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Parkour 跑酷運動
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Parkour 跑酷運動(上)
大家說英語 20241008

Sure! Here’s your text with corrected grammar while preserving the original Chinese:
Hello everyone,
Welcome to Let’s Talk in English.
My name is Esther,
And my name is Garrett.
You’re joining us for a sports lesson,
And the name of our lesson is parkour.
Parkour, friends!
Have you heard this interesting word?
It comes from the French language,
And it is an exciting and difficult activity.
But how do we spell it?
Well, it’s spelled like this: park (p-a-r-k) and our (o-u-r). That’s how we spell this word—parkour.
Right now,
It does come from France, but today
It is practiced by young people all around the world.
It’s done outside,
And it’s not a competition like basketball or baseball, right?
It’s something
That you do against yourself挑战自己 to improve your skills. Now,
Friends, we are going to hear a lot more about what parkour is
And how to do it
In today’s reading.
Does climbing walls and jumping over fences sound fun?
If so, parkour is for you!
This sport focuses on moving from one point to another quickly.
You must jump,
Roll, or climb over anything in your path.
It takes time to get good at parkour,
But once you get it,
You can show your coolest moves. It’s a lot of fun!
Thanks, Esther! Yeah,
It does sound like a lot of fun. Now,
If you want to go out and do parkour after hearing
Our lesson today, be sure to be safe.
This can be quite a dangerous sport, so be careful and
Maybe wear some pads.
All right, or you might
Even want to wear a helmet.
Let’s go to our Find It question. Our question is:
What did Greg and Sarah see at the park?
What did Greg and Sarah see at the park? Oh, friends,
You will find the answer in our lesson
Today as we listen to what Greg and Sarah have to say. Now,
Let’s go to Sonya,
Who will teach us today’s keywords.
It focuses on moving from one point to another.
They jump over fences.
They jump over anything in their path.
They do it so quickly.
How are you, Sarah? Good!
I just came from the park.
I was at the park earlier
Today. Did you see those people climbing walls
And doing cool moves? Yes,
I did! They were amazing. What were
They actually doing? Parkour!
What is that? It’s a sport
That focuses on moving from one point to another.
Well, we start off our conversation,
And Greg is being caring about Sarah.
He wants to know how she’s doing.
Yes, he asks, "How are you, Sarah?" He wants to know how Sarah is doing. Now,
Of course, if someone asks you this question and it’s clear
They really want to know how you’re doing, you could share a lot.
You could tell them all about your day and how you feel,
But often this is just used as a greeting, so shorter
Answers are just fine, like Sarah says, “Good.”
But how else can we respond to this question?
Let’s go to Sonya to find out.
“How are you?”
对于别人“How are you?”的问候其实有很多种回答方式,
例如你可以回答“Could be better”,
或是“Just so-so”,
再一句“Pretty good, thanks for asking”。
Thank you, Sonya!
So Sarah just came from the park,
Right? She came means she’s not there anymore,
And Greg tells us that he was at the park
As well. He says, “I was at the park earlier today.”
Well, while Sarah was at the park, she saw something interesting.
She wants to know if Greg saw it too.
It’s the people climbing walls and doing cool moves,
And that, friends, is parkour! That’s what we’re talking about.
And Greg also saw
These people, and he said they were amazing! Yes,
They were amazing.
They were doing cool moves
Or special things with their bodies that looked interesting,
But Sarah wants to
Know what they were really doing,
So she uses the word “actually.”
She asks, “What were they actually doing?”
Yeah, why were they doing all these moves?
Well, friends, I think this leads us to our Find It question.
Remember, it’s: What did
Greg and Sarah see at the park?
They saw people doing parkour. Hmm,
Yes, parkour,
The topic for today!
Parkour is a sport
And it focuses on moving from one point to another, right?
And a point is like a small dot,
But here, point means one place.
Yeah, like Esther is standing at one point,
And I am standing at another point. Now,
To get from this point to that point
Would be pretty easy.
I just need to walk over.
But what if there are walls or other things in the middle?
Then you’d have to think about how to jump over
Or climb over those walls.
Now, if you focus on doing something,
It means you pay attention to it,
And you don’t think about other things.
Maybe at school,
You might hear your teacher
Say, “Focus on your work.”
Think about a different sport—what about soccer?
The sport of soccer is focused on kicking the ball; in parkour,
They are focused on going from one point to another. Well,
We’re going to learn more about parkour,
What it is and what people do,
But before that, we need to take a break.
Don’t go away; we’ll be right back after this.
Let’s talk in English every day!
Every day, every day,
That’s the way! Welcome back,
Everyone! Today,
We are facing the amazing sport of parkour,
Where you go from one point to another
But in a cool way!
You will do cool moves, and you will jump and climb over walls.
You might even do flips and climb up buildings.
It really is a fun sport to watch,
Though I don’t think I’ve ever tried it.
I don’t think I’ve tried it either,
But maybe after our lesson today,
We can go to the park and see
If we can do some parkour moves. Good idea?
Let’s get back to our conversation.
How do people move from one point to another in parkour?
They run, roll, and jump
Over fences or anything in their path,
And they do it so quickly!
They really do!
They must practice these moves a lot.
It usually takes a few years to get really good at parkour.
I can see why; it doesn’t look easy!
Well, here,
Sarah asks a great question:
“How do people in parkour move from one point to another?”
Now, there is something that we need to tell you:
Parkour often takes place in cities.
That’s because there’s a lot of stuff in your way in a city.
There are fences and poles and things that will stop you from
Just walking from one point to another, right?
And that’s when people can do these cool moves.
So people will run and
Roll and jump over fences
Or anything that is in their way—in their path.
Now, we heard the word “fence.”
Between a building and another building,
If there’s something that keeps them
Apart, a wall,
We call that a fence.
Fences are often flat and long.
There might be a fence around a farm
That keeps the animals inside the farm,
Or you might have a fence around the outside of your house.
And we also heard the word “people.”
They will run,
Jump, and roll over anything that gets in their path.
Path here means what road they are on.
Yeah, the way you are going to
Go, like the path from where
I’m standing to where Esther is standing.
This is our way.
If there were something right here,
It would be in my path, right?
And how do people do it?
Well, they do it very quickly.
If you do something quickly,
It means you do it in a short amount of time, right?
Parkour is very quick, or they do things quickly;
They do things fast!
Right? Greg agrees.
He says, “They really do!”
And “they really do” is today’s calendar phrase.
They really do.
Students study a lot.
They really do.
Dancers practice a lot.
They really do.
Athletes exercise a lot.
They really do.
What do you do?
Not a lot.
Well, parkour is not easy.
There’s a lot of skill to it, so the people who do parkour
Need to practice their moves a lot, right?
They might need to practice
Jumping and making sure
They can jump high
Or even rolling on the ground without hitting their head.
And just like with other sports,
They’re probably not going to do things right
The first time. They fail or do things wrong again and again
And probably get hurt.
Yes, and Greg tells us that
It usually takes a few years to get really good at parkour.
“Usually” means for most people it will take a few years. Hmm,
Sarah says, “I can see why.” Now the word
“Why” there means why
It takes so long to get good.
Let’s go to Sonya for more words like this.
“I can see why.”
例如,“She doesn’t know where。”
或是“Will decide who。”
再一句“Tell me when。”
Thank you very much, Sonya!
So Esther, what do you think about parkour so far?
Do you think you would be able to do it?
To be honest,
I think it looks cool,
But it also looks very hard.
I don’t think I would be able to do it,
And I might be afraid I’m going to
Break my leg if I try!
I agree. I might be able to do some basic moves,
But not the really cool ones.
Though one time, I did see a parkour video; it wasn’t in a city.
They weren’t doing flips or anything.
It was in a big rocky field,
But the guy doing it was able to move across and jump across
These rocks very quickly.
Wow, that sounds fun! Friends,
What do you think about parkour?
Would it be something
You would like to try as well?
Think about that as we go and review today’s keywords.
Here’s your first keyword for today:
It’s right around the fence.
Focus. Let’s focus on the problem.
Point. At which point do you want to meet?
Quickly. Don’t move quickly through the park.
Path. Just stay on the path.
All right, friends! Those are today’s keywords.
We hope you keep on practicing on your path to English
And now it’s your turn.
Today’s words are: fence, focus, point, quickly, and path.
Now it’s your turn to use them in a sentence.
First, we can start running at this point.
Next, take this path down to the ocean.
You got it! Take this path down to the ocean.
Next, that fence is high.
Great job! That fence is high.
Next, the teacher talks quickly.
That’s correct! The teacher talks quickly.
Last one: What are you focusing on now?
That’s right! What are you focusing on now?
Oh, I know!
You’re focusing on getting all the answers correct for your turn.
How are you, Sarah? Good!
I just came from the park.
I was at the park earlier today.
Did you see those people climbing walls and doing cool moves?
Yes, I did! They were amazing. What were
They actually doing? Parkour! What is that?
It’s a sport that focuses on moving from one point to another.
How do people move from one point to another in parkour?
They run, roll, and jump over fences
Or anything in their path,
And they do it so quickly!
They really do!
They must practice these moves a lot.
It usually takes a few years to get really good at parkour.
I can see why it doesn’t look easy!
Yay! Thanks for taking me to the park today; that was fun!
Yeah, we saw people running,
Rolling, and jumping over fences. Yeah,
They were amazing!
Well, not that amazing; monkeys can do that too, you know!
Well, most people don’t, so what were
They actually doing? Something called parkour!
Yes, it’s a sport that focuses on moving from one point to another.
Now, how is that a sport?
Well, they run, roll, and jump quickly over anything in their path.
Oh, cool! Do they practice?
Of course! It usually takes a few years to get good at parkour. Ha,
Ha, ha!
Monkeys can do all those things without practicing!
Hi everyone!
Welcome to Jack’s File. Have you ever watched anyone do parkour?
It is so amazing!
I was watching some guys do it at the park the other day.
I think I’d like to try it,
But it doesn’t look very easy.
Does climbing walls and jumping over things
Sound fun? If so, parkour is for you!
Parkour is an exciting activity;
It involves moving
Through, over, or around things in creative ways.
You can jump, roll,
Flip, spin, and more!
You may jump over walls, balance
On rails, or climb up buildings.
You may even jump from one roof
To another! This sport
Focuses on moving from one point to another quickly.
You must jump,
Roll, or climb over anything in your path.
People who do parkour learn special moves
Called vaults to jump over things.
They also learn wall runs to climb walls.
Parkour doesn’t require any special equipment;
All you need is your body and a place to practice,
Like a park. Safety is really important
In parkour.
You must learn how to land safely
And how to roll to keep yourself from getting hurt.
Many parkour groups have coaches
Who teach these skills and help beginners to move safely.
It takes time to get good at parkour,
But once you get it,
You can show your coolest moves.
It’s a lot of fun!
You have to do so many different kinds of moves in parkour.
You have to jump and roll, and of course,
You jump off high places—that can be very scary!
But I think I’d like to try it;
But I will find a coach first—
He or she can teach me. Okay!
That’s all for today! See you next time on Jack’s File. Goodbye!
We might not be parkour professionals here,
But we do often need to think of a path to get somewhere quickly.
I love the maps app on my phone!
Right? I use it a lot to get from one point to another point.
Have you ever tried it, friends?
Yeah, it’s helpful!
It might tell you that you can’t just go in a straight line;
You might need to go on some side streets
Or find some different route or way, right?
And life is like that as well.
Sometimes we want to get somewhere,
But we end up making another turn, and that’s okay!
Well, friends,
We wish you good luck on your path to learning English,
And we hope to see you again tomorrow!
That’s right, here on Let’s Talk in English.

Parkour 跑酷運動(下)
大家說英語 20241009
Sure! Here’s your text with grammatical corrections while keeping the Chinese parts:
Hello everyone!
Welcome to "Let’s Talk in English."
My name is Garrett, and I am so glad you’re joining us.
Yes, we are so glad you are here.
My name is Esther, and today we continue our sports lesson.
That’s right! Do you remember what we’re talking about?
We are talking about the sport of parkour.
Now, often in sports lessons, we talk about competitive team sports.
These are sports where two teams go against each other, like in baseball or basketball.
But today we are talking about parkour, which is a sport where one person does it by himself or herself.
It’s a sport that focuses on moving from one point to another quickly.
It focuses on cool moves, jumping over fences, or doing rolls where your body flips over on the ground.
Right? When people do parkour, they need to find the quickest and fastest way to reach their destination.
Now, Esther, did you do any parkour yesterday?
I tried a few moves, but it’s actually a lot harder than it looks, that’s for sure.
Parkour is not easy; it takes a lot of time to get good at it.
You might practice for years before you can do some of the harder moves.
And now it’s time for us to go to our question of the day—our "Find It" question.
Our question is: What does parkour training test?
You can find the answer in today’s conversation.
Now let’s go to Sonya, who will teach us our keywords.
Those guys doing parkour were so fun to watch.
I started training a few months ago. 动词"train"就是训练。
Parkour helps you stay fit. 形容词"fit"就是健康的、健美的。
Parkour is about testing yourself. 动词"test"就是考验。
The training tests your body and your mind. 名词"mind"就是心智。
Wow, those guys doing parkour were so fun to watch!
You should try it!
James, parkour is really fun. Do you do parkour?
Sam: I started training a few months ago. Good for you!
Why do you like parkour?
Parkour helps you stay fit; you have to work your whole body.
That’s right! You’d really like it.
James: I don’t know. It looks kind of difficult.
Well, at the beginning of our conversation, James talks about some people doing parkour, and he says, "Wow," amazed by them.
He says, "Those guys doing parkour were so fun to watch."
"Those guys" can be another word for "those people." Sometimes when people use the word "guy," they are only talking about men.
Right? Yeah, it’s kind of like a man or a boy, but often we might say, "Hey, guys," when we’re talking to a group of people, but they don’t have to be men or women.
Sonya, can you help us with phrases like "these people"?
"Those guys doing parkour were so fun to watch."
剧中的现在分词片语"doing parkour"用来修饰前面的"guys",是那些从事跑酷运动的人。
"The girls watching the movie weren’t very old."
或者是"The people sitting in the park got wet in the rain."
"Those workers taking a break were laughing a lot."
Thank you, Sonya!
Well, it sounds like Sam is very interested in parkour.
He tells James that James should try parkour as well.
Sam says parkour is really fun. Somehow, it doesn’t surprise me that Sam enjoys parkour; he is a pretty active and fun guy.
And yes, parkour is pretty fun—you should try it!
And that’s today’s calendar phrase: "You should try it!"
You should try it!
Hey, do you like running?
Yes, you should try it!
Do you like to run every day?
Yes, you should try it!
Do you like to run in the park?
Yes, you should try it!
I did try it.
I didn’t like it.
Oh, you should try it!
You should try it!
James wants to know if parkour is a sport that Sam does or enjoys training in or practicing, and we find out that Sam does enjoy doing parkour.
Sam says, "I started training a few months ago." Here, the word "train" is a verb.
It’s an action that you do.
It means you practice a skill or a sport until you get good at it.
We often hear the word "train" used with sports.
We train or practice to get better and better at them before we have to compete.
But we can also use the word "train" for things we do with our brains.
Great! You might train your brain to think more, or you might train your brain to think in another language.
Well, James is happy for Sam. He says, "Good for you!"
But he wants to know why Sam likes parkour.
Sam tells us that he likes parkour because it helps him stay fit.
If someone is fit, it means their body and mind are healthy.
Yeah, when we say someone is fit, this means they probably do a lot of exercise, they don’t have a lot of body fat, and they can do a lot of physical things, like running around or maybe even playing sports.
Right? You might hear someone say, "I want to get more fit, so I will start exercising."
There are many ways to get fit—listen to all of our sports lessons for some ideas.
James asks Sam if you have to work your whole body when you’re doing parkour, not just one part.
And Sam says that you do. He says, "You’d really like it, James."
He thinks that James would enjoy parkour as well.
James is not quite so sure. Right, James?
It looks kind of difficult.
If something looks difficult, it means it looks hard.
Yeah, it’s not easy.
It’s something you might need to practice a lot; you won’t be good at it the first time.
And I agree! But friends, sometimes we need to do difficult things.
That’s what makes our lives better and more interesting.
That’s right! Now, it’s time for us to take a break.
Don’t go away—we will be right back after this!
Let’s Talk in English—talk in English ten minutes every day!
Welcome back, everyone!
What kinds of activities do you enjoy doing outside with your friends?
Many people might enjoy riding bikes around or even riding a skateboard.
Right? I think riding bikes is a great way to stay fit!
It sure is! And friends, if you try out parkour, you can even train to do cool moves while staying fit at the same time!
Right? But be sure to train carefully.
Like Garrett said earlier, maybe wear knee pads or even a helmet to stay safe.
Those are some good ideas! Let’s get back to our lesson now.
Parkour is about testing yourself.
What do you mean?
The training tests your body and your mind.
That’s interesting! When you do parkour, you also get to know your environment well.
You must see things in a different way now.
I do! Before I started parkour, a wall was just a wall.
Now it’s something to climb!
That’s right!
Maybe you can show me some parkour moves sometime.
So, I have a story to share with everyone. When I was in college, I wanted to start learning a new language, but I didn’t want to choose an easy one because I wanted a challenge.
I wanted to test myself.
And that’s similar to what Sam says in our conversation: if you test yourself, it means you give yourself a challenge to see if you can do something hard.
But Garrett, I want to ask you: what language did you choose to learn?
Well, I chose Chinese, and it has been a challenge, but a good one.
I’ve learned so much along the way!
James wants to know what Sam means.
What does he mean by testing himself?
Friends, that leads us to our "Find It" question. Did you hear the answer?
Our question was: What does parkour training test?
The answer is: the training tests your body and your mind.
Right? Your mind is your thinking.
What you
think about in your mind is your thinking.
And I think this is true for a lot of sports.
You’re not just getting fit and exercising; you’re training your mind.
You’re training yourself to keep going even when things get really hard, and you’re training your mind to focus on what you’re doing and be patient, doing that thing again and again.
Well, James says, "That’s interesting." It is interesting that that’s what you do in parkour, right?
You train your mind and body.
Sam continues and tells us more about parkour.
He says, "When you do parkour, you also get to know your environment well."
Garrett, what is our environment?
Well, often when we hear that word, we’re talking about nature and protecting the animals and plants around us.
But actually, "environment" just means the area around us.
The environment in a city might have lots of buildings, walls, streets, and even lights, right?
And James says, "You must see things in a different way now."
He’s saying Sam must see things in his environment differently because he knows parkour.
Right? He says before he started training, a wall was just a wall.
But of course, it is more than that now.
What does he mean?
Well, he saw a wall as just a part of his environment, a part of his surroundings.
But now he sees it differently. Now it’s something he can climb; it’s an opportunity for parkour, not just something surrounding a building.
Right? And James wants to know more about parkour.
He wants Sam to teach him and even show him some moves at the park.
He wants him to show him some moves sometime.
Well, here’s Sonya to tell us more about that last word.
"Maybe you can show me some parkour moves sometime."
"Let’s get together sometime."
或是"We can meet for coffee sometime next week."
"Sometimes I stay home and bake cookies."
或是"He sometimes goes for a run in the park before work."
Thank you, Sonya!
We appreciate what you teach us all the time, not just sometimes.
That’s right!
And friends, will you think about doing parkour sometime, or will you think about watching it online sometime?
Oh, good point! There are so many cool videos online of people who are really good at parkour.
You don’t even have to do it yourself—just watch other people do it, and you’ll enjoy watching all those cool moves as people focus on moving from one point to another.
Now, friends, it’s time for us to look back at everything we learned and review our keywords.
Here is our first keyword:
"Which guy did you talk to?"
"He’s training to run in a race."
"Joan is very strong and fit."
"Is the boy honest? Let’s test it out."
"Sophie’s on my mind."
Friends, those are today’s keywords!
You’re doing a great job!
And now it’s your turn.
Today’s words are "guys," "train," "fit," "test," and "mind."
Now it’s your turn to use them in a sentence.
First one: "If I hard."
I can go faster.
You are right! "If I train hard, I can go faster."
Next: "Many sports strength and speed."
Good job! "Many sports test strength and speed."
Next: "What’s going on in your."
Correct! "What’s going on in your mind?"
Next: "I’m having dinner with the."
That’s right! "I’m having dinner with the guys."
Last: "How do you stay."
Great! "How do you stay fit?"
Well, that’s a question for another day because we’re all out of time!
Wow, those guys doing parkour were so fun to watch!
You should try it!
James, parkour is really fun!
Do you do parkour?
Sam: I started training a few months ago. Good for you!
Why do you like parkour?
Parkour helps you stay fit; you have to work your whole body.
That’s right! You’d really like it.
James: Oh, I don’t know. It looks kind of difficult.
Parkour is about testing yourself.
What do you mean? The training tests your body and your mind.
That’s interesting! When you do parkour, you also get to know your environment well.
You must see things in a different way now.
I do! Before I started parkour, a wall was just a wall.
Now it’s something to climb!
That’s right!
Maybe you can show me some parkour moves sometime.
Hey, James, thanks for taking me to the park again today.
Hmm, I’m glad we went; those guys doing parkour are fun to watch!
Yeah, well, so am I! I can roll and jump and even swing from trees!
That’s true; you can do monkey parkour!
Yeah! Do you want me to show you some moves sometime?
Well, uh... training will test your body and your mind.
Well, uh... we can swing from trees together!
It will be fun, fun, fun!
No! Right now a tree is just a tree.
Well, yeah, but after monkey parkour, the tree will be something to climb!
Oh! No, something to swing from!
Hello, Grandpa!
Oh, hehe, hi Maria!
Today I have a question about parkour.
Ooh, I have a question too!
You do? Yes!
What is parkour?
It’s a sport where you run, jump, and climb!
Oh, hehe, well that should help you stay fit!
Yes, it does help you stay fit!
You just answered the first question!
I did? What was the question?
What can parkour help you do?
And what was my answer?
It can help you stay fit!
Well, good for me! I didn’t have the question, but I had the answer! Hee hee!
Good job!
So, Grandpa, how do you keep your body fit?
Well, every evening I run, jump, and climb.
You do? Yes!
First, I run to the bathroom, then I jump in the shower, then I climb into bed!
So you run, jump, and climb?
It’s just like parkour, right?
No, Grandpa, not at all!
Too bad!
Well, I think today’s lesson reminded me of something important.
No matter what we’re doing, hard work can pay off!
If you train at something for a long time and get better at it, it makes your life better, right?
And I was reminded that we need to train our minds as well, not just our bodies!
As you train your mind, you’ll be able to face challenges and hard times and keep going, right?
Because our mind is also like a muscle!
Friends, that’s it for today!
Be sure to join us again tomorrow right here on "Let’s Talk in English."

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