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A High Protein Diet-空中英語教室
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A High Protein Diet 高蛋白飲食(上)
空中英語教室 20241025
Sure! Here’s the revised text with corrected grammar and the simplified Chinese converted to traditional Chinese:
Hello, friends, and welcome to Studio Classroom! Thank you for joining us for our lesson today. My name is Ann Marie, and my name is John. Friends, today is a great day to learn something new, so let’s do that together! It’s also a great day to start off with a question. Here it is: your "Talk About It" question from your lesson: 你通常吃什麼樣的蛋白質?
Oh wow! Okay, we’ll learn a lot about protein today. A good source of protein is meat. I love fried chicken, but when I was a kid, I would eat a lot of peanut butter. 你知道,花生醬的蛋白質含量相當不錯。
It certainly does! My favorite place to get my protein is from beans and chickpeas. 這絕對是我最喜歡的蛋白質來源。
Pretty cool! Well, there are a lot of sources of protein. Today, we’re talking about something called a high-protein diet. 那是什麼呢?我們要找出來。
So let’s get right into our first reading of the day: "A High-Protein Diet: How Much Is Too Much?" News regarding nutrition and diet evolves over time, so it can be hard to keep up with. This is especially true in the area of weight loss. One thing many people who want to drop a few pounds choose is a diet high in protein, which is an essential component of a healthy diet. The word comes from the Greek word "protos," which means "first." Proteins, of which as many as 100,000 can be found in the typical human cell, are crucial for some of the body’s functions.
Hi everyone! Welcome to Language Lab. I’m Jack.
先來看動詞 "evolve",意思是使逐步發展、逐步演化。例如,"As technology continues to evolve, new solutions to old problems are constantly emerging." 隨著技術的持續發展,解決老問題的新方案也不斷湧現。或是 "The artist’s style has evolved over time, becoming bolder and more colorful." 隨著時間的推移,這位藝術家的畫風變得更大膽,用色更豐富。
"Evolve" 的名詞是 "evolution",譬如 "The evolution of artificial intelligence is constantly raising new ethical questions." 人工智能的發展不斷引發新的倫理問題。
All right, friends, let’s talk about a high-protein diet now. John, before we start, we have to talk about the two different meanings of the word "diet."
Okay, let’s do it! First of all, a high-protein diet here has a specific definition: it is a special course of food with mostly meats or other sources of protein. That’s the high-protein diet—like a specific kind of eating pattern. But there’s another use for "diet." Exactly! The way that John just defined it means it’s a certain type of thing that you eat. So you could have all different types of diets, like a high-carb diet, a low-fat diet, or a keto diet. But you might be more familiar with the other use of this word: to go on a diet. If someone goes on a diet or is on a diet, it means that they are reducing the amount of food they are eating.
That’s right! So going on a diet is sometimes a way to get healthier. Also, we use the word "diet" sometimes with soda that has artificial sugar, right? That’s called "diet" soda.
Exactly! So keep in mind here as we go through our lesson, you will hear both of these definitions of this word used. But for our title, "high-protein diet," we’re talking about a very specific way of eating. Okay, so let’s start with the question in our text: How much is too much? Well, we read that news regarding nutrition and diet evolves over time. That means it changes, so it can be hard to keep up with.
"To keep up with" means to continue to be informed about a topic. So you can keep up with the news. If you keep up with something, it means that you maintain the same level as that other thing, like information. You could also keep up with things in other ways as well. For example, the reason I exercise is so that I can keep up with my kids. I want to have as much energy as they do.
We read here that this is especially true in the area of weight loss. Let’s talk about this for a moment. Weight loss is something you’ll read about all the time. Now, we’re not saying that anybody needs to lose weight, but weight loss just means a decrease in body weight. Sometimes it can be healthy; sometimes it can be unhealthy. And we read here that one thing many people who want to drop a few pounds choose is a diet high in protein.
Okay, we have a few interesting phrases in there.
That’s right! So we are talking about protein here. And John, do you have a definition for this word "protein"?
Yes! Okay, protein is, get ready, an organic compound—something natural that is part of living organisms, containing amino acids and often used to create the structure of the organism. So that just means it’s something in plants and animals that helps them have strength and shape. It’s got this thing called amino acid that your body needs to make its own muscles, bones, and structures.
That’s right! And protein is an essential component of a healthy diet or healthy way of eating. You have to have protein to stay alive. The word comes from the Greek word "protos," which means "first." Proteins, of which as many as 100,000 can be found in the typical human cell, are crucial for some of the body’s functions.
So if something is crucial, it means that it’s important, right?
Definitely! You really can’t do anything without it. I’m pretty sure we’ve seen this word before. You can say, "It’s absolutely crucial that you study for this test."
Well, now we know about proteins. We know that there are a lot of them in our cells. We’ll have to learn more about the typical protein diet in the next section of the reading.
A high-protein diet advises a person to get about 10 to 30 percent of their daily calories from protein, 45 to 65 percent from carbohydrates (carbs), and 25 to 35 percent from fat. However, a high-protein diet entails replacing most or all carbs with protein. If you decide to go on a high-protein diet, choose your protein carefully. One rule of thumb is to stay away from processed meat and eat lean beef and chicken, nuts, beans, fish, and low-fat dairy products.
再來看動詞 "entail",意思是使必要或牽涉。例如,"Moving to a new city entails adjusting to a different way of life." 搬到一個新城市必然要適應不同的生活方式。或是 "While the job offer sounds good, it entails long hours and a great deal of travel." 這份工作聽起來雖然不錯,但必須長時間工作且需要大量的出差。或是 "Learning a new language entails dedication and constant practice, but the rewards are worth it." 學習一門新語言必須全心投入和不斷地練習,但它的回報是值得的。
All right, let’s keep reading here, friends. A typical diet advises a person to get about 10 to 30 percent of their daily calories from protein. Let’s talk about this idea of daily calories.
Okay, your daily calories means the amount of energy that you take in during a day. Protein has calories, fat has calories, and then these things called carbohydrates also have calories. So we read that not only protein, but 45 to 65 percent should come from carbohydrates. So that means that about 45 to 65 percent of your daily calories should come from what we call carbs. And those are simple things like breads, pastas, and rice. They all have these simple sugars that your body really needs to produce energy.
That’s right! And carbs are what give you energy to live and be active. But a lot of times, if you eat too many carbs, they are also what make you gain weight. So we’re also talking about calories from fat here as well, which should be 25 to 35 percent of your diet.
Okay, so normally, it’s 10 to 30 percent of daily calorie intake from protein. However, a high-protein diet entails replacing most or all carbs with protein. So that means we’re going from 10 to 30 percent to up to maybe 80 or 90 percent of your calories coming from protein. Wow! So you’re going to have to change the way you eat.
Well, why? Are there any problems? Let’s read on. We read here that if you decide to go on a high-protein diet, choose your protein carefully. One rule of thumb is to stay away from processed meat and eat lean beef, chicken, nuts, beans, fish, and low-fat dairy products.
Okay, let’s talk about that list in a second. But what in the world does "rule of thumb" mean? Well, a rule of thumb is a broadly accurate guide or principle that’s based on practice rather than theory. So what that means is that this isn’t just a good idea; it means that this is kind of a tried-and-true method, and it’s usually something that most people know, or it’s a simple rule that everyone can follow. You know what? I remember that sometimes builders would use their thumb to measure what an inch is. It’s not really a specific rule, but I think that’s where that comes from—you measure things with your thumb.
There’s also a term here, "processed meat." What are processed meats?
All right, well, processed food in general is any food that has changed from its natural form. So, guys, we’re talking about hot dogs, sausage, and salami—these are all processed meats. They’re not really good for you. You know, it’s too bad that they’re not good for you because they can taste great. Pepperoni pizza is one of my favorite uses of processed meats, but it’s not that healthy. Our article here says it’s better to eat lean.
So what is "lean"? Well, "lean" is the idea that something is not only thin but doesn’t have a lot of fat on it. So you could become lean by exercising a lot, but it also means you don’t have a ton of muscle on you as well. So a lot of times, runners will be lean because they are in really good shape, but they also don’t have very big body masses.
I see. So lean meats, like lean beef and chicken, would have less fat than a high-fat version of beef. Chicken is a pretty lean meat.
Well, there are a lot of other things on our list there: nuts, beans, fish, and low-fat dairy products. I definitely prefer milk that’s whole fat milk, but in the States, we drank a lot of skim milk in my family. I like to eat Greek yogurt if I’m going to get my protein from dairy.
All right, friends, we have more to talk about in just a moment, right after today’s Infocloud!
Hello, friends!
Welcome to Infocloud! Hey!
Rex, do you know our intern Mary?
She is doing a really good job at the office.
She worked for two nights straight just to get all the scripts and schedules right.
She’s tough as nails!
I heard you used to be tough as nails when you were younger.
Well, a little bit. I would work all night at the office just to edit a video.
Over the years, I have learned to work smarter.
When someone is "tough as nails," it implies that they are mentally tough and have very strong willpower when they are trying to achieve a goal.
Just like steel nails that cannot be bent easily, a person who is tough as nails doesn’t change their mind or give up easily when they are trying to achieve something.
Would you say our founder Doris was tough as nails when she first arrived in Asia more than 70 years ago?
Yes, indeed! Back then, when everyone was trying to move to the U.S. for a better life, Doris did the opposite and moved to Asia to start Studio Classroom.
Well, friends, we need you to be tough as nails when you are going through challenges while learning English.
We believe anyone can learn to speak English well when they put in the effort and never give up.

tough as nails
當一個人在追求目標的時候,表現出堅韌不拔的精神,你可以用今天分享的用語 "tough as nails" 來形容他。
"nail" 是釘子,"tough" 有堅強的含義,"tough as nails" 就是像釘子一樣硬,不會輕易地彎曲,可以表達堅硬的性格。
Nate is tough as nails when working in the law firm.
Nate 在律師事務所工作時,表現得非常堅毅。
基本上 "tough as nails" 聽起來比較強烈,但用來形容一個人也算是正面的評價。
這就是今天的 InfoCloud,我們下次云端見!

A high-protein diet:
Although some diets call for cutting out carbohydrates altogether, keep some carbs that are high in fiber and nutrients, such as whole grains, vegetables, and fruit.
There are benefits to a high-protein diet.
Some types of proteins, like salmon, also provide healthy fats.
Digestion of protein requires your body to work hard, so you will also burn more calories when eating it.
接下來看 "fiber" 這個名詞,意思是纖維或蔬菜或水果中的纖維素。
譬如:Everyone needs to eat more fiber so they remain healthy.
或是:Amy is looking for a comfortable sweater made from natural fibers like cotton or wool.
Amy 正在找一件用棉花或羊毛等天然纖維製成的舒適毛衣。
或者是:The new Internet connection uses fiber optic cables for fast data transfer.
最後來看名詞 "digestion",意思是消化。
譬如:I should add more high-fiber food like beans to my diet for better digestion.
或是:Drinking plenty of water after a large meal helps with digestion.
"Digestion" 的動詞是 "digest",例如:Sarah ate a light lunch so her body could easily digest it before her afternoon workout.
Sarah 吃了一頓簡單的午餐,這樣在下午運動前身體才能夠輕鬆地消化。
All right, friends, we’ve got some interesting things to talk about in this next section.
Although some diets call for cutting out carbohydrates altogether, keep some carbs that are high in fiber and nutrients, such as whole grains, vegetables, and fruit.
Carbs are essential; you have to have carbs to have energy.
So we read here that some people say you should cut them out.
What do we mean by this, John?
If you cut something out, it means you get rid of it. You know, sometimes in English, we will just yell this by itself: "Cut it out!" That means stop doing it.
But here we’re talking about removing a part of something.
So, removing a part of your diet.
Exactly! For example, you could cut out caffeine or cut out coffee if you’re trying to reduce your anxiety.
All right, but we keep reading here and also see this word "nutrients."
Let’s talk about that for a moment.
Okay, nutrients are great! Nutrients are parts of food that your body needs.
They give you nutrition or healthy nourishment for your body.
So nutrients such as whole grains, vegetables, and fruit have a lot of nutrients.
With any diet, just be really careful and don’t be too extreme.
We also read that there are benefits to a high-protein diet.
There are! We read here that some types of proteins, like salmon, also provide healthy fats.
This is a great thing to do, friends, if you are trying to get at least one source of a nutrient from some type of food.
If that food type can also provide something else for you as well, that’s even better!
Here’s an example: salmon provides the protein that you need, but it also provides that healthy fat that your body needs.
One of my very favorite foods is salmon sashimi; it just looks so beautiful and has a lot of beautiful fat in it.
So my wife and I love fatty salmon, and it is delicious!
So maybe I should just switch to eating like a polar bear and only eat salmon.
I don’t think that would necessarily be super healthy either.
Usually, if you just eat one or two things for a diet, that diet is, first of all, not very healthy.
Well, I’ll try it. I’ll let you know how it goes.
Well, friends, last of all, we read a pretty interesting fact:
Digestion of protein requires your body to work hard, so you’ll also burn more calories when eating it.
Interesting! This is really interesting.
I guess for some people, struggling to digest things is a good thing.
I’m not sure; I think the point here is that burning calories can be a good thing if you’re on this diet because you want to focus on weight loss, which might not be for everyone.
But there are a lot of different verbs that we use with calories, as you see in our article.
You could burn calories if you are trying to lose weight; you might be reducing your calories or taking in fewer calories.
A lot of people also count calories.
So what does it mean if someone counts calories?
Counting your calories is when you keep track of how much you’ve eaten and think about it.
So I would encourage people: don’t stress too much about counting the calories.
Just find a lifestyle that’s active and be careful about what you eat.
There’s more to do than just eating.
We’ve got to be careful that we don’t eat the wrong things.
There’s a lot more to talk about with this really interesting topic.
Let’s think more about proteins in tomorrow’s lesson.
But for now, it’s time for our fun fact!
Oh, hello fact friends!
I am Detective Ernest Finder, and I have a fun fact for you today. Did you know that seaweed is a good source of protein?
It’s true! You know seaweed; it grows in the ocean like a weed.
Ah, to get enough protein from seaweed, though, you need to eat a lot of it.
I have some seaweed ice cream here.
I’m going to be so strong! And that is today’s fun fact.
Friends, are you ready for a quiz?
I am.
You are?
Okay, put your notes down then, friends. Put away your magazines.
Here’s the quiz for today:
A high-protein diet entails replacing most carbs with protein.
A high-protein diet explores replacing most carbs with protein.
A high-protein diet entails replacing most carbs with protein.
Or excludes replacing most carbs with protein.
Oh, I remember this word because it was hard!
A high-protein diet entails replacing most carbs with protein, right?
That’s exactly right!
So what this diet is all about is taking the calories that you usually get from your carbs and replacing them with calories that you get from protein.
Friends, this is a really interesting topic, and we’re definitely not done talking about it.
We’ll learn more about a high-protein diet and its pros and cons in tomorrow’s lesson.
Make sure you come back and join us right here on Studio Classroom!

A High Protein Diet 高蛋白飲食(下)
空中英語教室 20241026
Friends, welcome to Studio Classroom.
We’re so glad that you joined us for our lesson today.
My name is Ann Marie,
and my name is John. Friends,
today is a great day to learn something new,
so let’s do that together. First of all,
we want to review a little bit from our lesson yesterday,
where we talked about a high-protein diet.
What did we learn about yesterday, John?
Well, first of all, we learned
that it can be hard to keep up with the news about dieting
or weight loss.
It’s hard to know
what to think and what to follow.
There are a lot of different diets out there,
and not all of them are bad,
but many of them really aren’t that good. This diet here
that we’re talking about, a high-protein diet,
is the idea that you’re going to replace a lot of the carbs
that you would normally consume in a day with protein. Yes,
and we call that cutting something out. Here,
people advise cutting out some of your carbs and adding proteins,
but is this the right decision? Well,
we’ll talk a little bit more about the benefits or drawbacks,
which means the negative aspects of this high-protein diet.
Let’s do that together right now.
A high-protein diet,
generally speaking, eating more protein
helps you feel full longer due to the hunger hormone ghrelin,
which communicates to your stomach when you’re full or
hungry. Additionally,
you’ll stay fit by reducing
muscle loss or weakness caused by aging.
You can also expect a metabolism boost
and the ability to burn more calories.
One study showed that a high-protein group burned 260 calories
more than a low-protein group. With a higher intake of protein,
you might find your late-night cravings reduced as well.
Hello everyone,
welcome to Language Lab.
I’m Jack.
首先來看 metabolism 這個名詞,
比如 Regular exercise can help boost your metabolism,
leading to calories being burned more efficiently.
或是 During sleep,
your body’s metabolism slows down to conserve energy.
Metabolism 的動詞是 metabolize,
例如 Some medications take longer to work
because the body needs time to metabolize them.
接下來看名詞 intake,意思是攝入量,
例如 Doctors recommend watching your daily calorie
intake to maintain a healthy weight.
或是 The factory increased its water
intake to meet production demands.
或是 Many athletes
focus on increasing their protein
intake to aid in muscle recovery.
Thank you so much, Jack. All
right, friends,
let’s look at some of the positive things that result
from a high-protein diet.
We read here
that generally speaking, eating more protein helps you feel full
longer due to the hunger hormone ghrelin.
Let’s stop there for a minute
and talk about a few of these things. First of all,
here’s what a hormone is, friends:
hormones are chemical substances that act
like messengers in your body. Okay?
there are different kinds of hormones. You could always say, “Wow,
my hormones are so crazy,”
right now if your brain has a lot of things going on in it.
But there are different kinds of hormones, so today
we’re talking about hormones for your digestive system.
That means the parts of you
that are used to eat food
and tell your brain that you need to stop or keep eating.
So, protein helps you feel full.
We also learned about this hormone ghrelin;
it communicates to your stomach when you’re full or hungry.
Did you know that your stomach has nerves in it?
It’s so interesting! Your stomach actually knows a lot of times
if it needs more food or not.
I always think of it as the brain,
but a lot of those nerve endings are actually in your stomach.
it’s pretty crazy,
and it’s kind of cool
how we’re designed. We also read about the high-protein diet:
additionally, you’ll stay fit by reducing
muscle loss or weakness caused by aging. Okay?
We’re all getting older.
None of us are going to be able to stay fit forever,
and so to stay fit means to keep in shape,
to be able to be active. Yeah, for me, exercising a few times
a week helps me stay fit and active. Okay?
But we also see this idea of aging here. Now,
aging here is used as a noun,
but this word can also be used as an adjective.
For example, you could refer to the aging population,
the part of society that is getting older.
But aging
here is just talking about that process of getting older.
It’s happening to all of us. Yes,
we are. Well, friends,
what else can this high-protein diet do besides helping us stay fit and be less hungry?
Well, we also expect a metabolism boost
and the ability to burn more calories.
We read a lot about calories yesterday.
You can count calories,
and now we read that you can burn calories.
That means to use the sugars in food
and turn them into energy for doing things. That’s right.
So we’re talking about some studies that have been done now
about this.
One study showed that a high-protein group burned 260 calories
more than a low-protein group.
So, a lot of times, if you are concerned with weight
loss or burning your calories through exercise,
this is what you’re paying attention to, right?
The type of exercise is going to burn a
certain number of calories,
and the idea here
is that people who were on a high-protein diet
burn more calories
than those who were not on a high-protein diet. That’s right.
We use that word group
when we’re talking about scientific studies
that are comparing two different groups of people
or collections of people
that are taking this test. As much as counting
calories can be helpful,
I think the best way to lose weight is always going to
be to enjoy being active.
It’s so fun to eat good food.
It’s not always fun to work out and eat in moderation,
as well. Yeah, eating in moderation
just means not going to extremes in either direction.
All right, that being said,
let’s continue on here with a higher intake of protein.
You might find your late-night cravings reduced as well.
I am very familiar with cravings.
I have recently gone through several pregnancies.
As you all know,
when people are pregnant,
they experience a lot of cravings.
A craving is a powerful desire for something, especially
when you’re talking about food.
Sometimes you get a food in your mind,
and you really have to have it.
What kind of cravings do you get?
I know for my wife, when she was pregnant, she craved spicy chips.
Spicy chips! Spicy chips are pretty good.
Yeah, well, friends,
we’ll talk a lot more about protein.
It’s going to be time to talk about the downsides of
protein or the drawbacks to consider.
Let’s read together right now.
A high-protein diet
has its drawbacks to consider.
Since carbs are frequently cut out,
you may not get enough dietary fiber.
As a result,
you may experience headaches and problems with your colon.
Additionally, those with chronic diseases
such as kidney disease may see their condition worsen
due to excess protein. Loss of body fluids can become a problem
because your kidneys will have to use a lot of water to flush out
the extra nitrogen
found in protein.
Any excess protein is converted to a simple sugar,
which causes problems for those with diabetes. Plus,
if you consume
too much red meat for a long time, you put yourself at risk for cancer.
我們再來看 convert 這個動詞,意思是轉換,
例如 During digestion, our bodies convert carbohydrates into sugar, which is our main energy source.
或是 The old building was converted into a modern art gallery.
Ruth converted her dollars into yen 
before her trip to Japan.
Ruth 去日本旅行前,把美元兌換成日元。
Okay, friends,
let’s keep reading here. There are also drawbacks to consider.
You’ve heard us say this word a few times now,
friends: drawback, downside.
A drawback is a feature that makes something less acceptable
or it makes it some type of disadvantage.
So the point here is that a high-protein diet,
while it has a lot of good sides to it,
has some problems as well.
Yeah, a problem. Oftentimes,
we use this word drawbacks when we’re talking about
buying something or starting something.
There are two words in there, right? Draw and back.
Sometimes we can use this phrase as a verb, to draw back.
You could say, “Oh,
I had to draw back from that group of friends
when they got into bad habits.”
So it means to move away from something. So here,
there are drawbacks to this diet.
Maybe it’s not for you or for everyone, and we read, of course,
that since carbs are frequently cut out, what happens?
Well, you might not be getting enough dietary fiber.
The thing about carbs is yes,
it includes bread and pasta,
but it also includes fruits
and vegetables—very, very necessary things
in your diet to get you plenty of vitamins and minerals,
and also, as we see here, dietary fiber.
As a result,
you may experience headaches and problems with your colon.
John, what is our colon?
It’s like the end of your digestive system.
So if you’re not digesting things
properly, it can really be painful.
So really, it’s important to eat fiber
so that you can keep eating and be healthy.
And we also read something very important again...
Anne Marie and I are not doctors yet. Uh, additionally, those with chronic diseases, such as kidney disease, may see their condition worsen due to excess protein. "Excess" means too much—there’s that fancy word there. Chronic, what does that mean?
Yeah, so if a disease is chronic or a problem is chronic, it means that it’s persisting for a long time or it’s a problem that constantly comes up. Now, we use a couple of different words to talk about diseases or illnesses. Chronic is one word; we could also talk about acute problems as well. If you have an acute health issue, it means that it comes on very suddenly, and it’s usually very intense, but it doesn’t always last a long time. So this is the opposite here: chronic disease. For example, kidney disease. A lot of protein is not good for kidney disease, okay? Because your kidneys need to filter things, right?
And we read here that loss of bodily fluids can become a problem because your kidneys will have to use a lot of water to flush out the extra nitrogen found in protein. Fluid is like water; your body has different kinds of fluids. If something gets flushed out normally, it means it gets moved out quickly, like in the toilet, right? But your body also needs to flush out bad things from the body.
That’s right. So you might hear the doctor tell you when you are sick to make sure you drink a lot of water to ensure you flush out all of the illness or anything in your body that needs to come out. But we also see this word nitrogen here. Can you explain that to us for a moment, John?
Okay, last time we had a fancy scientific word: amino acid. Amino acids create proteins; they’re these little molecules. But nitrogen is actually the chemical in amino acids. So especially plants really need nitrogen from the soil because that nitrogen gets turned into proteins that animals like us eat.
Well, friends, we also read here that any excess protein is converted to a simple sugar, which causes problems for those with diabetes. Again, diabetes is a chronic or long-term condition where it’s hard to process sugar. Your body has a hard time; it can be very dangerous. So again, we’re not encouraging people to go on a high-protein diet, but it’s definitely something that you’ll read about. Definitely.
So what we are looking at now is the use of this word "excess." We saw it earlier when we were talking about excess protein a few sentences earlier, and we’re doing it again here: any excess protein is converted to a simple sugar. So as we said earlier, "excess" just means that there’s too much of something or more than you want of something.
Yeah, normally it’s a negative, right? Sometimes we even say to do something in excess. You can say, “Well, don’t eat in excess; it would be too much,” or you can say, “Well, I exercised in excess; I’m way too tired today.”
Okay, so how does this section end? We read, "Plus, if you consume too much red meat for a long time, you put yourself at risk for cancer." So as we can see here, friends, as we read earlier, there were some pros to this diet, but there are also some cons. You need to consult your doctor or your nutritionist if you want to go on any type of extreme diet. Don’t take it from us; we are just English teachers.
All right, we have a little bit more to talk about here in a moment, but right now it’s time for today’s InfoCloud.
Hello, friends! Welcome to InfoCloud.
Hey, Garrett, have you seen the look on Danny’s face? Do you know what happened then?
Yeah, his dad’s company closed down recently; his family is in a lot of debt right now. They have hit rock bottom.
Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. For you to say they have hit rock bottom means the situation is really serious for Danny’s family.
Yes, "rock bottom" refers to the lowest level on earth. To hit rock bottom means to be in the worst situation. But I have to say, sometimes things are not what they seem to be. If you look on the bright side, maybe this could be a turning point in a person’s life that could lead to a bright future.
I am so glad you said that. We’ve heard stories of business people who have hit rock bottom, but they become very successful later on in life. I might add that hitting rock bottom can be a valuable life experience that can help a person become much stronger in the end. So friends, if you are facing some challenges in life right now, be encouraged that this could turn out to be a valuable learning experience for you.

hit rock bottom
我們都知道,失敗和挫折是人生的一大課題。我們都必須學習如何面對。今天跟大家分享的用語是「hit rock bottom」。
「rock」是岩石,「bottom」是底層,「hit rock bottom」有跌到谷底的含義。當一個人「hit rock bottom」,那就代表他正在一個非常失敗的情況當中,看起來似乎沒什麼希望。
When Danny’s business failed, he hit rock bottom.
這就是今天的 InfoCloud,我們下次云端見。

A high-protein diet: the bottom line is to be sensible about what you eat because you want to support your health, whether you want to lose weight or not.
最後來看「bottom line」這個名詞,意思是底線或最重要的事實。譬如,Bill 和 Mary 討論了派對的各種方案,但他們的底線是必須控制在預算範圍內。
或是,whether our new energy-efficient refrigerator will save us money in the long run is our bottom line for buying it.
或是,the teacher encouraged creativity, but the bottom line was that the students had to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts.
Okay, friends, let’s see how our lesson ends here. We read, "The bottom line is to be sensible about what you eat." Stop there for a moment and talk about this idea of being sensible. If you’re being sensible, it means you have or contain good sense or you’re just doing things according to reason.
That’s right; sometimes we use a phrase: common sense, like "use common sense." It just means the right decision that everybody should kind of already know. That’s right; we use common sense to talk about things that are maybe common knowledge. Most people know them and should be able to make those types of good decisions.
So be sensible about what you eat. Why? Because you want to support your health, whether you want to lose weight or not. This is such a good point to make, John, because I feel like a lot of times, when people think about eating healthy or cutting carbs, the main reason they want to do it is because they want to lose weight, or the main reason it’s talked about is for weight loss. But there are so many other reasons to be healthy.
Yeah, I think it’s really important, especially if this is something you struggle with. Don’t worry about losing weight or how you look. It’s just really important to be healthy. Make sure you live in a way where you’re able to stay active for a long time. Exactly; you want to treat yourself well. You want to respect yourself. You want to make sure that you have the energy to do the things that you want to do because our bodies are very important. They were given to us, and we need to take care of them.
All right, friends, we’ll be right back in just a moment after today’s fun fact.
Hello, fact friends! I am Detective Ernest Finder, and I have a fun fact for you. Today, did you know that animal protein is the easiest way to get protein? Since most plants don’t have all the kinds of protein you need, you can still eat only plants, but you have to eat more and different kinds. But animals do not like it when you try to eat them for protein and will try to run away. Plants are easy to catch, so your choice: how will you get your protein? That’s today’s fun fact.
It’s time to talk about our "Talk About It" question here. It is: would you ever go on a high-protein diet? Why or why not?
Would I ever go on a high-protein diet? I think the answer is yes, but you want to do everything in moderation and use common sense or be sensible. So there might be a time where for a short time you can try one diet or another, but always be really careful.
And I would really encourage you, friends: don’t be too worried about what you eat or what you do. It can be really easy to put too much of your time trying to look good or perfect, and you end up missing out on a lot of joy in life.
That’s right; we don’t need to focus on what we look like but how we feel. If a high-protein diet helps you feel better, maybe this is something that you could try. Friends, talk about that in English, and we’ll see you next time right here on Studio Classroom. Bye-bye!

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