers can cheer you up.
Will Lisa and Tommy know the answers first?
Tell me if this statement is true or false:
"A stomach ache might lead to throwing up."
Lisa, what do you think?
"I think that is true; I hate throwing up."
"Me too; it ruins a good day!"
Now let’s try to fill in the blank
in this next sentence:
"Eating meat that’s gone bad might give you ____."
Oh, Tommy?
"It might give you a cheap meal."
Ah, that’s not exactly the answer we’re looking for.
Most of the time, you probably paid full price to begin with.
What do you think, Lisa?
"I think it might give you food poisoning."
That’s for sure! Great answer!
Let’s do one last one:
"What grows on food and makes people sick? A) disease B) carrots C) bacteria or D) sadness."
"You know this!"
"Yes, I do; it’s C) bacteria."
Well done!
But Lisa is still today’s winner!
And that’s all for today.
We’ll see you next time on "What’s the Answer?"
See you later!
Well, the next time Greg does go to a buffet,
he should make sure of a few things first, of course.
Make sure that the hot food is actually hot.
Right! And he needs to make sure he washes his hands
before he starts eating at the buffet.
The last thing is, there are probably some
foods there that are a little
more safe—foods that won’t be likely to give food poisoning.
Maybe he could stick to a lot more fruits and vegetables.
And if he does get food poisoning,
he should tell the buffet
so that they will be more careful.
That’s right! Well, friends,
we hope you stay safe and don’t get food poisoning.
Make sure you follow the tips that we’ve talked about,
and we look forward to seeing you tomorrow right here on
"Let’s Talk in English." Goodbye!

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