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A Private Tutor or a Small Tutor Group?
2024/10/24 15:38:16瀏覽25|回應0|推薦0
A Private Tutor or a Small Tutor Group?
大家說英語 20241024
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Hello friends!
Welcome to "Let’s Talk in English." My name is Esther.
And my name is Garrett. Today we bring you a "Which is Better" lesson.
And which is better?
Today’s lesson is called "A Private Tutor or a Small Tutor Group."
Hmm, these are two different ways to learn things, but they both have the word "tutor" in them. Sometimes you spend a lot of time in class learning something, but you still can’t figure it out. You need more help outside of class, so you will get someone else to teach you. This teacher is called a tutor 個別指導. T-U-T-O-R. It’s not your teacher at school. What they are doing is called tutoring. But do you want to meet with them just by yourself or with some other students as well? Which is better, right?
If you want to meet with them by yourself, one-on-one, then we call that a private tutor because that’s for you. But if you use this tutor or have them teach you with other people, then that’s called a small tutor group. Now, friends, which do you think is better?
Today we’ll give you some good things and bad things, and now let’s go to our reading.
Sometimes students need help with their studies. They can hire a private tutor or join a small tutor group. You can meet with a private tutor at your convenience. The tutor focuses on your needs. It’s easy to ask questions and work at your own speed. But good tutors can be expensive and hard to find.
In a small tutor group, you can learn from other students ideas and questions. The students push each other to do better. Group classes are cheaper too, since more people help pay for the tutor. But you don’t get as much individual attention. Everyone’s learning speed is different. You may feel the group is too fast or too slow for you.
Thanks, Garrett!
Now let’s go to our "Find It" question.
Our question is: What is it easy to do with a private tutor?
Find the answer. Now let’s go to Sonya.
Sam asked Sarah if she had ever hired a private tutor.
Did you ever hire a private tutor?
名詞 "private" 就是 "私人的"。
It’s easy to work at your own speed. 形容詞 "own" 就是 "自己的"。
They are cheaper than a private tutor. 形容詞 "cheap" 就是 "便宜的"。
But you don’t get as much individual attention. 形容詞 "individual" 就是 "個人的"。
The group might be too fast or too slow for me. 形容詞 "slow" 就是 "緩慢的"。
Did you ever hire a private tutor, Sarah?
No, but I did join some small tutor groups.
I’m thinking of getting a tutor.
A tutor could focus on my needs. We could meet at my convenience.
But private tutors can be expensive.
Good ones may be hard to find.
But it’s easy to ask questions and work at your own speed with a tutor.
That’s very helpful.
Now, today Sam starts by asking Sarah a question.
He asks, "Did you ever hire a private tutor, Sarah?"
Did she ever hire a private tutor?
I imagine that Sam is asking if Sarah hired or paid money for a private tutor to teach Sarah’s children, right?
Because Sarah is a mother now. We talked about the word "tutor."
A tutor is like a teacher, but you hire them to teach you what you are learning.
You are not in a big class when you have a tutor.
That word "private" has a couple of different meanings. It could mean something that’s owned by a person and not the government, but that’s not what we mean here. Here, it’s just a very small group. It’s separate from a big classroom. It might be just yourself or just a couple of people.
Sarah says that she has not hired a private tutor, but she did join some small tutor groups.
So when Sarah was a student, she paid money, and there was a tutor who taught her and her other classmates or friends.
Well, Sam is also thinking about this. He’s thinking of getting a tutor.
He says that a tutor could focus on his needs.
Yeah, sometimes when you’re in a class of 30 people, the teacher is teaching everyone at the same time.
But what they’re teaching might not be helpful specifically for you, right?
And Sam says he wants to get a tutor because he can also meet the tutor at his convenience.
"At your convenience" is when it is okay, when the time works for you.
Sonia, can you help us with this phrase?
We could meet at my convenience.
片語 "at ones convenience" 指在某人方便合適的時候。
例句:We can schedule the meeting at their convenience.
或是 "she will talk to us at her convenience."
再一句:I can help you, but only at my convenience.
Thank you, Sonia!
But Sarah reminds Sam that private tutors can be expensive.
You need to pay a lot of money for good private tutors, right?
You’re the only one paying them if you’re their only student, so the cost is going to be higher.
Especially if it’s a good tutor, right?
Because good ones, or good tutors, may be hard to find.
You might want to find a tutor for math or whatever subject you’re having a hard time with, but you can’t find the right person.
Well, friends, we found the right person to answer our "Find It" question: it’s you!
Here’s our question: What is it easy to do with a private tutor?
It’s easy to ask questions and work at your own speed.
That’s right! You can ask as many questions as you want, and you can learn faster or slower.
You don’t need to worry about other students, right?
That’s what it means to learn at your own speed.
"Your own" means yourself.
You might say, "This is my own piece of writing. This is what I wrote by myself."
Or "This is my own pen. It doesn’t belong to you."
Yes, and having a tutor who can answer the questions you have and letting you work at your own speed is very helpful.
Well, friends, it’s time for us to take a quick break.
We will be back with more on those small study groups in just a moment.
Just after this.
Let’s talk in English every day, every day!
That’s the way.
Welcome back!
When you hire a private tutor or a tutor for a small tutor group, you’re hiring one teacher to teach you what you want the teacher to teach.
Yeah, remember, you can learn at your own speed and learn the subjects that you want to learn.
This is different from going to an after-school class or a class at a cram school because there you’re learning what they have decided they want to teach.
So which is better?
Oh, friends, there are good things for all different kinds of people.
Let’s keep learning in the rest of our conversation.
Small tutor groups are helpful too.
They are cheaper than a private tutor, but you don’t get as much individual attention.
But you can learn from other students ideas and questions, true.
Other students could also push me to do better.
But everyone’s learning speed is different.
The group might be too fast or too slow for me.
Try both, then you can decide.
Now, because Sarah has hired a tutor for a small group, she knows what is good.
Yeah, she says that they are helpful too, just like a private tutor, and they’re cheaper too, right?
If something is cheaper, it means compared to something else, you pay less money.
If something is cheap, you don’t pay too much money for it.
Yeah, with these small tutor groups, the tutor might be getting the same amount of money or even more.
But because there are so many people paying together, each person pays less, so it’s cheaper.
But Sam tells us what he thinks is not so good about having these small tutor groups.
He says, "You don’t get as much individual attention."
Again, that word "individual" here is like the word "own" that we used earlier.
Individual attention is attention on you.
So you won’t be able to constantly ask questions. The other students want to ask too, right?
If you have a question but other people are not interested in it, then you might not be able to ask your question.
But Sarah tells us what she thinks is good about having small tutor groups.
She says you can learn from other students ideas and questions.
They might think of things that you didn’t, and those things might help you in your learning.
And Sam agrees.
He says other students could push me to do better.
Now, we know the word "push" means to move from one place to another.
But here, "push" means to encourage.
Yeah, you might think of pushing a door open.
Well, here it is like someone else, like your friends, are pushing you towards success.
They’re saying you can do it and helping you get towards your goals.
Here’s Sonia for more on this.
Other students could also push me to do better.
動詞 "push" 在這裡是催促、迫使或給對方壓力的意思。
來看例句:The teacher pushed us to work faster.
"Push" 也有推或推己的意思。
來看例句:He pushed open the door and walked in.
或是:We pushed our way through the crowd.
Thank you, Sonia!
Well, remember earlier we said that when you have a private tutor, you can learn at your own speed.
Maybe you want to learn faster because it’s easy, or slower because you don’t quite understand what you’re learning.
So when you join a small tutor group, you need to learn at everyone’s speed.
The group might be too fast. They might be learning too much information, and it’s too fast for you to understand.
Or they might be going too slow. When you’re going slow, you’re walking slowly, or you’re just learning slowly.
That would mean you’re not going through as much information, right?
It might also mean that it is too easy for you.
It’s not challenging enough.
Well, Sarah gives Sam a tip.
She says that he should try both.
He should try hiring a private tutor and also joining a small tutor group.
Then after he does that, he can decide.
"Try both."
"Try both" 是 "兩個都是"。
Which is better: chicken or fish? Try both!
Which is better: soup or salad? Try both!
Which is better: cake or pie? Try both!
Then eat what you like and I’ll eat the rest. Hee hee! Deal?
Yeah, try both!
Sam might not know which one is better until he tries both.
Maybe you can do this, or maybe you’d have to sign up for a longer period, especially with a small tutor group.
So make sure you communicate or talk with the tutor sometimes.
When you hire a tutor or join a small tutor group, you can just sign up for one trial or one class where you try it out first.
Well, friends, it’s time now to review our keywords.
Here is our first keyword: private.
"Private" — this is private information.
Own — having your own car is convenient.
Cheap — this sure was cheap; it was only ten dollars.
Individual — I talked to each individual student.
Slow — this bus is really slow, friends.
Those are today’s keywords. Keep learning!
And now it’s your turn.
The keywords for today are private, own, cheap, individual, and slow.
Now it’s your turn to use them in a sentence.
First one: Can you make your food?
Good job! Can you make your own food?
Next: Let’s get some food.
Correct! Let’s get some cheap food.
Next: We went on a walk around the park.
You got it! We went on a slow walk around the park.
Next: What are their needs?
You’re right! What are their individual needs?
Last one: This is her room.
That’s correct! This is her private room. Excellent job, everyone!
Come back again for your turn.
Did you ever hire a private tutor, Sarah?
No, but I did join some small tutor groups.
I’m thinking of getting a tutor.
A tutor could focus on my needs.
We could meet at my convenience.
But private tutors can be expensive.
Good ones may be hard to find.
But it’s easy to ask questions and work at your own speed with a tutor.
That’s very helpful!
Small tutor groups are helpful too.
They are cheaper than a private tutor, but you don’t get as much individual attention.
But you can learn from other students ideas and questions, true.
Other students could also push me to do better.
But everyone’s learning speed is different.
The group might be too fast or too slow for me.
Try both, then you can decide.
Ginger, what’s wrong? Are you okay?
No, I’m not okay. I need help.
What kind of help?
Help with my studies. I need a private tutor, Ginger.
Private tutors can be expensive.
But I can ask questions and get special attention.
Hmm, Ginger.
Good tutors are hard to find, especially for monkeys.
Well, but I need help. What can I do?
What can I do?
Ah, join a study group! That’s cheaper.
Well, that’s true, and I can learn from other monkeys.
Hmm, that’s right! They’ll push you to do better.
But everyone’s learning speed is different.
But hey, I have an idea! You can be my private tutor!
Me? But yes!

hit the books
You problem-solve! No, two times two...
Four times four...
I need help with my studies! What should I do?
Well, maybe you can find a tutor.
A tutor?
Or join a small study group.
A study group?
Hmm, of course, you also need to hit the books! That’s an important way to learn.
Hit the books?
I can do that! No problem!
Wait! What are you doing?
I’m hitting the books!
You just said that it’s an important way to learn!
No, no! You don’t actually hit the books! It’s an English idiom!
Hit the books?
Oh, interesting idiom!
What does it mean?
Well, to hit the books just means you study really hard!
Study really hard?
Yes! When you hit the books, you study hard. You study all your lessons!
Oh, that’s not easy!
Oh, you get serious! You study hard!
That’s no fun!
But that’s how you learn!
You need help with your studies, so hit the books! Study, study, study more!
Okay, but it’s easier to hit the books like this!
No! Stop! That isn’t going to help!
And besides, these books belong to the library!
Oh yeah!

Now, we talked about hiring a tutor, but when do people hire tutors often?
It’s because they have some important goal that’s coming up.
Maybe an important test that they really need to pass, or they’re just learning something for fun, and there are no available classes to take.
All right! I’m curious about why Sam wants to hire a tutor.
I think I’ll go ask him after work.
Good idea! Friends, we’ll see you again tomorrow right here on "Let’s Talk in English." Goodbye!

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